Average /r/inceltears users

1  2019-12-05 by professorshillphd


This has it all!

The footage of them walking kind of scares me. The black t-shirt guy is not into it. Look at his face. His name is Ethan. Mark will leave next. Poor Travis. He has some bad teeth but seems smart. I suppose different strokes for different folks.

It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Average /r/inceltears users - archive.org, archive.today

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Bruh 😂

Pizza, what's your stance on the inceltears problem?

They're too old for him.

forced meme tbqhwy

stick to dabbing on fatties your takes --

oh wait this is a pretty good take

Lmfao at the chick who says she’s her “brother”. Imagine spawning these pukes 😂


Look at how many times it had to be reiterated.

‘My OLDER BROTHER instincts kicked in’

Who talks like that? Lmao

Who talks like that?

A mentally ill weirdo who thinks that repeating something a billion times makes it true

Who talks like that?

Sisters who want to be brothers.

I doubt this is what anyone here really wants. Kinda sad.

Except the foid.

Dunno about that. I'm sure she enjoys it but I doubt she finds it ideal if she's honest with herself. But what do I know.

Foid? Honest with herself?

Jokes on her because she's about to be raising 5 children.

They admitted to all being jealous most of the time. But fuck monogomy!

Drama supporting incels, imagine my surprise. Try not to commit any mass shootings over your blue balls.

I am a man going my own way, thank you very much.

Yes, you have a girlfriend who manages the fry machine at McDonalds.

Mgtow is the beacon of light to male freedom time to redefine what are contribution to society means. Whether without it we fall we can pick up the pieces and the few men left can have their own herims but will probably choose lifebots as our partners by then once the scientists get the blowjob feature bug smoothed out


Travis encouraged it despite being the only one at first. Somebody is a huge cuck

I mean look at him. Dude looks like he was moulded out of soy. He knew full well he'd either have to accept her cucking him or potentially living out the rest of his life as an incel.

Die alone on your feet or die pleasing your bull on your knees

Meanwhile perfectly decent looking skinny men cant get a date even if their life depended on it.

perfectly decent looking skinny


the real cope is always in the comments

Have you tried taking a shower?

I have never once heard this piece of advise in my life. I am now a casanova

Well there's gotta be something wrong with you fess up

Clean your penis, bucko.

I don't know who you are talking about, I'm 45, married and could still be dating girls 20 years younger than me if I wanted to. You just aren't interesting enough.

senior citizens get college bussy on the regular and these dudes watch 20 hrs of anime a day wondering why they virgins lmao

High test boomers BTFOing the average young 'male'

As a decent looking skinny man I’ve never had any trouble dating from about 18 onward. If you are having significant problems you’re probably just don’t have anything else going for you.

These moids are the lowest moids on the totem poll. That foid (despite being a 3/10 at best) has more value then all of them put together. I've literally known 8 year olds that had bigger balls then these losers

The ginger at least attempted a sense of fashion though

just stop being a fag


Why do they always look like that

serious answer: the people who are part of these "alternative lifestyle" groups (poly, LGBT, etc) usually come from a really shitty background. Either they were sexually or emotionally mistreated as children, bullied in school for being ugly, etc. They grow up and find that they don't fit in society and never will. So they search out these alt groups full of losers like them. Groups that accept them. Once they're in these insular groups they don't feel the need to appease greater society by working on themselves to achieve any kind of mainstream ideal - whether its good looks or good fashion or whatever.

For similar reasons you'll find that most committed redditors are ugly as sin. Because reddit is a haven for those who don't get along with normal folks. Go spy on a reddit meetup sometime, all the women are gargantuan messes and all the men are either obese or lanky with nothing in between. And of course everyone is socially grating.

Not even trying to do a hot take here, this is literally the reason why they all look like that.

In a more civilized time we would have exiled or killed them tbh

that mans titties are literally sad

Physical manifestations of low testosterone and poor diet.


Chris kinds cute ngl

He's giving off some real Chad vibes. Last one to the party, but first to get her pregnant. Soon enough he will lay claim to his woman and kick the other men boys out of the house.

they knew it was his kid cause he was the only one fuckin too lmaooooo

I think that's just the cheerleader effect of Chads happening. The Chadleader effect.

the current status of the white man

"man" is a stretch

She must have a fetish for premature balding and patchy beards.

She must have a fetish for premature balding and patchy beards soy.



is it soy? They straight up look like old fashioned nerds or autists

How do you think we get those? Momma drinks the soy milk while pregnant.

This is why we unironically need Sharia Law

Humans are by nature jealous and hierarchical creatures, which is why the hippie communes were doomed to fail. This relationship will surely follow suit.

I see a murder suicide happening.

And that's a good thing

glad to see you side with us incels pizzashill.

I think I'm bound by Reddit TOS not to say what I'd like about this.

the worst part is they are breeding.

One of them is...

Pizza is the quiet one on the left with the black painted fingernails

Love doesn’t judge but Allah does🙏🏻🙏🏻


A mullato baby would be the cherry on top


Jesus actual Christ.

A little bottom surgery and this could be you Lawlz, just saying.

Is this like a sitcom or sketch comedy?

The guy holding her hand across the other dude... Fucking wokies.

It's like a permanent reddit meetup.

Truly a fate worse than death.

>Stack of DnD books

Fucking fitting the stereotype.

God, I hate dnd now.

its ok, theres still plenty of wholesome (woman-hating) dnd groups out there 🤗

Ironically, the group I run a game for is all women atm.

Unironically these people should not be allowed to have kids. That poor kid should be taken from them and given to some nice middle class husband and wife who cant convince on their own.

That kid literally has no chance. It is going to be so unbelievably fucked up and probably shoot his/her school up eventually. And i wouldnt even blame him/her for it.

Are we siding with incels now?

I'm making fun of incels. /r/inceltears is literally an incel sub.

"I'm her older brother"

Ah, I see disappointment runs in the family.