Pajeets and redditors sling shit in /r/news after a rape victim gets set on fire on the way to their court hearing

1  2019-12-05 by The_Live_Ghost


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Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Pajeets and redditors sling shit in... -,

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RagnarFromRust 18 points an hour ago in america, most men love, respect and honor women greatly. You are our mothers, our sisters, our co workers and our friends. Dont forget that. Internet culture is a lot of countries mashed together. The west is pretty great in reality.

Jesus H Christ someone fetch me some bleach.

Men love and respect women so much in the West, they become women!

if you can't get a woman, BECOME the woman. it's foolproof!

Based comment

No mention of daughters, not nearly the top cuck.

honor women greatly

I don't even honor men, my equals.

men, my equals.


children aren't even your equals.

Not all moids are bitter.

Arranged marriage sounds like a pretty comfy system sometimes.

Superpower 2020 btw

And right on schedule with like 25 days to go

It's postponed FYI. We are making some changes since our code base completely got corrupted.

Acche din aa Raha he

One thing these people do when they come to Canada is they get their wives to go for a fucking ultrasound and if it's a female, they just elect for abortion.

Even here, the number of streetshit boys is out of balance.

It's just so insane...

This is my favorite fun fact to mention to pro-choice feminists the ambivalent seething is glorious.

Based and day-after-pilled

The Brits were right

Where's the drama? All I see is circlejerking about how backwards India is.

India caused this problem because everyone wanted boys over girls. Now they have 37 million more men than women so their precious boys are in for a lifetime of misery and solitude which we know will lead to wonderful outcomes, like this bullshit.

Hits blunt

Just fuck all those dudes if they're so hard up for sex

I love the implication that not getting enough gussy will just turn a guy into a murdering rapist.

where's the lie tho?

It's the naked truth tho.

On a side note thanks to immigration we got like 1.1 moid for every foids in yurop. I am sure this won't go wrong in any meaningfull way.

Ay, yo, hol up, you're noticing a coincidence there. That's dangerous thinking.

Unironically, polycels are the answer. If a foid fuck 4 moids, gender ratio do not matter. So are gays for the same reason.

What I am saying is if you want to prevent a revolution, you better taste the cum of another moid.

No, the answer is moids killing each other over foids. Or another huge war to kill off a lot of men and let the rest live like kings.

Gotta direct that gorilla dick energy somewhere.

Street shitters and tech support doing more depraved fucked up shit

Wow I never saw this coming.

Holy fuck, they managed to turn it into another complain about burgerland thread so quickly. Foids in the US live a safe as all fuck life yet think they’re in a warzone.

Poo in loo