It begins. šŸ˜ˆ

1  2019-12-05 by Ghdust3


His test results were 100% fagginosis, and a partial Tardination of the Brain Ganglia. The boards verdict is repeated quadrasperg alignments.


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Fucking lol

This bot is on a fucking roll today.

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Drumph is surely finished this time!


Blormpf will be locked up by next year!

More likely NY will handle that once heā€™s not president anymore.

He moved to Florida retard. NY can't do shit and will forget about him a year after he leaves office.

Do you think moving states and not even that changing his ā€œprimary residenceā€ means other states youā€™ve been in canā€™t charge you with crimes youā€™ve committed there?

Do you think Republican-ass Florida is gonna to let the NYPD come into Florida to arrest a former President over paying Stormy Daniels to shut the fuck up?

Jurisdiction is a thing.

Yeah De Santis isnā€™t gonna extradite Trump lol

Extradite? He moved to another state in the same country, not fucking Ecuador.

You get extradited from state to state as well. If you get charged in Cali but live in New Hampshire. New Hampshire can have your extradited if presented with an out of state arrest warrant.

Itā€™s outlined in the constitution in regards to interstate extradition. But laws do very by state. Florida will not extradite for any misdemeanors for instance.

Is anyone seriously following this aside from twitter nerds? No one is getting impeached because nothing ever happens.

Bill Clinton was impeached, he just didn't get the conviction. You need to get the house and Senate to vote on the charges to actually remove someone from office. It probably would have happened to Nixon but he resigned first.

I think the goal here is just to get the hearing to interfere with the upcoming election, not to remove him from office.

No, Iā€™d say most people donā€™t give a shit.

I swear most of you are real life idiots. Impeachment happens in the House. Heā€™s getting impeached.


The house has a majority of Democrats. It will be a party line vote and he will be impeached. He wonā€™t be removed from office because the senate will vote against it. Why is this so hard to grasp?



Do explain to me how the Democrat controlled House can't or won't impeach him.

Impeachment means nothing if he is saved by the senate like the other clown stated, once again proving my point that nothing ever happens.

Yes, I'm aware of that. The previous poster said impeachment requires the House.

Damn you're stupid as fuck. He won't be removed, but the DEMOCRAT house will impeach him.

Woah dude really?? thats a crazy ass impeachment.. he wont be removed tho?? woah insane impeachment that totally matters i just got blown out.

It's just to troll daddy

Democraps making him SEETHE 24/7 just by doing it



jesus christ this shit just needs to die

just like white people tbh

It never even began