NoFap warns the zoomers of Fortnite about the dangers of jerking off

1  2019-12-05 by reptilia987


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Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. NoFap warns the zoomers of Fortnite... -,

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Imagine living a lonely sedentary life for a decade and then thinking your problems are due to jacking it.

I knew a guy like this. Didn't study at all during uni, never took care of himself, only played video games. He blamed all his problems on masturbation so he kept trying to quit it only to fail. He actually thought if he didn't fap he'd somehow turn his life around 🤣🤣🤣

Like if he put that much effort into picking up a book maybe he wouldn't be such a stupid fuck

Anyway now he's a unemployed weeb who role plays as a child and still mooches of his parents

put that much effort into picking up a book

Sounds like he should've read Harry Potter.

"I'm overweight, immobile, depressed, jobless, and my days are spent playing the newest first person shooter. The problem is that I beat off every now and again."

Nofappers lives don't matter.

Dare you go to a semen retention video on YouTube and comment that.

I remeber a time where these sorts of people only existed at airports even though they weren't flying.

This is gold, not only is the guy constantly wasting timeposting on nofap, hes also a semen retention spiritual nut.

Also lmao, imagine not thinking that your real problem is your addiction to the vidya, which proven to be a mental illness.

I’ve yet to waste any time on the topic. Keep commenting and living on Reddit every single day though.

It’s all balance brother :)

The opposite is true, like a muscle it's a case of lose it or use it.

People fap for 10 years and this shit starts to happen. Why you think people are bald in their early 20s and shit.

Lol if this were true I would be the fucking poster child for alopecia universalis.