Virginia sheriffs department promises not to enforce any gun laws new state leadership passes, wine moms mad.

1  2019-12-05 by unrulyfarmhand


“The second amendment says you can only have guns for the purposes of a militia, gun nuts 😏”


FBI and Nat guard if they decide to get violent arrests the police who won’t enforce the law? Nothing new there.

but deputizing citizens is perfectly legal

They aren’t citizens, they’re terrorists and criminals.

I thought we were all for the common working man being armed, big guy

Arguing that criminals should be stripped of citizen status? When did you get so based 😮😮

no they are citizens.

criminals and terrorists don't care about whether carrying guns is legal, they do it illegally anyway.


Just curious how well confiscation of 430 million firearms will go.

I have a pretty good idea of how it will go.

Yes, at the end of it the threat will be terminated and law abiding American citizens will for the first time be safe from the fascist southern terrorists.

Once Dianne Fiendstein gets slotted and burn with a holy flame all the ATF agents will shutdown like battledroids.

I agree, the proletariat must be disarmed ASAP.

With McFluff's head on the end of an AR.

We will see, terrorist.

Implying the guys in the natty guard would ever support that... they all love their guns arguably more than your average southern citizen.

I had a teacher who was in the national guard, back when I was in middle. I guarantee that guy had a fortified house that would put /k/ to shame

Great, you have a fucking private home. As if a private home would ever be a target in a military operation. If you are not part of a band of thugs and stay in your home, you have nothing to fear while this operation commences.

Watermark going full bolshevism

Purge the disloyal fascists and jail them. The terrorists who will not obey the law have no place in the military. The right must be utterly purged from the police and the military. We need political commisars to educate the military and correct their political mistakes.

Leftoids thinking the army would support them is the best delusion

The army will remain loyal to the law and America, not terrorists and criminals like you. No one who follows the law has anything to fear, only criminals and terrorist thugs and fascist animals. The threat must be terminated in order to ensure the safety of law abiding American citizens, who aren’t like this terrorist former sheriff and his proposed terrorist criminal band.


The real fun begins when a significant portion of those ARNG refuse to violate their oaths of enlistment.

Based. Catholic Bolshevik Criollo Militia when?

reporting in for the Catnip Bolero Corolla Militia, sir. 😤

You have drawn the ire of The Radical Anti-Partisan Party's Militia. Prepare to taste thyn shoe whore.

Bolivar would coom his riding breeches at the sight of it

Don't worry brave patriots if the libs ever start a war to take our guns brave Sheriff Jenkins will be the first on the beachhead.

I can see why he wants an AK on him at all times.

Don’t worry law abiding American citizens, the threat of the terrrorists and criminals will be put down and the terrorist Jenkins will be neutralized if he attempts to take any action that endangers your safety or violates the law of the state of Virigina

Terrorist bands cannot have guns

The threat must be neutralized, for the safety of law abiding American citizens. Southerners are not law abiding American citizens, they are criminals deviants and terrorists. They will be pacified, and then the safety of Americans and the rule of law will be preserved from the terrrorists who only want violence and to kill.

police not enforcing marijuana laws: AHH OH GOD I'M GONNA COOM

police not enforcing gun laws: Woah, we live in a society...

Local autonomy is good until it means things I don't like in which case I want the glowies in my bussy NOW

A sheriff is not a representative of a sovereign entity, he is subordinate to the state. The state is a sovereign entity and not subordinate to the federal government. The sheriff should shutup and enforce the law instead of his neo-fascist ideology. We need a political purge of the police to root out these fascists animal thugs.

Each one of your posts in this thread is worse than the one that preceded it. At some point it takes a concerted effort to be this awful.

He has the authority to deputize whoever he wishes. It’s called Posse Comitatus.


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Broke: Why is it that the police never stand up for our rights?

Woke: OK Xoomer

Bespoke: Fuck that! Oppress me daddy Trump!

The police are a right wing gang and don’t enforce the law at all, just fascist ideology. There needs to be a massive political purge of the police to remove anyone with neo-fascist ideology. I wouldn’t doubt that this man has killed numerous blacks without trial. Rightists are animals. Put the rebellion down.

This, but ironically

I'm in the awkward and unenviable position of having to congratulate both policemen and people from Virginia. I don't feel so great about this.

Pretty refreshin tbh, he promised to deputize law abiding gun owners so they could keep their guns.

How can one man be so based. Gov. Ralph “Coonman” Northam stands no chance.

Teflon Ralph Northam. That was incredible to witness tbh.

Fuck you


He’s a rebel and should be immediately seized by the national guard and held in indefinite detention like a terrorist

Jesus was a rebel

Wine moms have more power than armed militias. Get over it.

One day we’ll find out

Uh oh, he's rising up!

I don’t have as big of an issue with cops but I do think they’re gay.

Now wine moms, they’re the real menace.

Can you imagine getting paid 45k a year to kick in the doors of /pol/tards. I’d rise up, but more likely just find a new career.

There would be a lot of bloodshed initially on both sides and the feds would have to step back and decide if they want to send military or just start drone striking rednecks.

God that sounds terrible and dystopian, but with enough time in b/t events it could pick up the slack left in the wake of school shootings, and be quite entertaining. Even someone as cultured as myself wouldn’t go down without a fight, so I’m sure there would be plenty of juicy conflict. Especially with 4chan ordering a million pizzas to homes being raided. Idk I see pluses and minuses, but mainly pluses for us.

For the feds reading this I have no guns and I love the government.

I just wonder if politicians who would pass laws that turn law abiding citizens into felons and put them in danger of being killed by cops feel safe. There has to be some crazy guys out there it would be the last straw for.

Not me tho I have nintendy switch and my girlfriends boyfriend brings me chipotle when he visits.

There has to be some crazy guys out there it would be the last straw for.

I reckon Tim McVeigh #2 is out there somewhere.

Alphabet boys were going pretty wild in the 90's. Especially when janet Reno came about.

That is until timmy boy parked a Ryder truck by a govt building killing a bunch of federal workers and kids.

The federal govt took a couple steps back for a bit after having a bunch of their kids killed for killing a bunch of kids and some loony in texas.

The threat of the terrorists will be terminated this time completely.

No one who obeys the law has anything to fear, only terrorists and supporters of terrorism. The threat of the terrorists will be exterpitated in its entirety. The opinion of southerners will no longer be asked, southerners have nothing to contribute to America besides their silence and obedience, they should forever be stripped of political rights and only speak when spoken to. Their ignorant mawing is unnecessary. Southerners only have use as oxen.

No law abiding citizen has anything to fear, those who obey the law will not be harmed in any way. Those who rebel against the law, their threat will be terminated, the officers will be forced to defend themselves from the criminals and terrorists. I’m sure you’re a law abiding citizen and will obey the law, you are not a terrorist and criminal, so you have nothing to fear. No shut up, southerners no longer need to speak, its very unwelcome and unnecessary. Shut your mouth and obey, that’s your service to the nation. I don’t want to hear a single word from a single southerner ever again, if any southerner ever speak, it would be too soon. You are animals and dogs and criminals and terrorists the lot of you, you will never be reformed, the only solution is to permanently take away all rights of citizenship from all white southerner terrorist animals. The threat that the terrorists pose to Americans must forever be removed.

Is this pasta 🤔

There's a very good video about how the us, particularly the southern us, is un-invadeable. The only option would be to drop tons of bombs and hope to god the preppers and gun nut estate owners aren't already dug in. The idea of the government bombing out the south and midwest more than vietnam is interesting, but exceptionally unlikely.

Didn’t they get invaded and lose in the civil war though?

Sure, when muskets were still a thing. Since that time Americans are the most heavily armed populace in the world. Something like 3 to 4 guns for every American, and those numbers balloon south of the Mason Dixon line, so good luck to any invading force not wanting to wipe most of America off of the map first.

Yeah but I thought we were talking about civil resistance or internal conflicts. I mean yeah Americans have a lot of guns, but our military is unironically the best in the world. Unless a large portion of them sided with the defectors I doubt any real civil resistance would get very far.

Ok imagine civil war breaks out and the news comes in that the American Army Classic sponsored by Disney is not only killing the opposing South Boogaloo forces, but literally every man woman and child they see because they are literally all armed and have this crazy idea that they should defend their homes. Even if there are plenty of people who would be okay with it there are also lots of millitary personal who are friends with billy bobs so morale would tank pretty fast even as they wiped the floor with their inbred opponents.

I think you’re vastly overestimating how much care the average burger gives unless they are directly and immediately being harmed by something. Also, that’s why we have Amazon presents American Army Prime!™️ for expedited civilian cleansing!

Imagine civil war breaks out and some politicians kids get kidnapped.

Oh when the civil war breaks out all the fascists kids will be held to ensure their continued loyalty to America. If they choose to join the terrorists, who knows what will happen.

Are they staying in their fucking home? Then fucking stay there, it’s a fucking house, who cares. If you stay in your house, you are not a threat and can be ignored, only threats to the American people and unlawful terrorists will have their threat terminated.

I mean I am no experts, but the video I saw detailed how several governments since the 50's have drawn secret plans, and they all reached the same conclusion, bomb us out. There is not an invasion force skilled and large enough, and the causalities would deplete the army leaving our country, or any attacking country vulnerable. I don't doubt our military would be somewhat successful, but I do think you underestimate the armed reaction of militias and gun nut groups.

True if the defenders had time to get settled then a large portion of southern landscape has some very defendable locations. Especially with how long range our weapons have become. Come to think of it bombing might be the best strategy as opposed to being constantly shot at or shelled from armored Chevy technicals on top of a ridge or hilltop.

They'd pretty much just need to do concentrated bombings until they had a good enough push to send in ground troops, but keep in mind this would play out all over the world and it really wouldn't be a good look for whoever does it so they'd have to be really united in the need to cleanse our 2nd amendment group.

We will not bomb you “out”, when the bombing is done there will be nothing left to crawl out. The threat will be terminated, blacks will for the first time in history be able to live in the south without fear.

Lmao, assuming I am American and live in the south...

The rebels will be pacified, or the threat they pose to America and its people will be terminated. There is no other end to this conflict, no compromise must be accepted with the traitors and terrorist animals of the south.

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

A sea of 2012 White Lexus SUVs with leather seats stained with popsicles of neglected kids appearing on the horizon

Imagine siding with illiterate, wife-beating, good ol boy sheriffs

Imagine not

I bet you got beat up a lot in high school.

I will continue beating up the south until they grow the fuck up and lose their stupid honor culture

Stubborn pieces of shit, if another southerner opens their mouth ever again, it would be too soon. I do not want the opinion of southerners, I want their silence and obedience. That is all a southerner can do to contribute to the nation, be a fucking oxen, shut the fuck up and do what your told you worthless facsist animals. southerners are subhuman dogs.

And here the communist reveals his true feelings for working class people...


You couldn't come up with such an on the nose stereotype if you tried.

It just reeks of satire, but it's real! Truly, life imitates art.


woah there big guy

wonder what the criteria for the proper screening will be just kidding i don't wonder at all

I hope that would be being registered as a Republican. To each their own etc 😏

Of course the Republicans want to form their own private army to establish their neo-faascist ethnic pogroms. Put down this rebellion. Seize the sheriff and all who support him. Abolish local government and install a government from the center that is loyal to the state of Virginia and will enforce the law and the constitution and not their neo-fascist neo-confederate pro-lynching opinions. These mobs are animals and dogs, I’m fucking tired of these animals, the honor culture of the south must be rooted out, the south must be destroyed for all time, southern culture and regional identity must be abolished in its entirety, there can be no south.

This, but about the Global South.

How do the anime avatar rightoids find random twitter mom posts to smugreply to?

/r/drama posts

Lmao, VA is fun AF right now. You can trigger literally anyone at any moment.

I want around 100 Tyrones and around 50 Abduls showing up to this sheriff's office, to form militias.

This but unironically. Working class anti-government militias united under the banner of Islam, inshallah!

It'll be the cross you filthy heathen.

Tobaccocell here, Virginia is still irrelevant no matter how hard we try.

lmao you guys ready for a county wide waco?

This is a rebellion, the sheriff should be immediately arrested for treason against the state and held in indefinite detention until the rebellion subsides.

newsflash rtard, these are preemptive moves now that pea brains have taken the reins of VA and have began puking out bills to redefine what citizens can own, no grandfthering

It will never subside and these fucking fascists that want to strip away constitutional rights away from LAW abiding citizens will never win. The American people have a right to bear arms and none of you soft pussy footing fucks will take that away especially in Virginia. You are a fool for your statements. Strip local government and keep one ruling government loyal to Virginia state government? Take your commie shit somewhere else.


LOL this foid has so much G-D time and concern on their mind that they follow a sheriffs office that's nearly 400mi away from where they live.

if this dumb mayo would have just gotten dogs she'd be too busy getting rug burns on her elbows to be concerned about this stuff