Mod this boomer

1  2019-12-05 by Matues49


Williams made the common mistake of linking gender fluidity to sexuality


I still have not heard a coherent explanation of what gender fluidity is supposed to be.

its when youre a man but you want attention like a woman sometimes, or when youre a woman but sometimes you want extra attention

its when youre a man but you want attention like a woman sometimes, or when youre a woman but sometimes you want extra attention

genderqueer is basically like being emo or goth but for 2019

what an excellent comparison that is. Emos really were the darndest people, remember when they all used to campaign to make attacking them a hate crime? seems eerily familiar

It's feels over reals. There's no more to it.

It’s when you’re typically a stoic dude but you’ve been skipping the gym and for some reason everything has been shitty lately. The checkout line at Whole Foods takes twice as long during lunch now, some construction worker yelled at you when it wasn’t even your fault, and you finally realized she’s never coming back to you and this isn’t how it was supposed to be... LIFE WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS!!!

Sometimes your emotions turn you into a little bitch. That’s gender fluidity.

It’s when the genitals can sporadically change to a fluid like substance and be easily molded.

I wasn’t talking about being gay or straight. People should read [Jung]. I mean, it would be an interesting education for a lot of people.

based and educationpilled. In this confused modern era, everyone should read freud and jung

And Nietzsche

Yeah but when people read Nietzsche they always misinterpret what he means, and use it to justify hedonism.

Retarded people will come to whatever retarded conclusion they wanted to in the first place

no point in placing the Sword of Truth in the hands of a retarded man

It's like that episode of Seinfeld where that journo thought him and George were gay.

Not that there is anything wrong with that!

That's one of the great classic Seinfeld episodes

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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dude of color lmao

Too old to be a boomer tho

Mega boomer

Find a journo who started click-baity (mis)interpretation and paint the wall with him.


This nigga just pulled out Jung in the faces of Vice and Vox

Petersoncels are probably having a field day




Yo but Jung was p. cool ngl

People mad at him calling himself gay, but if you are genderfluid, doesn't that make you gay when you pretend to be the gender that you are also attracted to? Checkmate alphabetcels.