Hate Crime Hoax perpetrated by the Zelda Loving Bernie Supporter next door. His mother is very disappointed

1  2019-12-05 by itsnotmyfault


Leave it up to the Washington Post to paint the rosiest and most sympathetic picture possible of an asshole like this. The reminiscing of him clinging to his mother's neck as a young child was a nice touch.

Also a batshit insane mother without a mention of the father. Perfect.

The lizard people ate her husband.

The husband went willingly.

I would too if my son was gay

So you can see through their depiction of the Son but not the mom?

Did you read her actual quotes? She is pretty damn honest and reasonable, really.

gay mayo does something insanely retarded for attention and sympathy.

How shocking.

I don't even need to read the article to know that

Rhonda Stang separated from her husband when Nathan was 3, and those gaming sessions helped cement an intense bond between mother and son.

Raised by a single mom. Gamer. Definitely destined for the sadcringe life.

Pretty much destined to be raised gay in that scenario.


yeah man its always those damn whites lying about hate crimes

When was the last time there was a real hate crime?

Woah, now I regret everything I said. I think I'll apologize to my black wife.

There's still really not that many. There's like ten until you get back into 2018, which means that like 1 in 3 are hoaxes.

and even then like wasn't 90% of anti-jew hate crimes in this country perperturated by jews. I know Glen Greenwald's boyfriend was responsible for almost every anti-jew hate crime that occured in 2017

Imagine being a gay yid.. just fucking LOL

Is this all of them? 15 hate crimes in a year? Hopefully 2020 sees 1,000 hate crimes against the wh*te menace

Not really a crime tbh.

Sometimes the law fails to uphold good morality. Like how homicide of the mayos is illegal despite being a moral mandate from heaven.

Bussy Smaldicklet?

The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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I respect Hitler but I don't idolize him. He is partly to blame for the loss of the Reich and the destruction of Fascism's public image. He done fucked up, but he is still one of the greats.


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The investigation led to an unlikely suspect

It truly takes a big brain to realize that it does not have to be some neo nazi wannabe writing this shit on walls.

Give any leftard a crayon and tell them to write some no no words on a bathroom wall to own drumpf and they will do it and even post the picture on twitter themselves for some attention.

Really all it was was his phone snitching on him. Same with those teens who spray painted their highschool. We need to start educating kids about OPSEC and leaving that shit in a foil pouch when they're up to something.

The article did mention another aspect that made the cops look at people that attend the church. Namely, no one in the community knew it was a gay friendly church.

Gay friendly church is a tautology.

I see someone went to the Jussie Smollet school of faking hate crime.

I've said it many times before, the demand for hate crimes far exceeds the supply.

Way too much fluff in that article.

You need to have enough length on the page so that all the ads don't seem jammed together, don't you know anything about journalism?

No, I don't.

Journalism is very important in modern society, and you should be more respectful towards journalists. They sell a lot of merchandise for Jeff "Amazon Washington Post" Bezos.

lol he wrote fag church on his own church thats hilarious

Haha b-because th-that's what he is haha #downwithqueers
