Biden fumes as he gets called out for nepotism, bizarrely challenges the guy to a push-up contest

1  2019-12-05 by INBLOPS2CELSNAME


Biden proves he's a total Chad, unlike you noodle armed MDEfugees

You got your son in that job—


Implying if you weren't rich and powerful you wouldn't give your fuckup kids shitjobs that are unfuckable just so they can pretend to be functional members of society instead of being fucking NEETs or single mothers.


Biden wasn't especially powerful (VP lol), and he certainly wasn't rich. And he didn't lift a finger to get Hunter that job.

Seriously, Hunter is a scheming drug addict well practiced in whoring his daddy's name - and he's an intelligent retard. He knew exactly what sort of opportunities could be leveraged from Ukrainian oligarchs whose foundation had just been upended and who were scrambling to make sense of their new world.

The most frustrating thing about all of this shit, is that what actually happened is so bloody obvious and in the open, but most Americans are too ignorant about Ukraine to grasp any of it.


you say that, but Biden is too much of a pussy to even come to this subreddit.

Biden is too much of a CHAD because he's busy doing important shit, like feeding ducks or wondering who's house he's in.

Imagine Trump vs Biden lmao

I want him to win the nomination for this reason alone

It’ll end with at least one of them having a stroke.

The real "left vs right" is which side of the face gets all droopy.

Their debates are something I need in my life I want Biden to get the nom so bad


Honestly they might throw down lol

Old man dementia fight would be a beautiful thing

Two cases of dementia enter only one leaves! Who will be the next president of the United States?

This is the political equivalent of when retirement home workers force the elderly to fight each other for entertainment.

you prob wont have to imagine tbh


Lmao this angry Iowan is just coping. Hunter is a complete Chad and it makes him seethe. Hunter leaves women for strippers and does cocaine when he feels like it


Lmao this angry Iowan is just coping. Hunter is a complete Chad and it makes him seethe. Hunter leaves women for strippers and does cocaine when he feels like it

Chads do coke, not crack, and they don't have to pay for whores because they're already drowning in pussy. Chads don't need daddy to get them a job, either, because they're so cool people hire them just so they can spend more time with them. Creepy Uncle Joe set the poor bastard up for failure when he named him "Hunter," which is a male version of a white-trash stripper name.

Chads do whatever the fuck they want. Sorry your syrup-brain can't grasp this

Chads do whatever the fuck they want, but none of them want to spend money on the sloppiest of seconds or poor people drugs. If you had ever spent time in the company of Chads at any point in your life you would know this.

You’re describing more of a Kyle scene

Look at this linecel who is too delicate to smoke s rock.

That’s literally trans logic

Hunter Biden literally walks into skid row in a suit and finds crack

He’s literally been robbed, he comes back the next day for more crack utterly undaunted

Nothing can get between Hunter and his crakc

I say this to pretty much everyone I know, but in my humble opinion, you haven't lived until you've torched a fat rock of crack

Ok, I'm voting for him now.

I hope Trump wins re-election but Biden runs for 2024 and wins. A democratic version of Trump for 4, possibly 8 years, would be the funniest shit.

If Biden wins I hope he just fucking inhales every world leader's children because they literally can't do anything about it but they have to stand there and smile.

That's implying he'll be alive in 2024

best scenario IMO would be biden wins in 2020 and trump gets a second term in 2020. You'll get just the right amount of brain decay.

Her hair is large

Who would have thought we could top 2016

Remember when Biden said he’d take trump outside and beat him up

Biden is legitimately demented, hopefully he gets the nomination

Or was he this nuts as VP as well? I legitimately can't remember him doing anything other than like smiling and groping girls during the state of the union and stuff under Obummer

was he this nuts a vp as well

He had a few gaffs here and there but they never really got any attention due to Obama taking up most of the limelight. Now that he doesn't have a competent orator to hide behind we're starting to see how much of a weirdo he really is.

It was pretty bad. Remember the "shotgun" advice? The fact that the media called him "Uncle Joe" and played it off as cute was just amazing. Especially considering what they did to Dan Quayle over much less serious stuff.

You literally have an entire parallel media structure which is essentially entirely propaganda and is equally as popular as what you term “the media”, stop whining

“I have made good judgments in the future”

Shut the fuck up you stupid retard.

Sorry I didn't mean it.

Le upvotes to you both!

Why do you think that alternative media popped up? If the so called mainstream was responsible then it wouldn't have had the influence it has.

/r/drama was part of my shift rightward. There are a lot of rightoids in there doing the lords work, showing people to the light. Ironic rightoid posting can still red-pill people. And good drama is still good drama, whether it's chapotards sperging out over ableism in the revolution or the Donald Defense Force sperging out about NPCs. Drama is one of the few places where actual fascists and actual leftists clash on a daily basis, and it's pretty entertaining.

I'm currently banned for circumventing the custom subreddit style at /r/drama though.


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Why do all of the foid talking heads on fox look like Karens?

KILFs tho

"Look, fat, look, here's the deal..."

If you listen closely, you might hear a slight gasp.

I love this dude

disgusting--nipples protruding

unfathomably based

i want a president who calls his voters "fat" straight up to their faces

Not just calls them fat but uses it as their name. Listen up fat

Lmao more dehumanizing than anything fatpeoplehate could ever have come up with

Unironically this is making me want Uncle Joe to win now.

You gotta earn you right to vote for him brother. I hope you aren’t fat. He doesn’t want the fat vote.

This wasn't really that bad. I wouldn't even say it was "bad". At least he's showing enthusiasm.

Throwing a temper tantrum when asked about real corruption and calling potential constituents fat isn’t great.


After watching the full clip, yea, it's kind or awkward. But I can barely understand what the corn is saying.

Fat logic.

Also, corruption? Lol.

Shut up, fat.

Yeah, what he actually said wasn't that bad.

My problem is the absolute seething anger he has for being challenged by a lowly hick from Iowa. I could feel his contempt through the screen.


Hairs the deal. Imma gonna give you the full load man.

Now you see why corn pop btfo

Corn pop was a bad dude but I guess Biden is badder

And that why I love kids jumping in my lap

Learned a lot about roaches

That's how you explain realpolitik to NPCs

Friendly reminder that Joe Bittin' is a stocking horse candidate to allow Hillary an easy entrance to clean up and finance the mess..

Biden is incredibly based.

Holy fuck I hope Biden stays in until the very last. All the retarded shit he's done has been so fucking wonderful

Did you guys see the wink Biden gave at 1:03. That was him telling his Lizard minion to get this guy to have an "unfortunate accident"

Alpha Biden

Burger got dunked on

The loser has to comb Biden’s leg hair!