MSM shill: Wellll achtually Asian and Pacific Islanders don’t count as ‘real’ diversity so the Dem race is still #TooWhite

1  2019-12-06 by SpacePanther17


Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. MSM shill: Wellll achtually Asian a... -,

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I like how he's blaming white people even though Harris failed because she didn't get enough black support.

Minority voters overwhelmingly prefer the white candidates and DNC elites are buttmad the browns aren't being as racially essentialist as they are.

It seems "Brown people vote for Brown candidate" is all they internalized from the Obama years.

I guess that's conformation of what "diversity" actually means.

Read the replies

That is NOT what I said. It’s just what I directly implied.

Gabbard is white. Yang is Asian so that would be some diversity but he's still only one person. He's half right.

MSM shill

Do you know what that means? He's in the MSM you dumb cunt

Gabbard is Pacific Islander as fuck dude.

Race is what people see you as. She looks like any white women you'd see in your day.

Bullshit, she looks like a hot Indian milf

She’s legit the sexiest candidate we’ve ever had. That’s worth diversity points in my book.

Something tangentially related: Why does Jeff Goldblum look like a curry when he's a Jew with parents from Austria and Slavland?

swarthy eyebrows and better dental health than your average Europoor.

writes for theroot