American cops do what they do best and kill a hostage

1  2019-12-06 by unrulyfarmhand


Damn, you know what?

You caught me. You flat-out caught me. It's time to come clean.

Let me tell you a little bit about how I go through my day, which is also how literally every other moderator goes through theirs.

I wake up in my dingy, unwashed bed (which is covered with suspicious stains), then immediately scream for my mother to come downstairs and tell me that I’m a special boy. Once I feel sufficiently better than everyone else, I log in to Reddit, where I go through all of the top-secret communiques that I receive from whichever political party you personally dislike. Having accepted my marching orders, I motivate myself by going to town on my own backside with an anime-style figurine; a doll which looks vaguely like the world leader you most abhor. Then it’s time to get to work.

Pushing a narrative which irritates you – yes, specifically you – is obviously my first priority… but if a totalitarian regime which controls another country, religious group, or corporation has sent me enough money, I take whatever steps I can to promote or censor anything that’s even tangentially related to what they’ve highlighted for me. If the entity in question also happens to have a very small minority stake in Reddit (or if one of the site’s executives has rumored ties to their organization), then I make sure to publicly fellate them whilst simultaneously denying their influence. The more sucking that I do, the more cash I receive!

Mind you, I don’t actually spend any of that loot, because moving out of my parents’ basement would mean that I wouldn’t get that crack-of-noon ego-stroking anymore. No, rather than using those ill-gotten gains to improve my lot in life, I sculpt them into life-size (and anatomically correct) sculptures – using copious amounts of my own neck-sweat as glue – of the various public figures whose actions or perspectives anger you.

Anyway, once I’ve made certain that my corrupt overlords are pleased, I start looking for ways that I can ruin individual users’ days. Randomly removing posts (and then pretending that they were in violation of some invisible rules) is the only way that I can become aroused, after all, and I need to stand at my full, massive two inches if I’m going to be able to reach myself past all of my stomach fat. Having come to attention, I put on my self-pleasure hat – which is a trilby, of course – and start banning people who disagree with my opinions.

Those opinions having been carefully structured to go against yours, of course.

It’s time for a break by that point, so I spend an hour or three lecturing my waifu body-pillow about a given social trend that makes people (again, specifically you) upset. She’ll usually offer some kind of counterargument, which means that I need to throw an impotent tantrum. Whenever that happens, my only solace comes by way of somehow abusing my awesome Internet powers, typically while gorging myself on junk food, soda, and heaping handfuls of straight-up lard. Don’t ask me how that abuse actually manifests, though, because I’ll silence all of the remarkably insightful questions that you send my way. The thing is, I’ve never heard any of them before... and since my hidden masters haven’t told me how to respond, my only option is to screech at my computer monitor as I wildly flail around.

Those eight seconds of exertion tend to bring me pretty close to unconsciousness, so I have to completely ignore the communities that I govern for a while, thereby allowing a multitude of posts and comments to go through unchecked. Fortunately, they’re only ever submissions which you (once more, specifically you) find distasteful, so it still counts as a victory. At the same time, though, if you try to submit anything – especially if it’s entirely adherent to those invisible rules that I mentioned earlier – I’ll wheeze my way back into a semi-upright position for just long enough to mete out another completely unwarranted ban.

Finally, once all of that is done, I kill myself, frequently by dying in a fire. Getting the suggestion to do so dozens (or even hundreds) of times a day just proves to be too much for my utterly unfathomable intellect to handle, so I eventually succumb to the sweet embrace of death.

Besides, it’s the only way that I can get to sleep at night.

TL;DR: You don’t need to read this, because you’ve already decided that you know it all.


  1. American cops do what they do best ... -,

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I believe this was done by the world famous broward county police force

The Broward police force is filled with spicy drama. The Florida governor fired the sheriff and the sheriff has gone full sperg mode in his crusade to regain his job.

Broward county has to be fucking cursed

The one nice thing about the Broward Sheriffs is that they wouldn't pull you over for speeding because they thought it was below them to hand out tickets. The motorcycle cops and Five-Ohs would rape you in traffic tickets though. Luckily, you can just pay $100 to an attorney and the tickets disappeared.

They knew the risks.

both robbers are dead, the UPS driver is dead, and an innocent bystander in a car is dead.

Having like 40 cars cars trying to follow him and then opening fire in the middle of a crowded road I’m surprised it’s not more.

No cops that’s all that matters :)

To protect and serve themselves

First time I've agreed with you. This situation just keeps getting sadder.

Watermark, lately a lot of your posts haven't been shit and I'm pretty proud. Join the Cathbol brother, you'll love it.

is this the first non-retard watermark post?

stay based king

Wow they got more than that shooter in Hawaii the other day.


I literally got so enraged watching this i almost seriousposted but im better now.


All commies are 🅱️etarded

Its why I always say that black lives matter is the most useless movement ever.

Cops aren't all racist trigger happy killers.

Cops are all incompetent trigger happy killers.

There's a difference. And black lives matters politicized criticizing police enforcement.

So no rightoids will ever cross this new wedge issue for a whole generation.


You’re Fucked

Marines in Fallujah would be less likely to get away with that sort of thing than cops in America



Hanlon's razor

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Imagine being this much of a bitch burger cops are trash own a gun its more useful and you don't need to feed it everyday

Self-defense is necessary in the modern environment, all people must be armed

Yesterday you called me a terrorist for saying this.

I am large, I contain multitudes.

Multitudes of dudes loads


I think the fact that most cops are uneducated undertrained losers is more the problem. They don't have the balls to pull up to someone they think could be dangerous without shooting them 12 times in the chest.

They're given surprisingly little training with those guns, which are usually glocks, which due to being striker fired weapons tend to have a heavy, almost double-action trigger pull. I hear the NYPD's glocks are set to 12 pounds. They should just teach them to aim 6 inches to the left of where they want the shots to land.

Glocks a have a decent trigger pull, nypd retardation aside. Its not a target grade trigger or anything, but its very usable.

The nypd increased the pull weight in a attempt to mimic revolvers cause incompetent boomer cops kept shooting themselves in the leg when they switched from revolvers. Iirc they had the habit of putting their finger on the trigger during the draw, and instead of fixing that through training, they handicapped the gun.

I'm sorry for impugning the function of your "problem solver", they can't possibly have terrible stock triggers.

That post was more about calling the police retarded than defending glocks. I dont own one or have a desire to but ive fired a few and they are solid guns.

You just keep digging the hole deeper, like a government funded elective surgery.

I'll dig your hole deeper

I already made that same fundamental joke, pick a new one and stop stealing jokes. I rightfully deserve ownership of that joke because I collected it as passive income through ownership of the means of production.

incompetent boomer cops kept shooting themselves in the leg

that sounds like a problem that solves itself


The biggest problem is cops are liable for literally fucking nothing if any action taken is remotely related to enforcing any law.

Rightoids would have never crossed the asile on the pig question. They love worshipping the troops/police. BLM did fuck up by alienating centrists though.

The farther right you get the more you hate cops though

Yeah but most of the anti-cop strains of the far-right would never work with the left anyway (except when you get into the real fringes of both sides) so it's not really serving as a wedge issue there either.

Both sides need the old to die before real progress can be made. Currently we’re bullying thin blue line posters on twitter, we’ll see what the future holds.

Yeah but most rightoids are neocons.

We’re trying to fix it give us time!!

Depends on where they are on the libertarian/authoritarian axis though. The right has its fair share of bootlickers who think a cop can do no wrong.

If you tell rightoids that cops kill 10000 dogs annually they turn quick.

Seems you've never seen a boogaloo meme

I always took that as hating the feds while still supporting your local police force, but I admit I don't know much about gun culture

Feds are just cops, but with more power

I hate serious posting, but you just accurately described the main way identity politics destroys political discourse.

How did BLM in anyway damage political discourse? They highlighted police violence and brutality.

While le epic centrists and #alllivesmatter go" bu..buhhh.buuuht they're not racicst they target everyone!!!!11!1! Instead of actually protesting it or doing shit about it

BLM is about inciting racial resentment and hatred against whites, not about police violence.

I guess the darkies better shut up then


because muh race relations and civility


The fuck does this have to do with BLM

Lol at blaming blm. Why didn't other groups try to do a better job then?

So no rightoids will ever cross the aisle on this new wedge issue for a whole generation.

And black lives matters politicized criticizing police enforcement.

How do you think problems are solved you fuckin retard? Do you think cop unions and republicans will be persuaded? That getting enough likes on facebook will fix the issue?

BLM got more attention on the issue of police brutality. electing people who want to curtail and limit police abuse and increase accountability is the only solution.

BLM obsessed over two false cases of police brutality while there are dozens on a daily basis the media won't report on because its not profitable, and 99% of Americans literally care about nothing but what fox/CNN tells them to care about.

BLM obsessed over two false cases

What does this mean? Can you prove that

Remember Garner? He was a good boy.

You think the nypd using an illegal choking hold was justified? Is that how much you hate black people?

I will grant that a bullet to the forehead would have been more humane.

Garner, Michael Brown. George Zimmerman.

Zimmerman was a false case but not a false case of police brutality. Jamar Clark, who got shot by the Minneapolis police because he was dumb enough to try and assault his girlfriend again while the cops were arresting him for doing it the first time, is a better example.

How was the garner Case fake?

I don’t understand the take on rightoids here. Are you saying they won’t criticize cops due to the BLM movement?


White people’s confidence in the police being racially unbiased increased from like 35% to 52% as a result of Ferguson protests.

That's how people work, you single out some group and blame it for something and they would deny that this happens (or if it does then it's good and deserved), because it's no longer about facts, it's about politics, i.e. who should be in charge.

It's called a "controlled burn" in some circles.

Take for example the Baltimore riots. In that area of the city, it was the central drop off point for the city school busses. Cops let the busses in. They refuse to lead the kids out. Kids stand their for three or four hours in the sun until a bottle gets thrown, you got a riot. Protests against a couple of cops decapitating a dude are now associated with a riot.

Do you have links to info about this tactic?

I highly doubt any police force would be competent enough to pull that off

They don't need to be competent. During the Baltimore riots, the Chief of Police claimed that the Bloods, Crips, and the Black Guerilla Family had put out hits on cops.

The dumbest claim in the world....yet the media ate it up...

Being a mayo does less to protect you than being a foid but that's not a conversation we're ready for

I think the opinion on the right is that cops are murderous dickheads but black males are statistically more likely to have encounters with them.

Well at least the cops are safe guys, that’s all that matters. Preferably in the future we can give them drones so that they could handle this situation by creating a massive crater and killing everyone in the vicinity and no risk to their own very precious lives.

You're teetering on seethe here, buddy.

For once I think watermark is slightly justified.

i always am

Imagine defending the thin mayo line

This will probably happen within a century.

I saw that movie elysium no thanks

Robots are going to replace police for this kind of stuff.


T-they can backflip now. No one told me this and I don’t like it.

Robocop will be able to shoot you once in the genitals, twice in the chest, and once in the face, getting off all four rounds faster than you can blink and with perfect accuracy at up to 600 yards.

Unfortunately, because computers are as dumb as the electrified sandcastles that they really are, the reason Robocop just blew you away is because its threat identification algorithm mistook your drink bottle for a molotov cocktail.

They will be able to milk a prostate twice as fast as that.

Robocop can identify you as a threat and shoot you dead in under 200 milliseconds. So fast you probably wouldn't even realize what was happening even if you were looking directly at Robocop the moment it identified you as a threat.

So prostate milking technology must be pretty advanced in the future.

Fisto 😍😍😍

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Lmao I'll probably dead by this time and damn better be not on Reddit by this time. Maybe my grandson will see this post.

I hope they get paid leave for their pain and suffering 😌

Nice job i hope the cops don't break their arms patting themselves on the back!

So anyway I started blasting

Burger cops are literally retarded

The van stopped, they could have taken a tactical approach but instead they start blasting.

Literally all they know how to do. I've said this countless times - US cops are the most incompetent on the planet.

Fking African cops are likely more competent.

Depends on the jurisdiction tbh. Where I live all the cops are great and actively participate in the community. That and standards/training requirements are super high here

The problem is a general lack of accountability. Remember the Daniel Shaver? The cop that killed him was reinstated on the police force and given full retirement benefits.

Shit's fucked yo.

I’m a normally calm and composed person but the police in this video make me just fucking furious. Like genuinely angry that they got away with this murder

(reasonable) SEETHING

Lemme guess, you live in a high-income neighborhood with low crime rates.

Eh, our county has over a million people of all different levels of income. And my neighbor’s house was broken into and had their guns stolen so I wouldn’t exactly say either of those are true

Hmm, maybe other areas should adopt whatever your county's doing then.

That would be nice, there would be significantly less seething nationwide if that were the case

lmao they had like 100 cars following that and the first thing they do is shoot

And people thought GTA was a parody

Wtf all this was missing was cops on bicycles peddling past in the end.

They must've been so excited to finally shoot someone that they sent the entire police force lmao. Not excessive at all.

Fucking hell, did they call in the entire city's force?

African cops are likely more competent. I wouldn't trust a US cop as far as I could throw them.

Member that African US cop who blasted the white foid who approached their car? Over his buddy in the passenger seat, and she was the one who called them. that was peak cop lmao

We weren't, especially because our cops are 10 times fucking better.

That's one ugly noid.

Damn he actually got sentenced to 12 years, that’s a surprise.

Holy shit this is unreal

He does not take personal responsibility for making an erroneous decision to fire a gun at her

What did he mean by this?

His finger did it not him

Burger cops also use 100 bullets where 5 would do. Even a stormtrooper is more efficient than them.

Might as well legalize crime to reduce casualties.

Police officers responded to reports of the robbery within a minute and a half, but by that time the robbers and the shopkeeper had opened fire on each other and the robbers had fled.


I see nothing wrong with this. Shopkeeper defended his establishment, got the robbers to leave, and wasn't shot a hundred times by retard cops.

Who said there was anything wrong with it?

Probably some fags on Twitter.

I see some redundancy in your statement.

True. So just people on Twitter. Especially Stephen King his posts are a gold mine.

Shoot first, no need for questions.

Lol, why do burgers cry about violent tacos when their local pigs already do all this violence for free?

I’d rather be near Mexican gangsters than the cops. At least the gangsters know there are repercussions to shooting me.

Good one

No. Cops are retarded but cartels have the combined bloodlust of the Spanish and the Aztecs. I'd feel safer around basketball Americans and I say this as a criollo Cathbol.

Yeah, cartel snuff films are worse than ISIS videos and huehue machete executions put together.

Are you asking why burgers cry about additional unnecessary murders?

Free? They get paid to kill. All thanks to your taxes the taxes from those who are employed

Chapo brigade in full force. Get your 30 seconds hate in before mommy brings down the tendies


Hero police save the day once again

I love how twatter thinks that in this type of situation everyone is thinking rationally and not that some maniac is about to shoot at everyone in the streets.

Lets throw them in a hostage situation and see how calm, cool, and collected they think.

Its two robbers not two mass shooters you fucking donut lmao.

And I would trust twitter over burger cops in a hostage situation since atleast I have a shot of survival if twitter is handling it

oooh robbers are not as bad as shooters? oic. Not dangerous when all the wittle robbers did was steal a UPS truck. So cute and precious.

According to my count, the robbers killed 0 people and the cops killed two, plus I'm pretty sure robbery is still a bit lower than shooting someone.

oh so they need to kill someone first before shooting them? ooo oic ic.

I don't care about the robbers getting shot, I think the cops are fucking retards for forcing a shootout in the middle of a crowded highway by running after these dudes with 100+ cops instead of just following them with a helicopter and stopping them in an area without tons of civilians locked in their cars in the middle of a shooting gallery.

Yes, I think these car jackings should be more scheduled and we should definitely just have a helicopter up there for when they shoot people on a busy highway. This way, we can wait for them to kill someone and only THEN shoot the men with guns holding hostages. Totally agree.

They carjacked it earlier and there were already helicopters in pursuit, the only reason the pursuit ended on the highway was the cops getting a big dick about being heroes or some dumb shit.

Now this may be difficult for you, but consider a scenario where the cops dont send 100+ cops in pursuit to end it on the highway and instead wait till they leave the interstate and then try to stop them, do you think more or less people die.

Actually lets even consider the cops just letting them get away, do you think the robbers getting away with like 100k from their stickup is better or worse then stopping the robbers and killing two civilians including the hostage?

Just remember the only people who got shot were BY the cops, just reminding you since you seem a little bit on the slow side 🤗




Dont worry, the cops took care of shooting at everyone in the streets. I mean holy shit how many people were surrounding that truck that could have taken a stray bullet from these shit shots?

We did it Patrick, we saved the city!

Cops = high school dropouts with license to kill.

Give citizens the license to carry at least, out in public and that will be somewhat close to fairness

The jewelry store owner knew what was up. He scared away the robbers with his gun and prevented his entire shop from being massacred by trigger happy cops.


american police should not have guns lmao

That UPS driver had a gun, at home, so it was preventative execution.

smdh doubting the psychic police