Don't use the r-word on r/askhistorians

1  2019-12-06 by Tzar-Romulus


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I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Don't use the r-word on r/askhistor... -,

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Locked because y'all can't behave. 😌


Bro. Not cool. 😤

But, that is how they self-identify...if they didn't want to be called Republicans, they could call themselves "The Bigot Party"

😹😹😹 Republican'ts destroyed

How will they ever recover brother?

Idk but what I do know is Blormph is getting impeached


Nice one brother

they could call themselves "The Bigot Party"

Nice, where do I sign up?

Dude retard lmao

Basically this ^^^

Dude tzar lmao

Based and sobernostpilled

Finally a slogan we can all get behind. 🤗🤗🤗

r/askhistorians pissed me off a long time ago.

When "mods" lied about history, and tried to twist a story around that wasn't true.

And other mods covered for them

Just go to /hist/ for discussion. r/askhistorians is too heavily moderated.

I don't have time right now to go back into the record to dig up the exact comments, and multiple threads, but I was pissed about the issue with Haile Sellassies speach to the UN,,_1963

Give us the gist of what they did.

And how much they got paid for it.

Outright lied about what happened in relation to the bigger picture of what happened in overall picture

Did they side with Ethiopia or Italy?


Probably Italians or Italian decent, ime wogs can be extremely defensive of Italian history.

Especially since they had the most embarrassing colonization record.

What about the Roman Empire? Or hadn't they become Italians yet.

Italian nationalists will tell you yes, but nationalists of all sorts want to be Roman. The truth is that an Italian identity wouldn't form until after the Germanic migrations and much of southern Italy fell to Islamic rule.

The first real Italian and last cool Italian was Giuseppe Garibaldi, cmv

Lol no, everyone around here knows the fascist war efforts was a clown fiesta. Even proper fascists like to talk about how Italian soldiers were kind and brave but the generals were retarded.

Don’t know about Americans that call themselves Italians.

How can you tell the difference?

In Ethiopia there's less graffiti and week old bags of rubbish laying around


>/hist/ for discussion

Please select one of the acceptable thread topics:

>Why is Africa savage?


>are my ancestors white??

>could Hitler have won??

You forgot haplogroup retardation thread 183037391963

I absolutely did. For all the emphasis on the abnormality of the image board format, they really are effective at posting the exact same fucking thread over and over.

Mesoamerican anon is based, though.

I like these threads though. 😤

It's good fun, but you're really not learning shit.

Well I learned I need to return to the steppe.

I also learned that I need a peasant agrarian wife.

I had to stop reading threads about Indo-Europeans because the genetist autism was too strong. Bronze age collapse and Ancient Greece threads are usually good though.

Bronze age collapse

On /hist/? Damn I’m missing out

Yeah they pop up once and a while, you can always start your own thread too.

Did you ever hear the theory that one of the Sea People tribes eventually became Philistines, then Palestinians?


I hate the worship that sub gets. So many of the "answers" are just "I can't answer your question but here's some unrelated shit I do know about." And as far as agendas go it's pants-on-head-easy to construct a bullshit narrative with statistics, imagine how easy it is with just anecdotes. If you need karma or an ego-boost just spend forty-five minutes on Google and watch the praise roll in.

What happened now?

What did he lie about?

Ain’t no white faggot telling this nigga what he can and can’t say

Base negro

Dude nigger lmao

Why do they hate it? Are they retarded?

Well you need to be at least a bit retarded to study history and join the /nopay/ club.

Yes. They're also massive faggots.

Fuck, im surprised that I only saw one person link the 'retarded' clip from Rick and Morty

Richard and Mortimer is 100% right, cmv


The post currently has 63 removed comments and has resulted in 15 bans. The GMT mods are logging off about now, so I'm locking it. This might be temporary - if another mod becomes active they can reopen it if they wish to deal with the hassle of keeping the mod queue clean. I for one have reached my ban limit for the day and am shutting down.


Sorry guys, I can't continue to babysit the wrongthink out of this thread anymore so it's LOCKED so that no one can disagree with me on the internet while I'm off the internet. Pretty fucking retarded

The fact that people are trying to make retarded as offensive as nigger is fucking retarded

That’s right Fag

"feminine" is a slur now. That's the bespoke take.

I sent the whole mod team "ok retards"

Now I'm permabanned from a sub I only just heard about.

As a self-identified retard I am shocked that they would censor my identity...smh -_-

It is no better than calling things you hate "gay" or describing undesirable qualities as "feminine".

Yep, being a woman or gay is pretty much in the same league as being retarded.

It is no better than calling things you hate "gay" or describing undesirable qualities as "feminine"

But neither of these are bad

It's times like this where I really miss pinging.

How fucking retarded to you have to be to mistake /r/badhistory for /r/askhistorians? Badhistory is just a SJW circlejerk sub.

How retarded to you have to be to mistake /r/badhistory for /r/askhistorians?

It's the fucking same thing. Both are useless heavily moderated bores.

academia sub is filled with retarded chapos

who could have predicted this?

I got banned in less than 2 minutes 🤔

Mental midgets. Developmentally delayed. The kid that fell off the short bus.

Those are acceptable terms, but does use the retard word.