Wage gap is real! 👏🏻

1  2019-12-06 by HardIsLife


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. Wage gap is real! 👏🏻 - archive.org, archive.today

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Yawn, another brigade from Drama? They must be tired of disrespecting the trans community or creeping on underage children if they're willing to shit on a wholesome subreddit that actually does something to help others.


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The first witness, former employee Kirsten Hanson Garcia, who worked for Oracle for more than 16 years, most recently in human resources as senior director of talent development, testified that during a meeting in the mid-2000s with top executives, the head of human resources said, “Well, if you hire a woman, she will work harder for less money.”

This line alone set off my bullshit detector. Everyone in the corporate world knows men will work far longer hours and take far less family time than women will.

This line alone set off my bullshit detector. Everyone in the corporate world knows men will work far longer hours and take far less family time than women will.

Honestly though. A lot of women (including moi) in STEM suffer from imposter syndrome and are eager to prove that they really belong and not just a diversity quota by working hard.

And there it fucking is. Every. Single. Time.

This one I agree. You can’t judge the salary just form the job title. I don’t know in burgerland but in Asia, you definitely get paid more for just being a white guy. Have experienced it before. The employers tend to think white men are just know more.

Back in my old company, there was this one guy from another department. Whenever we were assigned together to work together, he would ask me some questions about technical feasibility. He never believed me and then, he would later ask to a white guy who mostly gave the exact same answers. One thing the white guy gave a different answer and that guy believed him over me. I just patiently waited until the white guy was proven wrong. After that that guy showed a bit more respect towards me.

I didn’t jump to conclusions, mind you. I tried changing how I approached these things. I tried being more confident. More positive. Etc. Nothing worked. So, I just got tired and asked him bluntly on why he kept asking that white guy. His reply was, “oh, he’s from UK so I thought he knew more.”

Another incident was with this lady. I was asked to help her out on some technical stuff. My then boss sent an email cc’ing me and her saying I would be helping out. Later it was revealed that she had been sending and asking for help to the whole department (all men) and leaving me out. She would come by and say things like, “wow, everyone is busy. There’s no one to help.” right in front of me. At that point, we had not even worked together yet. We had never spoken in person. She just decided to go ask for the men’s help.

Thankfully, that’s all my experiences with sexism.

I'd believe that with Asia tbh. Stores there literally hire white people to stand around outside:


I'm not saying there aren't elements of sexism in various industries - but it seems like they're really trying to force it and using bad arguments to do so.

As always, moderate centrist approach is the most accurate one. It’s not 100% myth and it’s not 100% 75 cents for a dollar or whatever.

Honestly though. A lot of women (including moi) in STEM suffer from imposter syndrome and are eager to prove that they really belong and not just a diversity quota by working hard.

You can't say that aloud tho. "Hire women, they work harder than men" is misogyny in CY+4.

in Asia, you definitely get paid more for just being a white guy.

yeah, in Asia white privilege actually exists.

like foid privilege in the US.

Yeah but mayos gets triggered when you point this out.

All the foids I’ve worked with in research are dumb as shit and don’t know anything. Plus they expect the men to pick up all the slack. Or have to go home sick or for a migraine, Etc. But that’s research. Maybe it’s different in coding and engineering or some other nerd shit.

Do you think men don’t have any insecurities or something?

Also literally everyone in tech has imposter syndrome since we’re all a bunch of losers doing mostly tedious but easy things getting paid like chads.

Whataboutism 👏🏻

You know what, cry me a fucking river. Literally everyone wants you to succeed, and are doing everything they can to help.

We even changed the name of "introduction to symbolic programming" to "the beauty and the joy of computing" to better suit your feminine sensibilities.

Umm did you read my comments? I’m not from hippie burgerland. I’m from Asia.

You're in the beginning stages of taking the feminist black pill. My ex girlfriend told me the most radicalizing moment for her was noticing that her "seriousness" correlated exclusively to how well she dressed for work.

If she didn't wear makeup her coworkers would question her, and they assumed she was sloppy.

Did u wear makeup the day that happened to you

Umm sweaty, you are so late to this party. I was a crazy SJW back in like 2011. And I became like a crazy anti SJW in 2014. I’ve been moderate now for years.

Umm sweaty, you are so late to this party. I was a crazy SJW back in like 2011. And I became like a crazy anti SJW in 2014. I’ve been moderate now for years.

Oh wow, polar opposites, I've been more focused on feasibility since I first helped with union organizing at 13. I'm glad you finally came around to radical centrism though. I encourage you to watch the british comedy "Yes, Prime Minister" for a superb run down of what radical centrism really truly means.

Oh and just the other day. I was at this Chinese restaurant and was going to order something. A white guy came in loudly. Speaking in broken Chinese. Asked the staff to come and converse with him. All the staff ignored me immediately.

Because I always go to asian food places, I have so many experiences with this. Ordered the same thing as the white guy in front. His portion is as twice as mine.

The problem is with Asian people though. Some want to impress white people for some reason.

It’s not just the women who love white guys?

Unfortunately, no. I’ve seen asian men being super cringy to and want to impress white people.


Imagine lowering yourself to second class citizen for some mayo expat 🤦🏻‍♀️

You know what I found us the best thing about working with white Americans?

I just pretend I don't understand English well. This is two benefits....

They generally leave me alone.

I can insult them straight to their face and play it off as my bad English.

I've been working at this one place for the last 10 years and not a single one of the white folks realize I am a native English speaker. Lol...

His portion is as twice as mine.

Don't men naturally burn 2x the calories women do.

Jesus fucking christ. Machine learning AI specialist making 17 million. We all know thats a dude

And 👏 that's 👏 a 👏 good 👏 thing! 👏

Broke: Wage gap is real and explained by sexism

Woke: Wage gap can be explained by economic factors that has nothing to do with sexism

Bespoke: Wage gap isn't nearly as high as it should be

Its Oracle, so I assume whatever incompetence the article says they are guilty of is 100% true, and probably worse than reported.

It's undeniably true but this bitch is lying. Radical centrism.

How can Larry Ellison get away with this!

He hates the foids and saves taxpayer money. This man is based

I’m glad you know who he is Jared. Many don’t because he never formed the personality that many other tech bros from that era did.

I really have to question the whole wage gap thing just because when I was in high school and we worked on group projects the girls would always try to get me to do all of the work. And then I had girlfriends that would try to get me to do literally EVERYTHING for them, even flipping light switches, etc. If there is a wage gap, they probably deserve it.