It's eternally funny YouTube is hiding it in search results now because Cenk personally complained that it was showing up before his actual content when looking them up.
Cenk thinks the left can’t lose. “How can anyone NOT want to save black trans women?”. Every single election on any level they go in expecting 100% of the vote.
Ron DeSantis is hated by TYT/other MSM because he paired up with progressive democrats to redirect $2.5 bn/yr from social activism/anti-bias training/etc to Everglades water conservation, a move that has made him one of the most popular governors in the country as he killed 4 birds with one stone (ended water crisis, saved shrimping industry, saved eco-tourism industry, ensured mangroves continue to provide ground stability and flooding protection).
In other news today, new data from longshot presidential candidate Cenk Uyger shows an unprecedented stranglehold on a single demographic, as the Young Turks host is somehow polling at 101% among white women ages 18-45....
yIkEs you say like 2 years after MDE and its associated subs were wiped off the site. At this point the MDEfugees that managed not to get purged are citizens and valuable members of society, even if they choose not to adopt /r/drama culture, you bigot.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-12-06
This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 hyledog 2019-12-06
We’re talking red rockets bud
1 AngelaBeedle 2019-12-06
He’s not a presidential candidate dummy
He’s running for Katie hills seat
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2019-12-06
For now...
Let me know if you need help understanding the implications.
1 Coonass_alt 2019-12-06
Your username is based as fuck.
1 YaBoyStevieF 2019-12-06
Aluzky is running for president?
1 AngelaBeedle 2019-12-06
nah he’s running to replace Katie hill in the special election after she resigned
1 snowkarl 2019-12-06
I miss this chunky bacon gulper
He used to be funny sometimes at least, instead of full on psycho, Maddow level radlib
1 THOT-AUDITOR 2019-12-06
The last time I found the Young Turks funny was when they utterly melted down on election night 2016.
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2019-12-06
I've watched that multiple times, it never gets old.
1 THOT-AUDITOR 2019-12-06
It's eternally funny YouTube is hiding it in search results now because Cenk personally complained that it was showing up before his actual content when looking them up.
1 LedinToke 2019-12-06
is that actually the reason? what a pussy lmao
1 Joe_Rogan_is_bae 2019-12-06
The 2018 Mid-Term Meltdown was even better imo.
2 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2019-12-06
That's hysterical. I love watching them start all tough and then their dreams being picked apart.
1 Joe_Rogan_is_bae 2019-12-06
Cenk thinks the left can’t lose. “How can anyone NOT want to save black trans women?”. Every single election on any level they go in expecting 100% of the vote.
2 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2019-12-06
Him whining about all the "racists" winning cracks me up.
2 Joe_Rogan_is_bae 2019-12-06
Ron DeSantis is hated by TYT/other MSM because he paired up with progressive democrats to redirect $2.5 bn/yr from social activism/anti-bias training/etc to Everglades water conservation, a move that has made him one of the most popular governors in the country as he killed 4 birds with one stone (ended water crisis, saved shrimping industry, saved eco-tourism industry, ensured mangroves continue to provide ground stability and flooding protection).
1 ironicshitpostr 2019-12-06
the only night Twitter was worth reading
1 Kat_B0T 2019-12-06
Based and whitegirl pilled
1 GeauxHouston22 2019-12-06
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2019-12-06
I think he was high as balls in that clip.
1 UpperclassmanKuno 2019-12-06
Unironically hilarious.
1 faponurmom 2019-12-06
Haha, what the fuck. Cenk is dogpilled lol.
1 iamredpill 2019-12-06
Yikes, this sub is filled with mdefugees now. We should do something about that.
1 -holier-than-mao- 2019-12-06
Your schtick is getting boring.
1 SALTY_COCK 2019-12-06
yIkEs you say like 2 years after MDE and its associated subs were wiped off the site. At this point the MDEfugees that managed not to get purged are citizens and valuable members of society, even if they choose not to adopt /r/drama culture, you bigot.
1 NiceFemininePenisBoy 2019-12-06
His streamer nephew is just as based and goatpilled.
1 hasanoglu 2019-12-06
From one Türkroach to another, fuck this guy. Can't stand his roach ass.
1 MaestroSkiner 2019-12-06
Of course it's a mud slime