Aging foid bitter that she was blown out by Chad after spurning "nice guy" beta

1  2019-12-06 by DeliciousPaste


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I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. Aging foid bitter that she was blow... -,

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Post history is gold and reads like a longform incel comic:

10 months ago:

"I’m having the most amazing sex of my life with the man I am dating. "

Soon after:

"I’ve been dating someone for a couple months, and I’m being faded on. They’ll respond to my texts, but it’s clear that they’re fading. I feel hurt, rejected, and humiliated even though I am not anyone’s girlfriend and don’t have a right to feel that way."

she finds a beta chump:

"I’ve been dating this guy for a month. He’s really nice, probably the nicest guy I’ve ever gone out with. He doesn’t play games, texts me all the time, treats me to nice things, and it became pretty clear early on that he’s not dating anyone else. But I’m starting to lose interest.

We haven’t had sex. I’m attracted to him, but I don’t want to rush into anything. I am most attracted to dominant men and I’m thinking he’ll be too gentle."

soon after that:

"I had a UTI a few months ago and it wasn’t pleasant, but it wasn’t too bad. Took an antibiotic and the symptoms quickly cleared up.

A few days ago, I had sex twice with the same guy who I was with when I got the first UTI.

...the sex was so good it must have given me temporary amnesia..."

a couple of months later:

"I have started taking an antidepressant (Prozac). I don’t know if it is working for my depression, but one thing I’ve noticed is my sex drive is gone and I can’t orgasm/or when I finally orgasm it is like a mini orgasm and kind of sucks."

I am most attracted to dominant men and I’m thinking he’ll be too gentle."


oh no he was too dominant and treated me like a plate!


That's not "too dominant", plates can be spun by literally anyone. Using people isn't some sort of a dominant move, and often comes from a place of insecurity. Like a foid that needs her orbiters - it's often done simply because one is afraid of being left alone, a relationship form of fear of failure.

This is something most moids and foids can't seem to grasp - social dominance, sexual dominance, being an asshole, etc - all very different things.

^ something every redpilled guy needs to hear

We need better sex education in school. The porn industry has tried to bury many inconvenient truths.

lmfao foids are so retarded. I have zero sympathy for this retard.


Of all the word of mice and man, the saddest are “incels are right again”

It's of song and pen 🙄

doesn’t know I’m quoting Kurt Vonnegut


it's of tongue or pen ackshually sweaty.

mice and man

holy shit, god damn you are fucking stupid

Shit you got me

Here is the correct, centrist interpretation.

Our society has made a mistake by telling men that every man can be a Chad, and telling women that every woman can attract and keep a Chad. Of course, neither of those things is true. If every man in the world were a Chad, then the standard of Chadhood would just be raised to reflect the new normal. By definition, exceptional people are in the minority. What we should be telling people is that Chads' place on top of the social hierarchy is natural and justified, and if you can't be a Chad, then you should accept your position in life and be grateful for what you can get.

Incels are normatively wrong, because they don't deserve any of the things they want, any more than a nonbinary self-ID'd transbian who makes zero effort to pass deserves romantic attention from lesbians ... but I can't deny that descriptively, they are right about some things that the rest of society is too polite to say. It's the emperor's new clothes, where only a toddler is both smart enough to know that the emperor is naked but also clueless enough to point it out.


You're right, but it really is depressing that incels are genetically fucked through no fault of their own.

I'm lucky in that I'm attractive enough for it to make up for my absolutely shit personality, but it's not like I did anything deserving of my looks.

I've been a piece of shit for most of my life, meanwhile I've had incredible friends who were awesome people but were fairly average-looking and they would freak out whenever they found a girl that was interested in them.

Shit, my best friend that I met in 2nd grade and grew up with like a brother ended up finally finding his first girlfriend a few years back and I ended up fucking her while they were dating. She straight up told me that she'd never even had sex with him either.

The world isn't fair, and it's honestly depressing as shit.

Incels don't deserve the hand they were given.

There was nothing wrong with Elliot Rodger's looks or family wealth, his soul was fucked up

Everyone memes about how “lmao he couldn’t get laid” but he was a truly sociopathic narcissistic piece of shit and that’s the cause of the shooting.

Yeah he honestly wasn't terrible looking, he just had that incel mindset.

I think a pretty good amount of incels are in the same position. Like, they're fairly average and could actually get a girl if they were normal but they've gone so far off the deep end that it's impossible.

They're like male version of feminists.

Word. Especially in Southern California, where a rich hapa guy should have no trouble finding a girl. The fact that /r/drama is claiming the moral highground over him and not even wisecracking at all about him tells you what an irredeemable little psycho he was (in case his video-taped rants, and, like, the fact that he shot up a deli left some doubts).

He was a manlet though, even with wealth and a pretty face manlets are pretty fucked.

At the end of the day, what even is luck? I'm decent-looking, I'm tall, and I'm actually pretty smart IRL, and these things have helped me to become pretty successful by society's common standards. But I don't think I earned it all on my own. I just got dealt a good hand. We tend to act like beauty is just a gift from the gods, while we treat intelligence as if it were a hard-earned prize that anyone could attain if they just had enough grit, but the truth is that I'm probably smart because of a combination of good genes and good parents.

Think about which kids do well in school and which ones don't. I don't consider myself a particularly hard worker, but I often didn't need to work hard, whereas I've known some very diligent, conscientious people who just found things tougher than I did. Unless you're terminally lazy or have absolutely zero impulse control, being smart means that you need to work less hard to get good results.

Incels don't deserve the hand they were given.

This is the essence of their "blackpill" ideology, and it does suck. I think one way for us to rationalize it is to act like this is the Protestant Reformation, and tell ourselves that we're the Elect while they're the Reprobate, and we were just made this way by the grace of God/fate/whatever you believe in. It's literally Calvinism for the 21st century. Maybe I'm a bad person for rationalizing things this way, but at least I've never cucked a close friend of mine.

At the end of the day, what even is luck?

I just got dealt a good hand.

That. That's luck.

I'm a total retard but I was also born fairly smart, which is bullshit because getting both good looks and an IQ above double digits isn't fair. At the very least it should be one or the other. On top of that I was born into a fairly wealthy family, which makes it even worse.

Fortunately I'm also an irredeemable alcoholic so that kind of evens things out a bit.

At the end of the day though, I can at least take solace in knowing that I've wasted a ridiculous amount of potential that most people would kill for.

Like there's so much shit I could've done thanks to the circumstances of my birth, but instead I did nothing.

All of this luck was wasted on me.

What a random crop lol

Imagine expecting me to make any sense


I'm actually smart IRL

Oh, honey.

Lmao did he ever find out about it? Also you’re a shit friend but I commend your Chadness. Only way to top that shit was if you railed your friends bussy and took his v card before her.

Yeah he found out a few weeks after the fact and he's fucking hated me since.

I don't blame him.

A few months later during my going away party before I moved across the country I got super drunk and apologized to him for being a piece of shit and hurting him like that. He told me it was fine and he forgave me and all that shit, but it was pretty clear the dude still wanted to fucking kill me and was just lying / being polite.

I gave him one of my beers after that though so in the end it evened out.


Lmfao the Chad Girlfriend Fucker vs the Virgin It’s Fine We’re Cool Soyboy. Sorry you lost your boy but it sounds like he was dead weight anyway so I’ll cheers to that 🍻

Honestly the saddest part is that he's taller than I am.

Imagine getting cucked by someone shorter than you.

I hope you’re both at least taller than the girl.

He was around her height, I wasn't. She was pretty fucking tall.

In all honesty this is going to sound like a bullshit and no one should believe me but she was actually a Miss California contestant.

Last I heard was that she's married to an actual a Chad now and they're apparently super happy.

What’s that gay reddit saying? Rule number 1 be attractive rule number 2 don’t be unattractive. Confidence, being attractive, and not acting like a sperg are literally the only 3 boxes you need to check to get laid.

Many dudes get laid without being attractive. Maybe not with 8's and 9's, and they're not racking up triple digits, or even double digits most of the time, but the vast majority of men over 25 are not virgins. Don't let Reddit fool you.

it really is depressing that incels are genetically fucked through no fault of their own.

Everyone is genetically fucked through no fault of their own, and everyone should just deal with it.

All this "you can have it all" bullshit is mind poison. The denial of genetic differences is a comorbid social disease.

Unless your parents are billionaires, and you're beautiful, intelligent and perfectly healthy, you can't have it all. And even then you can't have everything.

It’s the chads who use the low-tier women for quick fucks until they find a woman worth their time. So when the chad finally leaves the low-tier woman, she gets frustrated and looks for another chad who’ll inevitably leave her and the cycle repeats. This is the female blackpill, and when they take it they can either break out of the cycle of being used the chads or keep acting entitled to having a chad that she can never keep. If she does break out BEFORE she’s 30 she can look for a man equal to her, one who won’t leave her, and marry him.

If she does break out BEFORE she’s 30 she can look for a man equal to her, one who won’t leave her, and marry him.

I call that a satisfactory outcome. Again, be grateful for what good luck does come your way.

There's tons of women who "settled" for eccentric STEM guys in college, I dunno if it's opposites attract or they just like how passionate and smart those guys are.

There's tons of women who "settled" for eccentric STEM guys in college, I dunno if it's opposites attract or they just like how passionate and smart those guys are.

I'd say it covers a fairly wide breadth in my experience. There are those who are genuinely attracted to more technically inclined guys. There are also those who just want a stable guy but don't really respect him. I definitely don't advertise my career is related to it, millenials have a lot of weird ideas about what its like in my exp.

Ah ones I know met their wives before they made it rich back when they were nerdy guys with no game that women out their leagues took a interest in


Post history is an absolute nightmare, I really pity these foids

The story of a female coomer.

Hookup culture is trickier on women because it allows low-status women to be with high-status men for a little while. They get a taste of what it's like to be with a Chad. The opposite isn't true for men (high-status women never be caught dead with a low-status man), so, in a sense, they are safer from the "grass is greener" realization.

In any case, lol washed-up foids

Nah the women do, but only with lower class guys who are attractive, and thanks to mother nature the number one thing that makes a man attractive means they usually don't stay lower class for very long.

The really hot ones don't, but half of them wind up 40 and alone after treating everyone they meet like shit.

lower class is not what "lower status" means in the context of sex/dating

Except that it makes you much more attractive in the context of dating for a whole variety of reasons.

It's just not the only way, which is my point, Chads aren't just born but also made.


you ok there

Pretty accurate, women are more susceptible to the pitfalls of modernity if anything. She's a victim too. She's just behaving the way her lizard brain was programmed to behave by the powerful institutions that brought her up through life

it takes real men to pierce the veil and spend all day saying bussy lol on a message board full of fat autistic shutins

Glad to know I'm doing my part BTFO'ing women by being a total freak loser shut in.

women are more susceptible to the pitfalls of modernity if anything

I blame men for the 19th Amendment

high-status women never be caught dead with a low-status man

Not true. This is what bars are for.

dramanauts don't leave their hovels, what is this 'bar'

It's the original form of therapy

I love how dense the average Redditor is and not thinking picking up 9s from the pub isn't a completely attainable goal. Just like be charming and shit you good.

Just like be charming and shit you good.

yeah til your eightball is gone

red pillers call this an "alpha widow"

i had a roommate who was like this - she'd hook up with this hot guy once every three months, and he'd always make excuses about why they couldn't meet, though to me it was obvious he was banging other girls and she'd be quite low down on his roster. but she stayed single for like two years just so she'd be able to bang him when he finally got around to it. eventually i laid out her behaviour to her and she ended up meeting a guy with better prospects

Poor guy

to be fair he was kinda alpha too so it probably ended up ok. she had almost no ability to read people or herself though, it was incredibly frustrating to witness. she spent like a month dating this guy from her work who she was clearly not attracted to - they never had sex, and when she brought him over they felt more like co-workers than a couple. he was a 'nice guy', when it's clear her type was dominant guys

Owie poor wymin. It's like they are spoiled by living living like a billionaire but then have to settle by living upper class.

They really be livin in a society out there.

Imagine being so pathetic that occasionally having sex with an attractive person seems as unimaginably wonderful to you as being a literal billionaire.

Seems like for quite a few American women it is actually so incredibly wonderful, that they end up waiting forever for that final chad that sticks around, that even if they eventually settle they stay forever unhappy and resentful about it.

And for such men it's one of life's worst nightmares. No one wants to settle for someone they know they stand a chance of leaving to find someone better but the fear of that person being the best one can get or of irrepairably hurting that person they care about only to end up lonely after it's all said and done has kept many people, let alone men, stuck in those relationships. No guy wants to have that kind feeling while they listen to Stacey the formerly hot chick bitch and moan about shit while they stay on the woketrain. It's enough to cause one to go nuts and/or consider lassoing onself to a semi from the nearest interstate overpass and riding the skids

Depends on what you mean by “low status”. I’ve seen tons of rich girls from nice families get caught up on tattooed druggies and fuck their whole life up. “Low status” would just mean “no game” and that’s what a lot of people don’t understand nowadays.

Basically lmao foids mad at ruining their own lives

That they aren't sexually attractive, they lack sexual and social status. That's what I mean

They get a taste of what it's like to be with a Chad

It's a charity us chads run. But only when we're bored or drunk.

This is the world the foids wanted and chose. It’s very entertaining to know it makes them extremely unhappy as they don’t understand themselves and their own desires at all.

making fun of stupid foid

Yikes, r/drama is full of incels now. We should do something about this.

we've all taken the pizzapill on foids, brother. It was he one redeeming argument.

It's over for noncels.

Lol imagine fucking gussy in 2019.

God I would fucking kill to be gay.

start with futa, then add traps, then slowly work your way into enjoying traditional gay porn

I've tried man. Back in 2014 when I still played WoW some Polish girl in our guild added me on snapchat and started sending me skimpy pics and shit. Eventually she sent me a fully nude pic and it turned out she was a he.

I spent like two minutes trying to get myself into it but it just didn't work.

I don't like dick. I wish I did, but I don't.

Some people are born lucky. I'm just not one of them.

Eventually she sent me a fully nude pic and it turned out she was a he.

how did you respond to this faggotry

Took a screenshot and posted it in the guild chat.

Unsurprisingly a lot of the dudes were actually jealous lmao.

gaymers unironically horny for traps


Told one of them I'd send him more screenshots- even though there weren't any- if he sent me 1k gold.

He did.

Did your guild use voice chat? Did the trap use a voice changer or just not talk at all or did you not have vc

The trap never used voice chat, nah.


angery newfag whining about our bread and butter

We need to put up the wall.

This is supposedly an adult

No sympathy for the foid. The foid touches the stovetop and blames the electric company for her burns.

Mfw not using a gas top. Why even bother?

no induction range

lol poors lol

I rarely downvote. Had to due to this heresy

virgin 8 minutes to boil water gas range
vs chad 2 minutes to boil water induction range

Gas top requires some semblance of awareness and care. Two qualities the mayo foid has long since abandoned.

Can't wait for next post about how all the asshole guys she chooses to fuck treat her like a slab of meat

dude alpha widows lmao

Each time he would do this, I’d become depressed and never said how upset this made me, except to my therapist.

real foid hours


Almost word for word stated by this guy.

latest comment on that post

I have never felt more identified with something before. It seems like we lived the same situation. It's like you took the words out of my mouth. It sucks. The misery stings in deep. I ended up fucking up a lot of things because of the trauma that "relationship" (because like in your case, we never really dated) left me. I genuinely thought I was in love with this guy and I would have done everything for him. I remember how miserable I would feel every time he got another girl or started actually dating someone. I felt something was missing in me, like I wasn't enough for him? And every time, regardless of how much shit he pulled on me, I would be back, no questions asked. I always forgave him and even apologized when I had been the victim. Sometimes I still think about him, but thankfully I was able to break loose from that curse that was holding me hostage. I've never felt more trapped than when I loved him. Because damn I did and he never saw me as more than a hookup and that's alright you know. But I still felt very miserable and depressed and then started seeking validation by engaging in textbook risk conducts. But anyway just know you're amazing and you will eventually find someone who will love you just how you are. :)

and this chick posts in inceltears

lmfao, she's like a living stereotype concocted by the most autistic incel proving their points, yet she STILL posts about incels bad. zero self awareness, absolutely amazing

dude foids lmao

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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