Jester and Orange County, NY gets in a fight that lands them with in trouble the the NYS AG for systematically making laws to stop Hasidic Jews from building a housing development and moving to town.

1  2019-12-07 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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  1. Jester and Orange County, NY gets i... -,

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Hasidic Jews are a nightmare they leech all the local funds and literally take over townships to divert funds back to themselves, this whole article makes it seem like people are being anti Semitic when in reality Hasidic Jews make life miserable for everyone around them and destroy towns and their infrastructure.

At least they don't vaccinate their kids, so inshallah plague will strike them down. I know in some New Jersey towns, they're going door to door offering cash for the houses of all non-Hasidic residents, so they can form their own exclusive communities.


Why is every Orange County always filled with white people?