On a post about Russia spreading disinformation to smear rightoids via leftoids, one brave leftoid decides to long post that ackshually it is the reverse. Leftoids are loving it up until the point he starts shilling for Pocahontas.

1  2019-12-07 by tranquillement


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Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. On a post about Russia spreading di... - archive.org, archive.today

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bernie bros = soviet agents

We all suspected this from the start but now it's out in the open.

A comment with only 50 upvotes but a dozen soy badges warning about the dangers of online shills. Very cool. 🤔🤔🤔

remember when it was revealed that "russia" was driving a wedge between these turds?

redditors dont

Based and Dugin pilled

Why do they do this? Prentend to be objective when their tinfoil hats are just as big Qanons?

Why do they see him as weaker? Put bluntly, the dude is old, calls himself an outright socialist, and had a heart attack. It's easy pickings for a smear campaign that will begin the moment he wins the primaries nomination. I know this because it's what I would do if I was a sleazy snake with no morals. Warren is cut from the same cloth, but packaged in a formidable shape: younger, more charismatic, better debate skills, no health issues, and doesn't why from recognizing the qualities of capitalism (which even the Nordic nations Bernie praises still has as a mixed economy).

Just shut the fuck up and support my candidate goyim.

I remember when r/conspiracy boomer seethoids did the same thing with the Ukraine whistleblower.

We MUST find out who the whistleblower is!

but why

uhhhh.... he’s a Democrat, probably!

Now the same exact thing is happening except it’s Reddit leftist seethoids who are trying to silence the UK leaks and are claiming that Russia is the whistleblower.

Half of the users in that list of “Russian shills” hadn’t even posted anything lmao