Journalist finds out that there's no longer any place in Europe where (((they))) are safe. Inshallah

1  2019-12-07 by MaestroSkiner


Man, that's hilariously. I seriously doubt that anyone photoshopped anything in that context, but something clearly went wrong with that photo. Maybe some sort of electronic shutter fuckery.

Fucking perfect drama fuel.

It looks like the smear effect you get when you scan a photo. I could see a government beareau being so backwards that they still take pictures on film and then scan them to digitize them.

Something could have gone wrong at any stage of the process. Electronic shutters can cause smearing. The printing can cause smearing. Maybe they really do scan something somewhere - and that also can cause smearing.

What I don't see happening is someone whipping out photoshop in the middle of the whole ID card update process to doctor up official photographic records - it's a really time consuming and super illegal way to get some cheap lulz. And you'd probably do a better job and not just move the right side of her face down.

Lmao in addition to especially fucking up one side of her face, it looks like Swedish IDs make everyone into a yid by default anyway

It's smearing, but that only emphasizes the features she already had to begin with.

People have noses man đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž

It genuinely just is an optical illusion of sorts where the photo ends up not clearly displaying the depth difference between the tip of the nose and the philtrum. Probably caused by both bad lighting and a bad camera.

Hebe fragility tbqhf

Yeah it looks like it was just a shadow before the image was converted to black and white and lost most of it's color depth.

I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🩇


  1. Journalist finds out that there's n... -,

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Boy I sure wish I understood what I was supposed to be seeing.


She was married to a non-Jewish husband and has two sons. Later when she became religious she asked her husband to convert, which he declined. After their divorce, she maintained a totally Jewish lifestyle and keeps a kosher home. Since kosher meat is not available in Sweden, she imports her kosher meat from Belgium.

She's a meme.

Since kosher meat is not available in Sweden, she imports her kosher meat from Belgium.

For anyone curious, it is not available because kosher slaughtering does not comply with animal cruelty laws.

Um, so what about halal meat then?

Do you want the country to starve?

Depends on the nation. The slaughtering practices are similar but not identical. I know that in some places there has been some back and forth between the government and religious authorities to find a method of killing that satisfies the law and the religious requirements.

Are you saying that Muslims managed to get Sweden to allow their stuff while Jews failed? Smdh, Jews.

Slaughtering the animal without stunning is illegal. Doesn’t matter if it’s to produce kosher or halal or if you’re just a monster who likes to watch them suffer. They didn’t make a law where they specifically mentioned kosher practices, she’s just a perpetual victim.

Lmao so she isn’t even “ethnically” Jewish that’s why they needed to add the extra honk. Fucking based.

I think she's ethnically Jewish but was non-practicing and converted to the religion itself. It happens pretty often.

It's kind of like 'finding your roots' or whatever.

Because of Rabbanic Judaisms retarded practice of only recognizing the spawn of Jew mothers as Jews it’s often the case that in an intermarriage where the mother isn’t Jewish the child won’t be recognized as Jewish either. So they have to go through the whole lengthy process of conversion like a non-Jew would to be allowed into their religion and are often subjected to the stigma of not being considered “real” Jews for their entire life. If they had been born in an intermarriage where the mother was Jewish though there would be no issue and they’re full jews. A descendant of a Jewish mother can just be an atheist and still be a Jew somehow, a descendant of a Jewish father has to self-flallegate and prove themselves to follow all of the absurd religious rules of Orthodox Judaism over like a decade to be allowed in. You can’t convert to non-practicing Judaism. Literally there’s an incidence of an Arab Israeli singer trying to convert to Judaism who’s application was rejected by the rabbinic council because women aren’t allowed to sing in public. Very advanced and baste and secular and advanced and civilized country this one.

Hilariously Ashkenazi mostly have Levantine Y chromosomes and European mDNA. This means that their Jewish lineage was clearly broken across the female line at some point, they’re the descendants of male Jews who immigrated to Europe and took European wives. I’m guessing they pulled the Jewish mother rule straight out of their ass at some later time. Yeah but this is the exact same religion untouched handed down from David that has an absolute right to eternal settlement of Israel, even from Jewish converts to Islam who live there now and who’s line never emigrated. When they converted they were consenting to genocide a millennium in future to entitled shitheads from europe who think they have a right to settle and genocide wherever the fuck in the world they want.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys đŸ˜·đŸ˜·đŸ˜·

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Are these screenshots real? I’ve seen so many.

Aaah based.

Jewish woman is saying they altered her photo on an ID card to give her a big ol' nose. Her nose is pretty much that big in her twitter pic though.

Sounds like a seinfeld skit:

"My Nose is NOT that big Jerry!"

"No of course not-want some froot loops?"

hands box and Toucan Sam looks just like her

audience laughter

(((He))) is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Tbh I'd be more upset if you called me a bad radish farmer than if you called me out for being Jewish.

May Allah curse you with radish rot for being a J*w

Ok so root rot isn't anything to joke about it's actually a serious fucking problem and a lot of radishes get it. It's not because they're any "less" of a radish than the others, it just happens.

So there are some things you can joke about and some things you can't, and you should probably make sure you know which is which before you upset some random unstable radish farmer who then shows up outside of your house with an over-sized radish and beats you you into submission with it.

You’re just jealous of the mere existence of rutabaga. Learn to grow actual roots next time

I swear to god if my radishes weren't holding me back right now you'd be a dead man.

Thank your lucky stars that they're strong enough to restrain me.

Oy Vey

She got that squidward

Never have i been more proud of my country.


Yeah it’s most likely just an error, or if it’s on purpose it’s some Allah worshiping fellow. So SWEDEN YES is accurate.

Sverige 👏 Ă€r 👏 mĂ„ngkulturellt 👏

Inga rasister pĂ„ vĂ„ra gator 👊👊

Fyll dem istÀllet med queers och flator. Are you Swedish?

Jag Àr antirasist, sötnos


Mycket bÀttre favÀ

Ja jo jag förstÄr det.

Imagine being a proud citizen of the rape capital of the world.

Ffs, it's like we literally never stop bitching even about the most inconsequential petty shit.

It's a fucking doctored nose on an ID, this isn't The Pianist.

No wonder Hitler tried to shoah us.

I actually can't tell much of a difference. You could show me the first one and it already looks doctored 😂


Like does she think that a government computer there literally has a copy of photoshop on hand to go through all the effort of doing this? Usually on government computers you’re not allowed to install your software, what kind of crazy shit would be going on in that office? Does he like regularly do this with photos, just waste his time pulling up photoshop to edit them for dumb reasons?