I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.
Inshallah the production of this obscenity will be demolished as it degrades the fabric of the Ummah. Those responsible will have their backs broken in Jahannam if not sooner here on this world Allah has granted to our stewardship.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-12-08
I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 Dramabanevader 2019-12-08
Kinda obscene snappy 😳
1 RedditModsEatMyAss 2019-12-08
1 MG87 2019-12-08
Lol Christians
1 15nelsoc 2019-12-08
Inshallah the production of this obscenity will be demolished as it degrades the fabric of the Ummah. Those responsible will have their backs broken in Jahannam if not sooner here on this world Allah has granted to our stewardship.
1 NotoriousChenposter 2019-12-08
Imagine thinking it's the 1980's.
1 ironicshitpostr 2019-12-08
Nah maxx hardcore got obscenity charged this century
My ex-wife was pissed
2 VanillaReign 2019-12-08
Why, did she have a shoot lined up with him before he got arrested?
1 forseti911 2019-12-08
Coomers gonna rise up.
1 HeyItsYourBoyDaniel 2019-12-08
Something is going to rise alright
1 texanapocalypse33 2019-12-08
Violence against women has increased? Does he have any stats to back this up?