Black TERFS create their own denomination

1  2019-12-08 by Goes_Down_on_Women


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Black TERFS create their own denomi... -,

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Not really a fan of identity politics,

Imagine being some sort of rightoid and failing your undercover feminism LARP like that.

I forsee this sub will fail in producing much drama. Hope I am wrong, though

There's only like 3 black women on reddit, and only 2 are radfems.

Actually a survey was released a few weeks ago showing that Reddit is 89% black women.

Yes and Bpt is full of black people

Actually that same survey showed that BPT is mostly Indian incels.

And the other one can't use reddit at the moment because they're in jail.

Literally who?

There's already like 100 dead off shoot gc subs. Leftoids just can't help themselves.

They'll go private before long or it will die in a week.

im going undercover

That's a perfect place for my black female alt. But I prefer taking my alt to woke white women subs where they kiss my ass and apologize for slavery. It amuses me.

Imagine taking the time to larp as a foid on reddit


Uh that part isn’t the larp πŸ˜‚

A wh*te w*man? In my comments

Absolutely disgusting

excuse me I'm very oppressed

Yikes... doing digital blackface in 2019 isn't a good look sweaty...

I'm sure you wouldn't mind your employer knowing you enjoy killing WOC, be right back while I get in touch with them πŸ’…

I'm unemployed 8-)

I'm unemployed 8-)

Don't worry hun, I know people on the governmental level. Your neetbux are canceled


it's over for meecel.

From OP's post history:

It's because you are short. I'm 5'0 and 21 but every body thinks I'm 15.

I need to lose about 70lb (maybe more idk) so thats all I can focus on.

GC splits off little splinter groups like this a lot. It's bizarre this one is causing drama.

Progressive movements will continually subdivide into smaller and smaller factions.

Also play a fun game and ctl+f "as a white woman" that whole thread