Femcels discuss how to properly adress the (((Male Question))). Moids: y'all are CANCELED

1  2019-12-08 by Dramacel69


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When I remember, I refuse to give even small amounts of attention and validation to men. This includes things like opting to wait in line for a female cashier at the store so I don't have to chitchat with a man.

I can picture her standing awkwardly near the cash as she sees the male cashier has no line, and instead opts to wait on the female cashier's line. The male cashier says, "Miss, this cash is open" but she ignores him and looks away. He finds it odd, but simply brushes it off as her being distracted, and soon another customer goes to his cash and he checks them out. He then goes about his day and never thinks about OP again. She on the other hand spends the rest of the week having panick attacks over the fact that he called her "miss".

Or makes a GC post titled: "A m*le cashier cat called me then proceeded to ignore me"

Inconveniencing yourself in every aspect of your life so you can feed into your hatred towards men

sounds super healthy, avoidance is a great coping mechanism and definitely doesn't increase whatever underlying issues you might have

Acting like an antisocial retard to own the m*n ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Just queen shit

I wish we could ping, so that I could harass these "people" with Islamic scripture reminding them of their natural place.

why does WGTOW make you so angry?

Because it is an affront to Allah, brother. I really just like harassing people with Islam posting, and women get the most upset about it causing the most drama.

Well Turks actually get the most annoyed.

Well Turks actually get the most annoyed

No. Fucking. Way.

This. It pisses pretty much everyone off and itโ€™s hilarious.

I like that it's going to cause population collapse hopefully taking down all of the corrupt west with it only for us to finally get the monarcho techno barbarian utopia we deserve.

I like the one that basically says she turns to face women during meetings and makes sure her back is towards men. I want to remove the genders and do a survey to see if people can tell the difference between incels and GQ hot takes.

Pretty based. They leave me alone and I'll avoid them. Strong walls make for good neighbors.

So basically wgtow

wgtowwow, the inferior version of mgtowwom

May allah slay them all


Lesbians and bisexual women are significantly more likely to be victims of domestic violence than heterosexual women.

Regular feminists would never upvote a post this retarded. Terfs are truly mentally ill.

They're a bunch of undateable femcels so the 'mentally ill' part is understandable here lol


  • I don't date or fuck men even though I'm not a lesbian.

    • I don't have male friends and don't intend to get any.
    • I avoid interacting with men whenever possible.
    • I read books by female authors.

None of this is hard for me - anyway, I do feel lonely, as it seems impossible to maintain female friendships. I don't know any female separatists in person and the women who are not female separatists usually don't invest much energy into friendships with me. I find my age (the 30s) very dismal in this respect - my female friends got married or are busy being workoholics.

Literal friendless foid incel.

I'm sure all those men where she lives are just so upset and frustrated that they can't have a strong, independent woman like her.

i wish we could start a pool on how many cats she will be surrounded by when she dies alone

my bet is 10 cats and they start eating her within the hour

They are so bad at being a woman, that they are afraid that men can become better woman than them.

They unironically are

I seriously want to see like a group picture of that subreddit. Women have to be ridiculously repulsive to get ghosted by even the thirstiest of men

I'm pretty sure they'd look less weird than a trollxc meetup

Good, I wish they would disappear already

As far as I know, there are no female mechanics near me- but the shop I take my car to is run jointly by a woman and her father (and I've had no issues with them ripping me off!)

Guess again, toots. Lol

Now I use the label febfem (female-exclusive female bisexual) to reflect the fact that I will only date and have sex with women.

Does she think she invented lesbians?

It's because when people think of a lesbian, they picture a hairy, sweaty, angry woman dressed like a dude, while bisexuality has more sex appeal. So she wants to go full lesbo but she doesn't want to let go of the title bisexual.

Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


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If foids separated from moids how long would it take for them to beg to return

About 3 days.

First time they encounter a spider or mouse


I have seen this kind before but they're a relatively standard issue. They'll cuntily talk down and "educate" the nice soft dudes but theyll still be getting pummelled by Chad on the weekend.

Women are so fucking goofy lol

Why does she call herself bi if she is only going to date other foods? Just call yourself a lesbian you dingus