Slate reminds us that gay people can be categorized like Pokemon, and Pete Booty-edge is one of the rarer types.

1  2019-12-08 by TheLordHighExecu


lol at people who are backing the white injun or were With Her fussing that bussy Pete is too fake.

Buttigieg is getting slammed for being a type of gay man America doesn’t understand.

A bottom? Perfect headline lmao

Absolute slampig.

Leather daddy is definitely a power bottom. There's a rumor going around that he has a boat (white priveleged) but he named it the SS Powerbottom. (So, so, woke)

Pete only pretends to be gay because he's a sociopath crafting the perfect persona to get elected as president. We know this is true because all modern presidents have been gay, ex-military, ex-big business consultants, and have never held a high political office.


He was an "intelligence officer" for the Navy during Afghanistan, a landlocked country. Dude is 100% a spy and spies are all psychopaths.

have never held a high political office

How is that not more evidence that he's a psycho trying hard to become president? lmao

for the Navy in Afghanistan, a landlocked country.

Oh boy.

Implying those are bad traits in a president

Dude fags lmao

A subspecies they aren’t as familiar with, however, are the Type A, politically driven, never-take-their-eye-off-the-ball gays—a group of which Pete Buttigieg is an extreme example.

Stop looking at my balls, Pete. You need to focus on the poll.


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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Gay men that aren't flaming super faggots are rare

I'm not sure Slate wanted to write this, but it is what they wrote

Exactly. "seemingly distant from gay culture". So he doesn't watch rupauls drag race and use reaction gifs on Twitter? What a nightmare!

Are Pete gays even rare? I feel like most gay men in the US are more or less normal about it and not flaming queens.

And I’ve critiqued his lack of familiarity with gay history in the past. Even so, as a gay historian...

I now want to go back to college and major in bussy history.


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This is why a gay guy won't become president, not the general population, but the gay community attempting to purity test him and attack him for not being gay enough.

Even so, as a gay historian,

"In the beginning there was ass fucking. Lots and lots of ass fucking. This then progressed to rimming and fisting in the medieval era, which finally culminates with the bug chasing and power bottom water sports we know and love today..."