Hair lined challenged alphabet manlet unleashing his slaps of fury on campus conservative basketball Americans.

1  2019-12-09 by TITUS__-ANDRONICUS-


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. Hair lined challenged alphabet manl... -,

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Elizabeth Warren supporter, Keaton Hill, is seen here assaulting conservatives on campus

You can tell this person isn't a cultist based on the fact he feels the need to randomly invoke Warren in his tweet.

If I ever act that autistic in public please do allahs bidding and kill me

The mod that was promised.

Implying republicans at large give a fuck about your balding gay ass.

If we'd just refused to make that damn cake none of this would have happened

Thanks Obama

"bussy" has officially jumped the shark

Lets move to "mussy" instead.

💥💥💥💥 is coming from him, send this dudette antifa super soldier to Iran.


Gun girl doesn't even have a checkmark.

Jesus. He’s extremely lucky. Most times a soyboy Manlet attacking a black man a foot taller than him won’t end so nicely

Are you implying blacks are predisposed to violence or what?

Obviously soys are the most violent unhinged members of society.

This sub is most fun when you read it in a terrible country accent

Why tf to manlets think they can fight

Because bullying was made illegal

If they remade the movie "Twins", he could be the genetic leftover twin.

Is this what AHS and menslib posters look like?

They wish