Citizenship Amendment Bill: India's new 'anti-Muslim' law causes uproar

1  2019-12-09 by bittenthrowawayname


Eat shit


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. Citizenship Amendment Bill: India's... -,

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How is this bill even anti-Muslim lol? It seems to amount to a refugee bill for religious minorities in countries they might be oppressed in.

Don't get me wrong - the people pushing it likely have their own bias, and they likely aren't big fans of muslims, but the bill as is worded is not anti-muslim from what I've seen.

Because Muslims believe it's ok when they discriminate against religious minorities but hate when it's done to them.

I want muslims to discriminate against me. Its my fetish.

Sounds like Jews. Yet another horseshoe

Horseshoe theory? More like horseshoe fact 😎

But like he said this isn’t even discriminatory to them.

From the article "Critics say that if it is genuinely aimed at protecting minorities, the bill should have have included Muslim religious minorities who have faced persecution in their own countries - Ahmadis in Pakistan and Rohingyas in Myanmar, for example. (The government has gone to the Supreme Court seeking deportation of Rohingya refugees from India.)"

Letting muslims in is a surefire way to increase religious oppression of others.

Ahmadis in Pakistan and Rohingyas in Myanmar

Ahmadis sure, Rohingyas no.

What is the difference?

Ahmadis would make good immigrants, Rohingyas will not. Not all Muslims are equal.

This quote by an Indian politician sums it up good.

“In India, the most educated community is the Parsis, which is a minority. The second most educated is the Christians, which is a minority. The most prosperous is the Jains, which is a minority. The most entrepreneurial is Sikh, which is a minority. The first nuclear scientist in India was a Parsi—a minority,” he said. “Then what is the problem with Muslims? I will tell you. They have become captives of the jihadi ideology.

Ahmadis are far more likely to integrate than Sunnis. They also follow a much less radical version of Islam. Ahmadis are generally fine with non-Muslims while Sunni look to "harvest souls" for Allah.

It's not discriminating against Indian Muslim citizens. They're mad because the refugee religions they're including do not include Muslims.

For good reason, but they're also citing that this discriminates against Indian citizens.

In 22 days they’ll be a superpower. I can’t wait!

Jai Hind
