Femcels living in the fantasy where men are the ones who want to be poly

1  2019-12-09 by Alicesnakebae


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  1. Femcels living in the fantasy where... - archive.org, archive.today

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I can't tell if that sub is satire or what. Half the posts are guides on how to grift desperate men they meet on tinder.

leave it to the foid to find a way to play the victim card with a clear advantage

Is everyone here a foid hating foid? I feel like i'm in bizarroland on this sub.

i hate everything that isn't bussy sweatie 😘

I don't use deodorant so it's my original musk. 😉

I love bussy! Long live bussy!

I legit feel like that subs is mostly unfuckable mods larping so that they can point to the sub and say "See! Women really are all snakes!" and use that to justify why they never get laid. But all people of both sexes are actually garbage so maybe it really is what it claims to be.

I'd guess it's more likely they're just a bunch of women that have realized they can be as cunty and insufferable as they want and men still put up with it.

They've convinced themselves that makes them "high value."

Whats with this constant "it must be white men in disguise" theory everytime leftoids/foids/troids do something retarded?

Dual purpose. It keeps straight cisgender white men as the bogeyman enemy and it diminishes the impact of bad behavior on their side because it “isn’t really them it’s the bogeyman!”

Whats with this constant "it must be white men in disguise" theory everytime leftoids/foids/troids do something retarded?

Well personally, I think if that sub is legit mostly women then our society is so toxic that we're probably fucked. Since I'd rather not take the black pill yet, being skeptical that it's legit keeps me from hating everything about our society.

And why would you want to prevent that? Let the misanthropic rage flow through you.

Nah bro, I wanna enjoy my life

I've said the same thing regarding FDS just because white women on this site lose their goddam minds at the word Female.

Women are qweens who can do no wrong! This instance of foids being wrong? Unpossible, it must be those evil moids in disguise!

They're literally the female equivalent of the red pill. Equally bitter, the difference is that men go to TRP because they can't find women to have sex with or they've had a relationship go badly. These women can find men who will have sex with them (because any woman can) but they can't get them to stick around or commit.

I've thought app-based dating would lead to this for a while, so I was quite excited to find it. A man who can get 1 woman from a dating app to have sex with him can probably get into the 10s relatively easily. Even with a 1% hit rate, swiping through 100 women is a lot easier than physically approaching 100. You can literally hit the former in 2 minutes if you're not picky.

When you're dealing with women who are completely separated from your social orbit, there's no real incentive to consider their feelings or have difficult conversations that make you feel like a bit of a dick. You can just bang, block and ghost with zero repercussions.

It does seem to be women trying to formulate strategies around tricking men into sticking around after pumping them tbh.

Rather than toning down their bitchiness or becoming interesting people they've opted for emotional abuse.

Literally just cook for me, preemptively suck my penis on the regular, take good care of the kids, and don't cheat on me.

Equation solved ladies. lol How do you need an entire subreddit to figure this out?

being okay with fatties


Appendix A:

  1. Do not be fat

I assumed you were talking about people, but thanks for confirming.

Don't disrespect out bbw queens

don't cheat on me.

Oof yikes dude, it's 2019

Imagine having search under your fat rolls just to preemptively suck your baby dick

Would you like to apply for the job?

I'd rather search your butt for your prostate

I'm amazed they have so many subscribers. It's literally just female incels. Granted, that sub is GREAT for drama, but still.

Shoutout to the real friends on r/pinkpillfeminism and r/gendercritical, too.

GC is amazing. Girls angry that genderspecials have stolen their histrionic victimhood from them. It's the perfect mix of truth and drama.

TL;DR: that sub is based

Bang, block, ghost. Tell you run into a feminist and get a rape charge your all good


That's why you always film

Yeah is that the DENNIS system I keep hearing about?

TBH, that sub is pretty based. I love seeing desperate low-value moids getting played.

It is. It was made by incels.co to show how women really think

The majority of those interested in poly relationships are men tho. Which kinda makes it funnier because it never goes the way that they want.

That's called being a Mormon. True polys aren't like that.

Or a based Muslim brother

Only polygyny, which is based.

Thanks for being brave enough to make this post. You're helping a lot of women who could end up in this situation who are top ashamed to talk about it.

What a bigot. I love polyamory. That way u get men and women. And I'd definitely pick some bi/pan guys so there'd be lots of eyecandy.

Sincerely Femsomething.


How big is your cock buddy

Wouldn’t you like to know

The size of a clitoris. 😪


Gross 🤢😣

I know but it's what i was born with. 😢

It's ok I guess. As long as you admit the superiority of bussy.


how big it get when you get excited

Like flicking one of those springy doorstoppers

That sounds oddly metallic and plasticy

Girls don't really care about that.

unconfident fem

love polyyamory

top submissions is in /r/selfharm

This shit writes itself

No u


The weird psuedo-religion of polyamory is fucked. If you want to fuck around, just fucking do it.

The Chad swinger vs the virgin polycule

It's because that's not woke enough.

But then I'd just be a normal single person, and I want to be special.

You can still be in a swinger and in a couple. You just both like fucking people but you don't need to pretend to be in love with everyone you fuck.

Swinging still requires a sense of boundaries, though. Poly people don't have that.

polyamory is 90% one party in the relationship wanting some strange on the side and the other acquiescing because they're terrified of getting dumped instead.

It's being cheated on with added rationalization, which makes for hilarious drama.

Men don't want poly relationships, they just want fucking every object (by that I mean women) in their visual field; but poly means your partner gets to do the same, and I don't know any man who would want that. For the vast mast majority of men poly relationship is nothing but a torture.

I was also once involved in a large (2000+ member) polyamorous community, which, of course, heavily overlapped with the BDSM community (so you can imagine what kind of absolute charmers are involved).

Well why the fuck did you get involved then you backbiting cunt?

Also, she's definitely fat, they're always fat.

Anyone who falls for the poly meme is invariably fat and/or ugly

Or a living soyjak to be fair

Usually that falls under "ugly," but I gesss some could be conventionally attractive if they weren't so soy-ified

They already said ugly

God they are so mad.

I'm currently poly and agree with most of this. It works for me probably because all but one of my boyfriends are monogamous with me. The one that's not wants stuff I won't do (sex) 😂

Lol, top quality humor

Ironically polyfags are the people least capable of having a poly relationship. They're all maladjusted mentally ill retards.

...treats you like the queen you are...

Foids without any hint of irony

Same for open relationships or marriages. Fuck that shit

they never work

Votes socialist

Allah demands men to be poly.

But it works better when the women follow the lessons laid down by prophet Muhammad PBUH

highest voted commenter on that thread leads to this post

Zoomers are so fucked. Who the fuck was worried about getting polygamy dating advise at the age of 14 when they were a kid?

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

I always thought this sub was sassy young professional women who moonlighted as man eaters. Now I know lmao 14.

Imagine thinking men never do anything unethical.

Imagine being in a long-term relationship with a girl and thinking she’s the one, only for her to come out as poly. I’d probably kill myself.

Only a faggot wouldn’t make it a murder-suicide.

I mean, reverse the gender roles and the title is still good advice.

I was also once involved in a large (2000+ member) polyamorous community, which, of course, heavily overlapped with the BDSM community

Who the cuck are these people

"Fellas, when she says "monoamerous," you block her number and you run like hell. I am 100% confident in saying that monoamory is completely antithetical to the goals of Male Dating Strategy. Sure, it may seem like the new "woke" relationship style and she may lull you in with pleasant sounding things like a jealousy-free relationship, sexual "freedom," and this fairytale land where love is infinite and each person loves and is loved completely different, but I implore you to look beyond these promises and see them for what they truly are: empty promises. Here are some of the reasons why monoamory is complete bullshit, and the reason why literally no HVM should be participating in it..."

I can't figure out what a "pickmeisha" is but I have now added a book named "Why Men Love Bitches" to my reading list

i used to need to have three different partners on the go at any one time (without them interacting with each other, so not really poly). not because i was woke or anything, but because i'd turn into an insecure mess if i was just with one person and start getting overly attached

This is legit as bad as MGTOW or incel subs. I want to say even worse because instead of hiding their true goals behind other things they just straight up say men suck, women rule no more men etc. Basically they're Femcels? I think that's the term they use.

When the only man that exists to them is Chad they get quite a warped view of relationships.