Foid is sexually assaulted in the Middle East. Thread gets y'alled and she is called a bigot for Islamophobia.

1  2019-12-09 by UnexpectedLizard


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Foid is sexually assaulted in the M... -,

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woman travels alone in the middle East and gets assaulted

Wow who could have predicted this

Don't victim blame. It's bigotry against stupid foids.

I agree. Having empathy for stupid people is to have empathy for urself too. We all make mistakes. Even if it's to travel to the middle east. I dunno why women go there??? To be raped, then accused of whoring around and have female cicumcision and their noses lopped off? But still. I've done dumb shit that could have gotten me killed.

My theory is that the Western foid who can travel internationally is so insulated from actual problems in society that she also thinks the rest of the world operates like this.

It's like a species that hasn't evolved alongside predators so it has no self preservation instincts.

Yes. But interestingly Species 8472 lived in their own world yet proved to be great at kicking ass. But maybe they're an anomaly.

It's been a while but I don't think we know all that much about their history as a species.

True but they were highly xenophobic and paranoid after their space was invaded. They were like "omg dude, non fluidic space is evil, we have to purge it of all life" which is kind of an overreaction but if they had only one species in their realm maybe they had never encountered other races and thought they must all be bad if they come from the same place. Basically everyone in non fluidic space was seen as a threat.

Victim blaming needs to come back. It can be both your fault and the assailant.

Literally the only ones who can't predict this are western women

White women are so privileged they think everyone views them as sacred cows

I don't. Middle east is off limits.

“Women” don’t count

I'm a girl, not a "woman".

Drama is an 18+ sub. You have been reported

I was 18 when u were in diapers.

Are you Asian? I need a gf... Badly...

Sorry no. But u can always buy one online. U might have to grow it in a tub of water overnight.

Are you white? I guess i can settle for white...

I'm peach colored. Try goth bars for alabaster.


Uh no. "White women" don't think that. "White women" come from all religions, cultures, ethnicities. "White women" are no more a monolith than black, Asian, or indigenous women.

You could just as easily say Americans tend to think that everything not Alt Rt is good therefore don't take precautions unless you're driving through Alabama OR tourists think if you can buy a plane ticket somewhere then its somewhere safe.

Minority women are raped just like white women. Minority women are assaulted just like white women. Whether by partners or by strangers women get themselves into shit from time to time.

I used to not say anything but this generalizing has gotten way out of hand when you can be so fucking blasé about someone's assault because they are a color you don't like. That's fucking shameful.

Imagine coming to r/drama and unironically saying all this.

Shut up retard lmao

White women" come from all religions

Sorry There doll face but this is a sub of truth no matter how hard it is to swallow. White women are targeted in islamic nations because its not illegal to rape infidels

It’s racist to rape white women! Everyone should be raped equally!

Imagine going to an Islamic court as a white women and trying to say you got raped without 4 Islamic men present to witness it shit never happened

Damn you seem to know a lot about the justice system in Islamic countries, can't you tell us more truths?

Truth and dogmatic ancient religions don’t much touching in the Venn diagram

Damn you seem to know a lot about the justice system in Islamic countries, can't you tell us more truths?

Finally, the Zina Ordinance then specifies the evidence required to prove both zina and zina-bil-jabr: Proof of zina or zina-bil-jabr liable to hadd shall be in one of the following forms, namely:- (a) the accused makes before a Court of competent jurisdiction a confession of the commission of the offence; or (b) at least four Muslim adult male witnesses, about whom the Court is satisfied, having regard to the requirements of tazkiyah alshuhood [credibility of witnesses], that they are truthful persons and abstain from major sins (kabair), give evidence as eyewitnesses of the act of penetration necessary to the offence


Ackshully, I'm pretty sure raping infidels is still illegal if you have not enslaved them first, "that which your right hand possesses" and all.

Who would take the time and money to feed a slave if you haven’t tried out the goods your paying for first?

Why are you putting white woman within quotes? White woman = woman with white skin (Caucasian). Have you never heard that before?

And nah white women don’t come with such a variety of cultures, neither does white men. We have different colours because we were born in different places and therefore have different cultures. Don’t give me this bullshit.

Because there is no such thing as "white women". Caucasian is everything from Iranians to Georgians to Scandinavians. Each with different cultures, traditions, and history.

There is no universal white privilege for women either. The word slave has its origins in slav as whites were taken by non-whites to work on plantations in Spain, Turkey, and N. Africa. Women in Iran have no privilege either. They are second class citizens in their own country. Lastly when 1 in 4 women are raped with the highest number in N. American being white I don't see how that is some universal ticket to privilege when presumably if you have privilege you are also free from being a victim of someone else's power.

Ordinarily I don't weigh in because I believe people are allowed to like or not like someone based on anything including if they are white BUT when you think actual violence, sexual or otherwise, is something they deserve then I do care enough to say something.

Skin color is a social construct sweetie, get with the times!!

1 in 4 women are raped


white women come from all ethnicities

There aren't enough galaxies in this universe to equate how much of a galaxy-brain take that is

What's your issue with black white women

Fuck off nigger cunt


That’s it? Just gonna call him racist no long drawn out essay about some bullshit you learned in a white mans school they forced you to go to?

this is completely wrong. all white women are the same. wake up from the mayo brainwashing.

Cry more, faggot

"White women" come from all ethnicities.

ok show me an ethnically chinese white woman

You're confusing race for ethnicity though.

Unless... whitoids don't have different ethnic groups??

he said all ethnicities

if all ethnicities have white women then there should be chinese white women

i'm a retard btw

shut up bitch or you'll get it too

Chapo check

0 of YrsaMajor's last 781 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.

we dont consider white males are humans should we consider females as humans?

Wh*tes were never humans to begin with

Well, they are cows...

no no no


At least they got the "cow" part right.

Seriously, if you're a solo female traveler to Egypt of all fucking places and you don't bother to do even the basic research about what that country is like, this shit is your fucking fault.

victim blaming foids


LGBT Muslims are in second I’d say. Also, I couldn’t find any of these openly gay “Muslims” that live in the Middle East. Rly makes ya think

Wow, how haram.

I couldn’t find any of these openly gay “Muslims"

Have you checked at the base of 3+ storey buildings🤔

Reminds me of the couple that biked through the Middle East to prove it’s not as bad as they say.... ended with the woman getting raped and both beheaded. 🤷‍♂️

At least they were woke

The woke trend is such a disease. The wisest person says "i dunno jack shit. Except that Jack Daniels is yummy."

Jack Daniels tastes like banana🤮 cheap banana whiskey😤🤚

Banana tastes good! See a neurologist about ur taste buds.

Then eat a banana. Instead of drinking the devil's mouthwash.

u can eat my banana

Can i watch?

what are you, gay?

No. What are u a label maker?

Only one if those has alcohol in it though.

Woah, the alcoholics of drama have some pretty strong opinions about whiskey.

Imagine being a poor and not beer bonging Makers

Is it though?

The Islamophobia tend is such a disease

All that mess is a disease. MLK said judge by character. All since then people think they're part of some special group with no individuals while claiming to be individuals. It's fucked up on both sides.

Yes, we're all individuals


I'm not...

Wasn't MLK cancelled?

In the most emphatic way possible

He lives on forever in reruns. Like Friends.

whiskey good

bourbon good

banana good

jack daniels fucking hobo drink get some standards


Whiskey disgusting

Whisky yummy

Bourbon yummy

Banana yummy

Don't bait me with antibiotics lol

Jack Daniels awesome!

Also i am a poor almost hobo so i have little standards. My favorite is Hennessey Brandy but it's too expensive. 😐

It's only Blanton's for me.

I dunno whether to laugh or cry at that.

They rode through Central Asia, not through the middle east, and the purpose of the trip wasn't to "prove its not as bad as they say", they just wanted to ride through a remote mountainous region. Thanks for mythologizing for your ideology though

Program 7456 status: booting

Execute file: NPC

Islam good, abort your children, import dangerous refugees

Weak rightoid response after being called out lol

through Central Asia, not through the middle east

wuzza difference

Less sand, more salty dirt.

Lol he deleted it all.

The only surprise is that her head and her body haven't parted ways

She's probably going on vacation to Syria or something next so there's still a chance

shes gonna go to india and get gang raped on a train

I am tired of these motherfuckin' snakes rapes on this motherfuckin' plane train.

Can't wait for Hollywood to green-light that sequel.

Egypt/Turkey isnt that bad sure its pretty awful but it isnt Saudi Arabia level

western coast of turkey is ok, it's almost greece

further east they're pretty based tho. in smaller villages, if you're a grown man and wear shorts they literally kill you for being a fag.

Imagine not being able to wear your sharpest pair of cargo shorts

Sounds like anti-Rhodesian hate crimes to me

Well boys, time to break out the FAL and slather it in some baby poop

implying there's a bad time to wield the right arm of the free world

I patrol my street in my short shorts every night

further east=Kurds lol

Kurds are southeast, in the fertile crescent.

Mountain roaches are in the rest of the east, living in the dwellings taken from dead Armenians and Pontic Greeks.

yeah ik there are Laz turks are Northeast and K*rds are southeast

The Laz aren't Turks but a separate ethnic group.

Still K*radeniz though.

Imagine believing that Kurds actually exist.

It's a CIA psyop; wake the fuck up. There's no such thing as Kurds.

I mean it's worse but not that bad. As a man you can wear shorts anywhere. (Although you would freeze to death in the east)

Who could have predicted that it's all fair too! I'm sure your ecstatic though, you get to talk about your favorite subject, demonization of non whites as dangerous and criminal. Whites are holy and pure victims even though rural America is an endless blood bath of idiot rednecks killing each other over stupid shit. And like 90% of the time when you're raped you rape your own kind. It is everyone else's fault but your own, no the white snowflakes are so special.

I'm wondering what I should get for lunch today

I just had a crab salad sub, and it was phenomenal.

I went with Thai food


Watermark even you have to admit men in the Arab world are more likely to assualt women. Are you just gonna deny the influence upbringing has on people?

Islam is the most feminist religion.

Islam is right about harlots

I often wonder if watermark is an elaborate troll who has trolled so hard he actually believes his stories now.

No, he's just that pathetic and retarded.

Imagine defending Egypt. Even Egyptians don’t do that.

Stop downvoting the lolcows retarded fag rightoids!

I live in Middle East and 100% Middle Eastern. Can I talk shit about Middle East people? ME, especially non-secular/conservative parts of ME is a dangerous place ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN. This is common knowledge, not a "demonization".

I’m mixed and I’ll agree with you. I occasionally like going back, but that’s chiefly because I like seeing my relatives. I’m very lucky my dad decided to emigrate.

No, you are supposed to let some white American from an expensive university speak for you and explain why you are wrong. At least I think that’s how it works.

Islam is right about women.



Some parts of the Middle East are better than others though. I’m sure you could have a fairly normal experience in Dubai or Abu Dhabi. Amman might be a bit creepy, but you would still be safe there.

Aside from active war zones, there's no country on Earth that I’d recommend you avoid as much as Egypt right now.

What if I just don't go to the middle east

Have you mutts already forgotten your greatest ally?

Somalia? Of course not


Pirates are cool as fuck. They should reboot Pirates of the Caribbean but do Pirates of the Gulf of Aden

Isn't Dubai where they trick Fillipinos into coming there for money and then enslave them? lol

Yeah, so if you’re white and over five feet tall you’re fine.


Yeah Sure but thats only to inferior races and probably Jews

Just like the retarded couple who went on a middle east bike tour and were stabbed to death by ISIS on the road side.

They went on the trip to prove Islam is a religion of peace.

Got killed on the side of the road by Islamists.

Found out Islam is a religion of pieces.

Or the Scandinavian womyn in Africa that suffered knife wounds to their necks lol

suffered knife wounds to their necks

that was such an unbelievable PR spin on beheadings

Morocco is actually quite a tourist destination.

What they did wrong was leaving the designated tourist pen.

No shit that is the basic rule. There is not many tourist countries where i would venture outside the tourist areas.

Imagine being this much of a baby. Fucking burgers

Considering those womyn that ventured outside the tourist area in Morocco was crying for their mothers. Real mature behaviour.

The only reason to leave tourist areas is if you're a serial killer


This is like that girl that went to India alone and started crying because she was getting creeped on by like 5 guys before getting to her hotel room

The Gender Of Peace strikes again!

has been ya alked the moment you linked it

Moids truly are the Pibbles of gender. They dindu nuffin

moids are not to be trusted.

I complained the staff in full tears and their advise was that I "dress with more honor" critising my choice of clothes, claiming they weren't appropriate for Eypt

based hostel staff

Liberal women getting reality checked is my fetish

We should send all white liberal women to live alone in Egypt for a week and you'll see them advocating neo-nazism as soon as the week's over lmao.

Reminds me of the foid who was hitchhiking through the world for world peace, and ended up raped and killed in Turkey

Which one? There's so many it's hard to keep track sometimes.

This one, the mod there claimed Turkey is safe and then instantly removed that when I posted.

and the funniest thing is she only got till Gebze which is basically next to Istanbul and very very close to the Bulgarian border she literally got murdered the day she set her foot on a muslim country LOL

That is actually unusual. In Turkey you’ll get catcalled, buy Turkish men (especially in Istanbul) generally don’t get handsy.

Women don't get the raped and decapitated in tourist traps filled with police

Holy fuck how did you come up with this one, are you some kind of genius?

Cairo is filled with police and it desperately wishes it were a tourist trap, and I wouldn’t recommend that a white woman travel alone there.

I love how the mods are removing relevant safety advice because it doesn't agree with their delusions

and Turkey is supposed to be the safest for woman still hahhah imagine if he got to Iraq or

and Turkey is supposed to be the safest for woman still hahhah imagine if he got to Iraq or

Ladies and gentlemen, they got him.


white women getting browned is my fetish

delet this

Islam is right about mayo foids

Lmao this hostel staff is trying to help her with legit advice and now they're the problem

I disagree. They didn't slap her and say "advise is a verb, advice is a noun".

The religion of peace is so based

Islam shows itself to be the worst religion again and again.

Bite your tongue or you'll bite my shoe, Ya Gazma

Allah diddles kids like Pizzashill

Pizzashill is no longer a kid, he's a boy





Bring it on infidel. Deus VULT!

islam keeps foids in check.

the problem with islam is that it doesn't also keep the moids in check.

islam has no standards for men.

And men hold all the power in Islam and it encourages them to act like filthy monkeys.


Wallah quran if you don't depart yourself from this slander surely your head will depart from your body

Imagine being so white you call a Egyption Arab like that internet Janitor did

they basically are.

the minority most closely related to the original ancient egyptians are part of the coptic minority.

they basically are.

Okay well after you tell the Egyptians that, you can pop over to the Lebanese

Go learn about how to cook Plums from a Egyptian cooing class and get educated or something whitey

Learning to cook arab food would contradict Merkel's big plan. The whole reason we had to let 2 million male feminist garlic bros migrate here was so that a few of them will cook their plums for us.

Learning to cook arab food

Bitch how many times do I have to explain this to you

Alexander brought rice to them


the copts

No the Egyptions my god do you think I'm Egyptian how do you not get this yet

Literally go find a Egyptian man who left there and he'll lecture you for ours about culture

yes, the actual (non-arab) egyptians. the copts.

Do you have autism

Why do you think I keep telling you to talk to Egyptians lmao

This isn't my argument, I bet you go around telling blacks they aren't african-american

Copts are the Egyptians. Why would Arab people be Egyptian?

Why do you think I keep telling you to talk to Egyptians

do you mean the copts? :3

Hey retard it's not my argument.

Go be a fucking smoothbrain somewhere else i've wasted a hour on your inability to learn i'm not Egyptian and could give a fuck what a they think

i'm not Egyptian

so... not coptic then? :3

Youre literally so retarded your arguing with a crazy taxi driver I was making fun of you complete fucking moron

repeating yourself is just annoying it's not a good bit

I've posted here for like 4 years retard Just fucking stop posting, i'm literally so white uber drivers tell me about their culture obviously from the entire point of my posts your too fucking dumb to understand

lmao my sides

SEETHING over being called an Arab. It’s over for Egypt cels

I mean tbh he told me he had to leave the country and come to America to uber when he had a advanced engineering degree because of them who can blame him

Thanks Obama


Report him for racism.

Egyptians are straight up A-rabs. I didn't know that was a topic of contention. They got invaded by Muslims in the 7th century.

It's like how Kaizer Remlous claims all the cool shit Romans did when he's a pathetic mayo but browner

This entire thread is full of white people who've literally never talked to a minority arguing 2000gene identifiers and shit with me jesus Leave your fucking house and talk to people

There are many Christians, atheists, and Jews living in Egypt you ignorant bigot- men who sexually harass women are assholes and it has nothing to do with religion.

There's literally less than 20 Jews in Egypt

That’s exactly what (((They))) want you to think.

Memri TV. COM

Most of the fucking Jews moved to Isreal and the Copts are very persecuted. What a fucking retard.

Well maybe all 20 came out to arrest her bigot.

I wanted to reply to that one so hard.

There are no Jews, I'm pretty sure atheism is borderline illegal, and the Christian's are barely allowed to build new churches and get murdered by muslim monkeys when they try.

Are these people retarded?

are these people retarded?



I love islam

I see this all the time, I've worked in the middle east for over a decade now. Foids come here dressed like a whore and wonder why these repressed men stare at them and try and play grab ass. Indian expats are much worse than arabs IMO.

If you don't want to dress modestly stay home.

haha its the same in Turkey when they see a solo western Woman their lose their collective shit here Ive seen a guy irl relentlessly harassing a western girl at a mall who wouldnt give him her whatsapp

they all think that westeners are "easy lays" and they can fuck them whenever they please thats your brain on Islam I guess

Also it's based on watching western degenerate media that gives off this impression.

that also and the fact that Turkish woman arent as easy to access for them due to religious beliefs

Also if you touch a Turkish woman, her family will come to bloodfeud your family and your family will be caught off guard.

as a woman if you're in turkey and men harass you, just tell them your family is from Diyarbakır or some other part of the south east. they just gonna walk away

ehh im still alive

imagine thinking western women aren't easy lays when their favorite snack food is dick by the foot.

Stream of consciousnesscels out.

Day of the punctuation mark when?

thats your brain on Islam

No it isn't, you dumb shit.

They do the same thing in Latin America, Spain, or southern Africa where there are almost no Muslims.

It's has everything to do with third world culture.

I agree with all of those expect for Latin America that shit wouldnt fly in most countries therethere India has extremely sexually repressed culture just like Islam (and their second largest religon is lslam with 250 million Indians being Muslims ) so of course the same shit is gonna happen there

and While SA may have higher than usual rape/murder there is still millions of whites there who don't have to cover themself head to toe to not get sexually harassed

T. been to the Middle east/and SA as well as Living in Turkey

Latin America that shit wouldnt fly

I've literally watched this happen in Mexico and Dominican Republic. What are you talking about?

keyword is most places im sure there is some shitholes in South America too where it happens often it doesnt mean that Islamic teachings doesnt make men value woman on level with dogs

Isn't mexico which he mentioned one of the richer latin american countries?

no Uruguay/Argentia/Peru is way richer with less crime

I said one of richest. If we go by gdp per capita it is richer than Peru and Argentina.(though it's HDI is lower than Argies meaning it probably has lower living standards due to the crime).

fair enough

It’s not based on women dressing “without honor” there


Turkey used to have a whole film genre of rape comedy lmao

Nahhhhhhh. Source?

forgot what it's called but I saw a few of those thanks to turkish buddies.

young woman foolishly gets herself in one desperate situation after another, and ends up in place with only a dozen men around, and none of them is her blood relative. cue turkish version of the benny hill theme and them chasing her around. and so on.

As much as I dislike it thinking white women are easy is rampant in almost every country in Latin America, but not to the same degree as the Middle East / Northern Africa. Women can still travel alone; however it’s not recommended, but it has been done successfully several times

South Africa I’ll give you. White or black, South Africa sometimes seems like a country of psychos. Remember that video of the wild Boer who got caught red-handed sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl in a restaurant bathroom? I honestly thought he was gonna get killed on the spot, and I wouldn’t have blamed the locals if they’d done just that.

Also, Oscar “I am the bullet in the chamber” Pistorius.

foreign white fuck toy to fulfill their sexual desires

This is a dude larping as a chick to get people riled up while futility his own rape fantasy. This is bait mate.

I've been to Egypt, trust me it's actually worse than this foid makes it out to be

Yeah I’m sure but OP isn’t hanging out on the boardwalk in Cairo.

Cairo has a corniche, not a boardwalk. And this story is pretty believable.

K I change mind

Smart boy.

You're underestimating the naivety of the western woman

Did you downvote me in r/drama? May Allah have mercy on your soul you western rat.

Get molested on your first day.

Be lucky that nothing worse than that happened.

Egypt sounds like a lovely place.

From wiki lol. It's like a clorox commercial but for rape

According to a 2008 survey by the Egyptian Center for Women's Rights, 83% of Egyptian women said they had experienced sexual harassment, as did 98% of women from overseas while in Egypt.[28]:16 A 2013 study in Egypt by UN Women found that 99.3% of female respondents said they had been sexually harassed.[26]

There literally are designated woman-only cars on the Cairo Metro. If those didn’t exist, women flat-up wouldn’t be able to travel by train.


yeah i'd have to agree, why would a women who just got assaulted use such typical porn language, it's clearly a man with one hand on his dick as he types.

People love a good bobvagene joke at India’s expense, but Arab men are the thirstiest fuckers on this planet. Maybe they aren’t as openly lulzy about it, but that’s because they’ve got a bit more shame than Indian men do, so they don’t put that stuff in writing.

If you’re going to visit Egypt, you’d better have a local, upper-class friend whom you trust completely. And even then, you should stay within the small elite social bubble except when you’re visiting ancient ruins. There's no reason to care about the contemporary Egyptian society.

arab men are the thirstiest fuckers on the planet.

When I worked as a bouncer in Hollywood literally 90% of the dudes we’d catch with Date rape drugs were middle eastern and that’s not even a fucking exaggeration. 9 times out of 10, if they had Roofies or GHB they were Arab, Armenian, Turkish, or Persian, we’d literally joke about how predictable it was.

Any Israelis?

No the Israelis were mostly dancing.

In all seriousness we did have a lot of jews come through who worked in Hollywood and in Porn, in fact the club owner was a Polish Yid, interesting dude, he was a alcoholic racist Nam Veteran who lost both his parents in the Holocaust (I’m assuming since he would joke about it.)

Dude was in the marines and then went LAPD. He actually got sued by one of our former coworkers for calling him the Gamer word.

Fun fact the only reason I worked the door was because he “didn’t trust a fucking schwartza.”

... Vladek Spiegelman?

maybe if they remove the thread it won't happen to anyone else

I think it's more that they don't want to scare away any more victims.

true. she's probably part of egypt's rape-industrial complex

Big Rape

That’s my favorite part, people are saying “how could you not know it would be unsafe?” in a post that has been nuked from existence. If you only see mainstream media and sanitized reddit subs you might actually be fooled into thinking you could walk around in a Muslim country without any danger.

the mod is genuinely partly responsible for that person's attack. they've been censoring that sub for a long time

Just a reminder to everyone that bad things happen for no reason at all! Please refrain from “cause and effect” style thinking.

Yeah, her and probably a few other foids ruined that sub. They should ban all the sob stories and feminist rants. LADY MOD

Thats the modern way to deal with racist facts just plug your ears.

They would rather a woman be raped than give the appearance they might be bigoted.

I've been to Egypt 3 times and the travel group makes it abundantly clear for women not to travel alone in most parts of the country. Even in groups, the women are constantly catcalled. Anyone who has been to Egypt can tell you this is commonplace.

They say travel is the best form of education.

Guessing the /r/solotravel mods are male feminists, covering for their Egyptian bros?

This is unfortunately the kind of treatment solo foreign woman get in Egypt. It's well spread through communities like these that Egypt, India, and others, are not safe places for female solo travelers. It's okay if you didn't know before hand, but that's the harsh reality.

Your comment has been removed for racism/Islamophobia.

sexual emergency moderation

It's pretty wild how censoring that very relevant, accurate information might legitimately lead to more women getting raped.

And that’s a good thing

they delete a lot in the new post as well

it has nothing to do with clothing, even u were wearing a abaya and covering your face, this is a common problem in arab countries and egypt specificlly !

as an arab woman myself i will never ever visit egypt as i know how much egyptian woman suffers there ...

check this video : it horrible to what happened to this woman.

if u can find organised group to visit with do it if not go to tunisia it close and safer than egypt as there is more freedom there.

my heart with u

Fuck that video holy shit that shit is fucked

Man, that interview with Lara Logan was pretty intense

There was a video (youtube or liveleak) of a female reporter in some MENA country (or maybe Pakistan) in the middle of the day on a public square.

She's reporting on some conflict, when the local men start harassing her, it escalates pretty fast and gets pretty aggressive.

A local police man, pudgy guy in his 50s, helps her and the cameraman to run and hide in the closest building.

So they're waiting inside, through the window you can still see the horny feral crowd outside.

Then the police man starts groping her and trying to kiss her.


Absolute legend.

I've been wasting 20 minutes trying to find that vid. no success.

pretty sure it wasn't an american tv station. probably sweden.

LMAO, the mod there also deleted her own comment, probably realizing that it comes over as both victim blaming and more "islamophobic" than many others.

Women getting raped is a small price to pay to fight bigotry

their Egyptian bros


don't go to Egypt

change 30 million men behaviour

Tough choices...

Male feminists align with rapists over foid-meat.

The echoes of a tale as old as time.

the mod is actually an islam loving foid who told her to dress up and cover herself or get harassed

Sounds like a sound advice in Egypt.

Imagine loving stone triangles enough that you would risk getting raped.

Nah, If this happened in India, reddit would side with the foid. It's one of the few things I agree with Indian rightoids on.

I am ashamed if i gave the impression that i disagree with u

That mod is a fucking bitch. Imagine virtue signalling so hard you censor and cover up the truth in the name of tolerance.

the mod told her to dress up or get harassed lol

Islam is right about women.

eyvallah kanka allah YOK allah BIR LGBT Allah BIR Pictir Allah BIR kürt

Does this mean that mayo foids dropped below muslimcels on the oppression totem pole ?

The thing is that western mayoid foids have always been and will always be the most oppressed group in history

They dropped to the bottom about time males started claiming to be women.

Most of the post that were "removed for racism and Islamophobia" don't say anything racist or even mention Islam. The mods on that sub are really touchy.

its one mod and if you check her comment its an islam loving foid who told her tobdress up head to toe and respect muslim culture kek

Foids who love Islam are the most cucked of all.

They secretly desire for a man to dominate them and the only outlet is praising Islam since they are non-white.

That is sincerely the most common female fantasy. We need to make sure we are all doing our parts!

Nonono, clearly their most common fantasy is living in an equal partnership, at least according to lesbians and betamaxes.

I thought I had been too obviously sarcastic, but apparently not.

No, I heard the sarcasm. I just thought it was funny.

Yikes, what is this incel propaganda

It's science shedding some light on how twistedly horny femoids are.

Yikes sweaty, that's because they've been brainwashed by moids and the patriarchy

Women actual adore feminine male feminists, not toxic masculinity. You're just an incel

Yeah the vast majority of women are Masochists

Yep, already knew that.

There is nothing I hate more than a western convert.

I wonder when she plans on solo traveling to Pakistan.

That’s good advice, though.

it's progressive to tell women they shouldn't have worn that sweaty

I'm pretty sure that mod is a sick woman who gets off on the idea of other women getting raped for real.

They don't want you questioning their narrative, else you find out what other 'common knowledge' is made up and false.

The only way to avoid islamophobia is to fully submit to Abdul's anal intrusions, Mashallah! You wouldn't want to be a racist, would you?

Islam is right about women.

Lol the mod banning every reference of Islam and then talks about “how to dress in a CONSERVATIVE country”!

Ohhhhh it’s because they’re CONSERVATIVE!!

Yeh because you’d totally get raped and assaulted just walking down the street in Hungary or Utah...

Religious fanaticism is the disease, conservativism is the symptom.

You'd be surprised how many foreign clients I have who legit think rural America is like this when it's one of the safest places to be, even as an "outsider". Took one on a drive through rural Texas and they were amazed by how nice everyone yeah stop watching cnn or whatever they have over there idk.

There isn't a safer place in the world than rural America to stranded in.

The only place that's crawling with violent rednecks is DEEP South Mississippi and Alabama. But those creatures have departed from the homo sapien species and become some sort of swamp people.

Outside of that, rural America is pretty fucking great. Gas station attendants are nice and will help you find your way around or tell you the best place to eat. Let Euros keep fearing though, that way they won't come and visit

Oh yeah, I should have specified in the Midwest.

Some on r/pics(?) a while ago creepshotted two rural guys changing his tire and posted it, amazed that they were so friendly and helpful when he (city dweller) assumed they were all violent creeps. Everyone agreed like this was some brand new wholesome discovery. Yeah, because random strangers in big cities always jump up to help fix your car.

Had a girl at work yesterday talk about how terrifying it was to drive through Nebraska because, “What if your car breaks down and you have to ask one of the houses with a Trump sign for help?”

Like does she expect that everyone in rural areas flies into fits of rage against any car they see without a Trump sticker? Lmao

It’s perpetuated by movies and tv. Whenever they need the heroine to beat up a lascivious creep, they make that creep a hillbilly because they’re the last people you’re allowed to portray negatively in fiction.

Well she isn't wrong about dressing conservatively but deleting the advice about not going in the first place probably is hurting more foids than this sub ever has

They have a name for it ffs T A H A R R U S H

This should have been the first sign that maybe they really enjoy their mass rapes over there.

According to a 2008 survey by the Egyptian Center for Women's Rights, 83% of Egyptian women said they had experienced sexual harassment, as did 98% of women from overseas while in Egypt. A 2013 study in Egypt by UN Women found that 99.3% of female respondents said they had been sexually harassed.

When are poor western foids going to realize you can't eat pray love on a budget?

It's all part and parcel of visiting a MENA city

The German police actually publishes case numbers by type of crime vs suspects' country of origin. (PKS Table 62)

For rape ("Vergewaltigung, sexuelle Nötigung und sexueller Übergriff im besonders schweren Fall einschl. mit Todesfolge §§ 177, 178 StGB") 39% of suspects are foreigners without German citizenship (about 5% of the population).

And this is just the average overall, crime rates are vastly different between different countries of origin.

this is why feminists try to keep the men in the US totally emasculated.



Women are right about Islam

I complained the staff in full tears and their advise was that I "dress with more honor" critising my choice of clothes, claiming they weren't appropriate for Eypt. HELLO HAVE YOU SEEN ARAB POP STARS?? THEY ALL LOOK LIKE WHORES, yet I'm expected to dress like nun.

Imagine watching Britney Spears music videos and unironically thinking that's how you should dress in public.



Leftists have a tendency of allowing women to get raped so they can complain abut it.

Letting women get raped to own the republicans.

Based and wokepilled


Well done brothers, we’ve expelled another mayo foid from one of our great countries. Inshallah, they will never return.

Reminds me of the black judge who called a 3 year old girl racist for being robbed at gunpoint.

Look at the way they oh so subtly suggest that only a white supremicist would be angry about it.

"Stevens, 44, an African American, has been denounced as a racist, including by white supremacist groups..."

Obviously the way to prevent anyone else having this happen to them because they were not aware that this is type of behavior is common in Egypt, is to scrub the subreddit of all warnings that this type of behavior is common in Egypt.

Why are you using incel language lmao. Foid? Really?

Are you confused, newfriend?

Report them for sexism, we will not tolerate intolerance in this subreddit

I can’t believe he did this.

Denying men their right to women, given to them by Allah, is indeed extremely bigoted

Guys, this is clearly a larp. No woman writes like that.

This mod isn't doing anyone any favours

I complained the staff in full tears and their advise was that I "dress with more honor"




seeing these progressive male feminists in Egypt really makes me happy 🥰

but this level of misogyny and lack of decency is truly barbaric.

Welcome to the old world, sweetheart.

the men only see you as a foreign white fuck toy to fulfill their sexual desires.



What a coomer mentality to think arab porn stars:

  • Dress like that in public and not in the webcam room you see them in.

  • Live there.

Also, you probably shouldn't be using Mia Khalifa as a reference on arab porn star.

I love this chick's other post regarding cocaine and ecstasy on a plane.

This is textbook foid leaving the soft confines of her american suburbs to the real, horrible world.

have you seen these whores? They look like whores! Why shouldn’t I?

God solotravel is such a fucking terrible sub. What used to be a somewhat decent source of travel info is now a combination of feminist rants, sob stories and "I DID IT! I TRAVELLED ABROAD ALONE FOR THE FIRST TIME"-threads. Obviously the main demographic there is young, bland women.

However this thread is also full of burger permavirgins who think travelling outside of the West is inherently dangerous. The MDEfugees are really coming out. Even women can visit a number of Middle Eastern countries and as a man you can visit most of them.

Probably a troll anyway.

You fags need to stop agendaposting this badly. I’m not even an approvedcel and this makes me want the wall built again.

Dumb foid goes to less than feminist society dressed as a prostitute expecting not to be felt up like a prostitute, angry that hostel staff gave good advice.