a slap on the bum is sexual assault, twitter proceeds to try and end the person's life. Remember where you were when you heard of this holocaust!!!

1  2019-12-09 by Corporal-Hicks


Lmao people posted his home address. I guarantee he is going to get death threats over this. And twitter will do nothing about the people of course.

I've yet to see a decent picture of her turd-cutter, so I can't make a real judgement on whether or not the man should have done this.

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. a slap on the bum is sexual assault... - archive.org, archive.today

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You're a better friend to me than people I know in real life

Jesus. Twitter was a mistake

there is links in there on how to contact the dude's employer.

Sometimes I wish I had a Twitter account and could educate them on the wonderful history of mob justice in America. But then I realized they have no sense of history, and are just fucking dumb.

just let the accelerationism do it's thang

Remember when that guy said "nigger" specifically to make a point about free speech and cancel culture, and twitter predictably did its thang and proved him absolutely correct but it doesn't matter because he got expelled anyway?

The west truly is in dire need of another great war.

I'm sure you'd have this same opinion if it wasn't mayos doing it to themselves

Pretty much, yeah. Stuff like this has no business being international news and a global witchhunt. News isn't "man slaps ass at marathon", "people fight each other outside movie theater" or "lady wears inappropriate prom dress". This shit is just outrage porn to validate your silo'd worldview. Guy shouldn't be slapping a stranger's ass in public, but it doesn't take the entire fucking international community to do it either.

Emmitt Till lives on in our hearts and minds. Never forget but most of all never forgive those who took him from us. Go on Kang and join Obummers son Trayvon in bath in gods eternal glory. RIP.

Lol imagine thinking communists use mob violence to tear down statues of white male hero’s like its the end of ww2 or some shit. Oh wait

Shit like this is why I hope to never upset twitter

Honestly if you still have a twitter with your personal info on it in 2019 you deserve to get cancelled.

I dont even have a Twitter, or a facebook, the fear is irrational I know

I deleted my twitter just in case, I definitely made some questionable tweets in 8th grade over 9 years ago that would call for a cancellin’.

Facebook is mostly safe tho. I don’t think anyone under the age or 30 still uses it regularly.

The people around me do, though mostly for messenger.

No it fucking is not an irrational fear, don't give these lifeless freaks a single crumb of identifying info. They have no lives and will stalk you through hell to find some stupid joke you told when you were 13. If you have a shred of individuality or free thought then don't put any identifying information online, no matter the context. Even if you think that your opinions are good and correct by the mob's standards right now, maybe some retarded trend that society deems good in 10 years will be something unacceptable today and it'll be used against you a decade from now. Posting on the internet under your real name is entirely not worth the risk.

Posting on the internet under your real name is entirely not worth the risk.

If I posted half the shit I did in the past 10 yrs with my real name I'd be done for

you could just be like notch

Posting on the internet under your real name is entirely not worth the risk.

I thought 4chan and Ebaums taught people that a long time ago.

I called mine Lizard Kyle and occasionally roleplay as a Mexican-American, politically confused, very naive, anthropomorphic lizard. He's my scalesona.

Does he wear a little sombrero?

Yes. It's very cute.

Twitter is just 4chan with checkmarks

No, what’s sickening is being sexually assaulted on live TV. This man thought he would get away with it, and Twitter users have decided to make sure he gets what’s coming to him. Screw him and his personal info, I hope he becomes unemployable.

Twitter users have decided to make sure he gets what’s coming to him.

is there anything smugger than twitter vigilantes?

lmao lets end this guys life over a triviality

why are there so many school shootings????

Only a matter of time till the cancelees rise up ✊🏻


If leftists don't let me slap some ass I'm going to shoot up my school 😠😠

If leftists routinely apply rules for thee and not for me it will lead to violence. You are a fucking myopic idiot.

The REAL racists and idiots are the fucking leftists who won't let me grab them by the pussy

Fuck this fucking cucked sjw society man... 😠😠


Remember when the journo who initially went after Pewdiepie for the "gas all Jews" thing had a twitter history full of pro-Nazi jokes? It never fails, the more outraged the bluecheck is the more likely you are to find out that they themselves are racist/homophobic/whatever (by their own definition).

We watch @WSAV in our house every single morning. Their staff is like extended family to us. I'm furious about this.

You're not wrong

This is even more pathetic than browsing r/drama. It's actually insane.

This disgusting moid is gonna find out the hard way that actions have consequences lmao. Based twitter retards have already doxxed him.

Twitter do ur thang and execute that boomer

slap a bum of a foid

death by firing squad

This, but unironically.

Ill agree to this law but only if the foid gets shot too

He deserved it for willingly touching a foid, inshallah.

Twitter left win death squads when?

Be thankful you have such a ridiculously easy job.

Go, and I cannot stress this enough, fuck yourself


Oversocialized justice.

On the other hand, you have to wonder about the dude and his awareness skills.

2019, TV and Twitter - what part of Three Riders of Apocalypse you don't get, my man?

Hope he enjoyed how funny the joke was for those five seconds

That's what makes you laugh? I'm surrounded by retards

chapo check

125 of George__soyros's last 319 comments (39.18%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse. Their last comment there was on Oct. 29, 2019. Their total comment karma from /r/ChapoTrapHouse is 831.

surrounded by retards indeed


The Chapo cannot hide. The mujaheeden will dig the rat out of his hole wherever he dwells.

Holy fuck why can't I hold all these coincidences? So many! So many coincidences!

Because templetive thinking isnt always bad.


Confirmed kill. Good work soldier.

Ive checked out the leftoid discord.

Its basically just bluepill incels. Which is worse then the black variants because atleast the black pills have some self awareness.


On one hand I don’t like the Twitter mob justice. On the other hand, people that oblivious deserve to be removed from the gene pool. I’m not sure who to root for here.


he done fucked up. consequences will never be the same

Day of the goose when?

Damn what a retard it's [current year] you can't just go around slapping woman's butts

You can, just don't get it on camera

Who even does that anymore

Boomers used to do this at the grocery store I guess

Fondling is considered sexual assault, news at 10

uh sweaty, looking too long at a woman is literally rape

No. Literal rape is rape. Groping women is sexual assault. You can't defend what he did and this is what you resort to. Pretty pathetic tbh

You're like a less funny watermark.

Worth it.

She's professional eye candy she definitely exercises.

Maybe she squats, but her arms look like unflattering roman sculptures of foids.

She probably just does cardio and maybe some "toning" with the weights where she doesn't go "too heavy" because she doesn't want to get "too big."

Teehee I don’t want to get all muscular and gross

We need to educate women on how good they look when they powerlift. Amazonian gfs now

save everybody the trouble and just start gobbling cock

sadly im not gay

Tfw no Amazonian gf to kill you during snu-snu

Put all foids on testosterone 👏👏

Nah she probably has a less than desirable ass. I’m kinda ashamed the dude even went for it.

a "2/10 elbows too pointy" in the wild.

and you can't even see her clearly.

this is one of the most pathetic comments ever written on reddit.

Weisser ritter raus raus raus

that sounds like nazi speak to me

Technically true

Change "20-something" to "until im 50" and you could have just said "Puerto Ricans".


Islam is Right about Women.

I'm waiting for Allah's light to shine on the corrupt west, but His grace has not reached us yet. The cultural revolution is too slow.


Twitter makes me seethe. I'm so happy this is the only "social media" I have

Why are you talking like a bong?

Why does my city always come up when it has to with sexual harrassment

Dude looks like that ginger guy from the soylent memes

fyi gentlemen: women never know which men will murder us for speaking up for ourselves to them, much less tripping them—but we know the ones that smack us on the ass on live TV are volatile & unpredictable at best.

Oh yeah, but I say that about Muslims and suddenly I'm the bad guy

I don't think women should be groped.

TV Reporter and Clothes Enthusiast. Proud Latina and Lover of Travel. Deep Thinker and Zodiac Connoisseur. Raised in Salem

Nevermind. Early and often

As a thicc boi, I've had my ass grabbed or slapped by drunk women on many a night out. Just imagine the response if I actually tried to act traumatized by it. Meanwhile, one of my mayo woman friends got sympathy for telling a #metoo story about her childhood where a boy had asked her to go into the woods with him at summer camp, and she said no. But something awful probably would have happened if she had gone with him, eek! The attention whoring and back patting among mayo women knows no bounds.

As a thicc boi, I've had my ass grabbed or slapped by drunk women on many a night out.

The retards on this sub find a fat autistic shut in getting "groped" by women he's never met more credible than if there were no video of this incident and the reporter had just made the claim.

Lol name one man in the history of mankind who has been caught lying about being sexually assaulted.

Hello. In order to promote inclusivity and reduce gender bias, please consider using gender-neutral language in the future.

Instead of mankind, use humanity, humankind or peoplekind.

Thank you very much.

I am a bot. Downvote to remove this comment. For more information on gender-neutral language, please do a web search for "Nonsexist Writing."

please don't ban this bot

also mankind was a great wrestler

dude was such a badass

humankind, humanity




That kid Weinstein molested admitted to lying right?

What an absurd title. You can't defend what he did so you have to make it seem like he's being accused of genocide

no he literally commited violent rape and you just cant see that because of your inherent white privilege.

Epic trolling fag. Get better content so you don't have to lie in your titles

who hurt you to make you hate women so much?


this is NOT okay


The fuck is wrong with y'all lmao

Chapos be downvoting