Zoomers mad

1  2019-12-09 by BasicallyADoctor


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. Zoomers mad - archive.org, archive.today

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How many subs does this make?

Kicked out of 109 subreddits

reddit uss liberty'd them

and it’s never their fault?

Not once. Truly the most oppressed minority.

How many times are we gonna make that joke before we start incrementing the number


Any day when one of those whiney subs gets shitcanned is a good day. If only the admins balanced the equation and took out Chapo or shitliberalssay

i really enjoyed it tbh made ahs more alive and they were seething at them daily

Now we need to make more anti troid subs so we could cause 100ks in damages for both therapy and genital mutilation

stuff like LGBdroptheT and the trans excluding lesbian sub already makes them go berserker

Yeah we'll leave the dirty work to TERFs, they seem eager

The Feminist-Farmer alliance on KF is the strangest thing tbh


The boys over on the Kiwi Farms

You should see the deleted SCREEing in those subs from wokescolds lmao. I get in a lot of fun fights over there on my seriousposting account.

Those are based as fuck. I love feminists now!

I suspect a lot of AHS actually enjoy it. "OMG, how horrible, those jokes are just NOT OK (tee hee)".

Of course they do, AHS is their hobby.

Kinda like how "classical liberals" are happy to shit on progressives because it's not actually self-criticism which is something people usually don't do for fun (see https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/09/30/i-can-tolerate-anything-except-the-outgroup/).

Sounds gay. Here's a quote for you: being a racist is fun and cool.

Holy shit, this is actually a good take. These ahs freaks' mental health is probably fucking decimated by this obsession over virtue signaling on the internet over other shit on the internet.

How many millions of dollars has that sub caused do you think?

You don't sound like a fan of drama

You don't sound like a fan of drama

Oh yeah well I'm like 6 feet tall and have a 7 inch dick bitch

prove it bitch

Nice try, nobody is harvesting my semen today 🚫🚫🚫🚫

you're a smart one, I've been outwitted


Oh yeah well I'm 6 feet 1 inches tall and have an 8 inch dick

One sub that should never be banned is the one for the hit Fox program /r/familyman!

Heaven forbid!

You're much funnier when gimmickposting than seriousposting btw

Sir, familyman is serious posting. It really is a good show!

Shut up meg lololol

I hate meg

I am definitely very irony-poisoned, but I still just fundamentally don't get what you're going for with /r/familyman

I respect your effort tho

It's a good show!

And a good sub!

Such a mag thing to say smh


Very good show indeed!

It’s a good sub!

Now THAT is a good sub!

Why don't we balance the equation extra and ban another right wing sub

Never at any point in my life heard a right winger disagree with the censorship of a leftist, really pathetic you try to bully us into defending you like this. No, I don't give a shit. If a letter winger gets banned, it will get banned and you will celebrate no matter what. Literally only thing that would happen if we stuck out necks out for you fascists would be left wing subs getting banned without right wing ones.

If CTH gets banned, we need to ban the Donald to balance it out. I don't care.


Low rent pizzashill has spoken.

He actually shits on pizzashill pretty often

The Donald balances cth? The fuck are you smoking faggot bitch nigger?

yeah i don't get it either. chapos can read.

tradcath shitters on suicide watch

Another ones gonna pop up anyway

I would hope so. The joy is in the bopping.

my prediction was correct

"Zoomer"right, probably filled with seething millennials. Zoomers are too busy having hot sex with their future tradwives to post on reddit



LMAO imagine not understanding that Generation Zoloft is so hopped up on SSRI's that they can't even get boners anymore 😂😂😂😂😂

uh they get viagra for that..

Have sex with high school sweetheart

In the missionary position, solely for the purpose of procreation

Imagine not fucking through a hole in a bedsheet.

degeneracy incarnate

I bet you even hold hands on the first date, slut.

My last gf ruined me because I'm literally not even able to enjoy sex anymore unless I'm inflicting severe bodily injury. This chick from Sunday was letting me choke her purple and do some level of biting but I was just like "it's just not the same".

I need to find someone else whose kink is to let me rape them at will and wants me to bite their neck so hard it risks rupturing an artery.

You might need to look for a furry girl who's into spiky cat dicks.

Zoomers aren't having sex.

Cope harder please 😍😍

Daily reminder that weebs aren’t human

I support this notion

Well not until marriage, duh 🙏🙏🙏

Lolbertarian spotted

"Zoomer"right, probably filled with seething millennials.

Speak 35 year old virgin rightoids that pretend to be 16, so that they can justify their need for an underage trad wife.

Ok Zoomer


If you’re already a rightoid and under 18, it’s a pretty safe bet you’re just a racist incel sweetie👀❌

But actually, if you’re bitter enough to shift far-right before you leave your parents house, you’ve got issues, honey💅🏿

Not even making money worrying about taxes, shouldn’t be thinking about anything other than homecoming finger blasting and sneaking a few beers🤷🏻‍♀️

Not just sitting on le reddit epically, lamenting about the degeneracy of the west. You gotta at least make it through university before becoming a tradcon boomer lmao

Zoomerright doesn’t care about taxes, that’s boomer shit

But pretending to care about taxes is a way to complain about blacks on welfare.

Well duh, a higher percentage of their zero income is still zero

This is why we should tax reddit mods

"you have to go through degeneracy to reach enlightenment" shut the fuck up, he/him whatever you identify as

That’s “~ They/them | antifa | #RESIST | vegan🌱 | queer | CHS ‘23 | Venmo: SlayBitch2004 | dm’s not welcome | add me on snap: SlayQueen ~” to you, sweetie

Implying that zoomers' tradlarp is enlightenment lmao.

Based retard zoomer.

My teenage years were a haze of weed, beer and SATs. I couldn’t imagine spending my time sitting on Reddit pretending to be a tradcath lmao.

Wonder what subreddit they'll move to next

refugees welcome

I'm building the wall as we speak

anyway i dont think there will ever be a big alt rightoid subreddit again with reddit new content policy and the extremely broad definition of "harassment" most will be culled within a week i doubt we will ever see ine reach 50k+ subs unless its very very subtle unlike zoomerright was

What they'll do and have been doing is make a subreddit, spam it till it gets banned, then make another subreddit and repeat.

They may have very little IQ but you have to respect their dedication


Necessity being the mother of invention and all that

you have to respect their dedication

kindly disagree here but yeah the air conditioner bit was pretty good for the first like 3 hours

It'll never be the same for them though. They're still talking about how much they miss MDE and CA. Every new sub will get banned once it gains traction and they'll never have a large home base again through which they can recruit and spread.

Best thing they can away with on Reddit is some retarded heavily modded dog whistle shit like frensworld.

That got banned too though

Zoomerright got banned for spoiling the new Star Wars movie. It wasn't even the memes.

Well yeah, you know (((who))) controls the movie industry


I thought this was collectijism for a second

Make it 10 feet higher.

That’s the rightoid way

refugees welcome ... to get bused to SRD

Im willing to bet a pretty good amount of money that the ratio of 30-year old boomers to actual zoomerdls was at least 70-30

Wronfg nigga, am 12

They wanted to beat YouTube to the punch.

Awww they were so fun.


Looks like number 110.


They got banned a day after I crossposted their spaceshit spoilers here. Coincidence?

It would make this so much better if the reason it got banned was because Spaceshit 9 got spoiled for an admin.

MDEcels have been kicked out of 100 subs



But why ban them? What kind of person enjoys banning things they disagree with?

Constantly ranting about le evil Juden, crime statistics, Zionists and also brigading all the NeoCon areas to spread the good word of the Groypers?

Yeah, probably just the admins getting sexual sanctification for banning rightoids for no reason whatsoever. That has to be it. Not the fact that they're a bunch of psychopathic weirdos who can't go twenty minutes without casually suggesting people be executed or genocided or whatever.




ok chapocel

CTH being banned would be delicious as well. Not quite as good as MDEgenerates being BTFO, but still pretty good.

ok chapocel

When your worldview is so fragile and baseless that any contrarian opinion presents a genuine threat you have to ban to survive.

My guess it has a lot to do with advertisers not wanting to spend money on a site with a bunch of 'zyklon now' types. Which is 100% of all rightoids in 2019.

Lmao cope

And so the cycle of reddit continues. Cant wait for the new sub which will get bopped after generating reasonable amount of seethe.

Uh oh can't let anything get in the way of the narrative than "zoomers are totally left-wing, guise!!"


When a sub gets banned for dming people Star Wars spoilers Lmao


r/familyman survives again