Kpopcels cancel neckbeard oyveytuber after he calls them out for diddling to fuckboy groups

1  2019-12-09 by ManWithoutWaifu


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. Kpopcels cancel neckbeard oyveytube... -,

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there are way too many asians on this planet. also what is kpop

Nsync for the next generation of retarded whores with no taste but with the plastic surgery turned up to 100

kpop fans are whites though

Are Kpopcels worse than Animecels?

Yes because theres way more white foid in kpopcels than in animecels.

Way worse. Weebs contain themselves to their degenerate communities. Kpopcels will invade EVERY fucking conversation ever with a fucking gif of some kpop boy or girl dancing around on stage. They're the ponyfags of zoomers

Imagine a North Korean project designed to parody the vapidity and consumerism of western pop "culture", except it actually becomes insanely successful and they discover that everything is beyond satire.

if you showed a north korean kpop they would hate it

I guess my suspicions were right, kpop fans are narcissistic foids

I would take Kpopcels more seriously if their favorite groups didn't change on a daily basis. Kpop is more of a disposable genre than American pop.

Kpop? More like okaypop. Because while pretty good it's not necessarily my thing!