Mayo Sue doesn't realise she's in the most privileged class of people I'm human history

1  2019-12-09 by A4HighQualityPaper


Ridley was asked if her background – including private boarding school and relatives who are established in the industry – has helped her to navigate the world of celebrity easier than her peers.

The star replied: "The privilege I have – how? No, genuinely, how?"

When reporter Nosheen Iqbal explained she meant in terms of class and wealth and wasn't criticising her, Ridley went on to suggest that her experiences weren't too dissimilar to those of her co-star John Boyega.

Boyega, who plays Finn in the franchise, was raised in south London by British-Nigerian immigrant parents and applied for a hardship fund to join Theatre Peckham.

oh god, can you imagine if TROS is actually #cancelled because daisy ridley wore out her progressive welcome?

god damn the drama potential is getting my bussy moist

But the thing is class privledge is absolutely real. ((They)) have tried to make it about race to distract us but as soon as the mainstream media realises it we're going to warm the ovens up and eat the rich

Wait until it falls back on journalism and Jews. Let the good times roll.

Class privilege is unironically the only thing that really matters. There's a reason media companies focus on idpol.

Class privilege is unironically the only thing that really matters. There's a reason media companies focus on idpol

Media has always been the bourgeoisie. Like anyone of that class, idpol is a godsend because it basically allows them to shift blame and shield their wealth, education, health from criticism by wrapping themselves in the trappings of the oppressed.

Why do you think white women love it so much?

It's probably less schemy than you make it sound.

They're lazy retards in terms of self-awareness and will try whatever easy way out to not realize they're retarded. Which right now is SJW faggotry.

Thank you. You're clearly a history fan so you know what happens when normal people realise that the power given to the rich can be taken away☠ ☠ ☠ so ofcourse they're deliberately manufacturing dissent amongst the peasents

Class privilege is 100% real. It doesn’t matter if you’re a black gay Jussie, if you’re parents are well-connected and you grew up being able to afford mistakes, you have an advantage over the Florida white man with a broken home in the trailer park. Anyone who disagrees is pretty deluded.

However, even in America (and the UK, for now), people have it pretty damn good, so upsetting the system to eat the rich will probably decrease people’s standard of living, not promote it. In all likelihood the “manufactured dissent” is more about clicks, money, and finding some weird sense of tribal justice than it is about getting the poors to fight each other.

I know a foid that is a model. Her father is very wealthy, as in, you know, over a billion dollars.

She was adopted from China. She got caught with a large amount of weed in her car and her dad "called in a favor to a congressman" and she was completely fine.

I've heard other stories where some of her friends got caught driving with huge amounts of narcotics and their dads go play golf with the DA and it's all cleared up.

People don't seem to be all that aware of how relevant class privilege is, and the reason it's not talked about that much is because the primary people pushing idpol shit on Tumblr are upper-class kids with no awareness of any of it.

Inherited wealth, too, has created a real issue.

What's the name of that foid ?

Probably not real. It's a pizza anecdote after all :/

Albert Einstein

People are aware probably, the main problem is the retards making the whole process more complex than "this guy is my friend, he'll vouch for us, also he's part of congress."

So people overthink the entire process until it becomes so off-base it becomes unbelieveable.

Yes but the upper classes are disproportionately made up of White people. At least in the West. Hence how much Boyega had to work whereas Ridley had almost everything handed to her (like most white women in Hollywood).

If it's really about wealth and whites just happen to be disproportionately wealthy, try talking about the privilege of any other disproportionately-wealthy racial group and see how that goes.

It's not about wealth. It's about hating white people.

You spelled jews and asians wrong

yeah, it must have been super tough for him to not be a famous millionaire for like 4 years of his adult life. imagine the struggle.

Too basic. Yes most upper class people in America are white, but so are most poor people (40% of welfare recipients are white).

That’s the whole “disproportionately affected” thing.

But it really don’t matter if all the other whites are rich, if you’re not, sucks to suck right?

Something something the roman social wars

How's your bro Gaius?

Well I havent died yet so hes fine, for now. Fuck the optimates


Good work taking those walls from the dirty, baby sacrificing Carthaginians.

Did those punic fags actually sacrifice kids?

Carthago delende est, etc etc


Ok I have to stop being autistic

It's a lifestyle

What do they expect you to do for kids with loser parents?

Maybe it will motivate them to get some privilege for their own kids.

Attractiveness privilege is also a thing. Nobody wants to promote an uggo. A lot of that is just bathing regularly and not wearing stained old jeans every day but there's an element of chance there for sure.

If you're a rich fuck it doesn't matter how ugly you are.

similarly if you are an attractive fuck it doesn't matter how poor you are


Isn't this the one that everyone paid bail for, and then he proceeded to rape someone.

Poor people can make themselves wealthy with enough effort, I think effort privilege is really the only thing that matters. You see, laziness is the true oppressor, now the gibs please.

why do rich black people commit more crime than poor white people then?

based and Das Kapital-pilled

i agree with you , all that id politics is just distraction , where liberal parties were able to sell themselves as left wing , when economic in sense they are centrist or center right , only social issues they love to pander, they love to give titles to women but they dont give a f about average women ,or Obama first "black" president is amazing example of it.

Yeah exactly even the liberals take bribes from rich people and become their bitches. I wish once a politician would take all this campaign money become president and still screw over the rich instead of becoming president and screwing over their voters

Machiavelli recommends this exact course of action for successful leadership.

Machiavelli wrote his book for a king who didn't even read it 🤭

His work outlived all the kings though.

The media would just constantly run hit pieces on anyone who didn’t get in line. Bernie and Trump have that in common.

"A wise prince can make make, and unmake, the noble class overnight."

Fucking based.

Who let this nazbol in here?

Bitch stfu. I'm less commie and more French revolution

Nah nigga what is nazbol I tried to Wikipedia it but it didn't make sense cos I'm not a nerd 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Nah nigga what is nazbol I tried to Wikipedia it but it didn't make sense cos I'm not a nerd 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Take the phrase "Gas the Kikes, race war now!" and replace the race war part with something about confiscation and redistribution of global Jewish wealth. But it has to be catchy.

"Gas the Kikes, obtain shekels" ?

nazbol is communism but they hate jews and n'wahs

we're going to warm the ovens

Oy vey!

we're going to warm the ovens up and eat the rich

Sounds like a real gas. I need to go take a shower now.


This is true but she also does not not have any more privilege now when compared to her co-actor - another rich Holywood twat so in that respect she is totally correct to rebuff the question the way she did.

oh god, can you imagine if TROS is actually #cancelled because daisy ridley wore out her progressive welcome?


Yes Eastern Europoors we need a wall alright

The Berlin Wall

not big enough

when the diversity hire is unimpressed with the diversity hire policy

Every competent diversity hire I've encountered fucking seethed at being compared to the other diversity hires.

Watch as they recoil.

Props to Boyega for not losing his mind upon hearing that.

He would probably have a career if he did. It's not like JJ KK or anyone else in power would be able to tell him it's bad if he decided to keep it real. Like Rey is a mayo meaning they hate her too

I don't know fam, white women are the true power behind wokies. They must always come first.

are we counting soy males as women now? that seems offense to trannies

Reminder that being told about your privilege isn't an attack, sweaty!

I love seeing mayo foids having to sleep in the bed they made and acting like it's a great injustice.

Holy shit, what a moron

at least she's pretty. holy shit

everyone forgets the reduce in reduce, reuse, recycle


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A clueless mayo foid? That's never happened before

She needs to be dumped in a proper UK council estate for a few weeks and penniless to get it.

Have you ever been in one they're so nasty 🤮 🤮 🤮. I had to go to one for a job I had and there were full nappies and needles everywhere

I’ve been in plenty but non quite that bad.





Start speaking French then.

That's great. Does this mean we are going to be able to call this piece of trash "a piece of trash" without having troids and foids following around crying hate crime?

Has there ever been any group of people with more privilege than mayo foids ?

The 1%?

That would be a negative


Nah Gamers get bullied, hopefully early and often

Not if they never leave their basements (and if you do, are you even a gamer really?).

one word School

Woah there buddy, show some sympathy to the most oppressed group in all of human history.

As a law student, a lot of my preconceptions of American law were turned on its head when I started studying it this year after working UK law for my Bachelors. White women are the most protected and privileged sub group of people in the entire US judicial system. I think Bill Burr had a point when he called out white women for starting movements of idiocy.

Can you expand on this? Lol

I would argue that Empress Dowager Cixi is the ultimate entitled foid who destroys their whole country for a century and mayo foids can only hope to replicate her success.

Good looking mayo foids.

In*🤣 🤣 🤣

Why are rich white women so stupid or so insanely blind they can't see that they are privileged do they think only men are privileged

The Sarah Silverman effect.

Its upsetting that she wears the face of the late TrappySarah while also being so dumb

I miss the days when she said "faggot" and "nigger" in her songs.


Because unlike white men, they've had a never ending chorus of people telling them that they're totally victims because bob and vagana

Because they want victims so bad , and being elite woman whining over sexism can give you raise in career ladder

At the very least you have to know that answer is going to get you in trouble

why are foids retarded



A lady from a landed gentry family beholds the privileges of the negro from the back slums. Thot gonna thot

They really cannot see things on any level more complicated than the progressive stack meme

Everybody needs to be a victim to blame for their shitty life

Because they're women

Foids unironically think life is hard, just by being born a woman

You don't even have to believe it, your an actress, just act woke and collect your check.

Lol this chick made white women at ghazi rise up.

"You're not oppressed, WE ARE"

>white women at ghazi

Knowing ghazi, that's better written as white """"WOMEN""""

attractive, well-connected people have better chance of starring roles

Proggies are really on the forefront of social science, aren't they?

Plantation queen tells Tyrone fun time is over, get out of her bed and back in the fields

Third wave feminists once again are correct.

What matters is intersectionnality. So rich kids are inherently privilegied even if they are foids or blackoids.

Affirmative action policies based on net wealth would likely have just as positive of an effect on poor families of former slaves and not have any plausible constitutional issues

It would help the poors tho and that's haram.

Black men are the white people of poc, sweetie

No that's Indians. No one likes them 🤣😂🤣😂


A wom*n having zero self awareness is a surprise to you?

Deny peoples' personal experiences because of their race is an important facet of slavery.

wait, we are finally criticising people for CLASS PRIVILEGE instead of some bullshit made up idpol crap? we are actually cancelling a WHITE WOMAN now because she denies being born rich has tons of privilege? wow, fucking finally, the SJW death rays are aimed in the right direction for once....

Mayo Sue

Shoulda' went with MaRey Sue.

The greatest part of a revolution must be seeing the champagne socialists ripped to shreds in the streets

EXCUSE ME, I inherited the coal mine in my family's estate because I WORKED HARD FOR IT. Do you understand how many conference calls I was dialed into during the asset division? Do you think I WANTED to listen to boring lawyers talk about who gets this mine, who gets that mine? Absolutely not, but I sat there and listened, because I have a strong work ethic.

If you want to talk about privilege, just remember that you spent last Saturday doing whatever you wanted. I was stuck on the phone with a god damned lawyer!

Such a shitstorm over something so insignificant.

Twitter leftoids need to have their accounts shut down and their devices taken away. Some of them even need to be locked up.