Coomer and MindGeek shill rage.

1  2019-12-09 by ImJustaBagofHammers


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If you’re a man that porn breaks you weren’t much of one to start with. CMV.

MAGAcels morphing into full on ChristCucks. For shame.

It’s an interesting phenomenon. You have the MAGAcels becoming Christcucks wanting no porn. Then the leftoids don’t let you make fun of anyone or anything for fear of offending people. Soon only centrists will be allowed to do anything.

Precisely the reason to fight the urge to agendapost and ensure you uphold the tenants of radical centrism to the nth degree. Even I myself slip and let my native leftiness through on occasion, but I simply say ten "Democrats Are Bought By" prayers and suddenly feel the warmth of centrism flow through my veins, just before the heroin.

They think their crippling pr0n addiction is the reason why their lives are shit and not the other way around.

Why are the users on this site such whiney little whinesters, jesus christ. There used to be spaces online where regular nobodies who lead decent lives could joke about how shitty a sports team was or whatever and now its all this. Zoomercide when

Seriously fuck it humancide when? We literally shouldn't exist anymore. Bring on climate change

Is this a knock off pizzashill account

Maybe you should post more, someone might start to like your content. Have you tried posting bullshit faux drama 12 times a day instead of 10?

I’ll give it a try. Thanks for the advice bud.

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. Coomer and MindGeek shill rage. -,

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Studies into when people first locate porn shows most boys begin watching at around the age of 9-10

Huh, I could have sworn it was like 12-15 five years ago. Its fucking bizarre that literal primary school (grade 4/5) students are coomers these days

You gotta feel sorry for the femoids who will be putting up with their shit for the next few decades. Day of the crusty socks when?


All this anti-porn shit is coming from retards who jerked off 5 times a day and then turned into no fappers who think not cooming will cause women to be attracted by the smell of their semen-filled balls

Is that gab's reddit account?