"Potentially toxic content". The automated watch your language police is after you.

1  2019-12-10 by -DeadHead-


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Let me test this faggot shit out. Fuck you, you stupid retarded. Eat twelve bags of dicks dipped in shit and horse cum.

It's not working. I feel unsafe. I saw your mean words.

😱 I'm sorry I thought we were safe!

Nothing is sacred.

I'm starting to suspect this sub it's a safe space anymore.

fucking stunt on them hoes

The 'mins know this is a sub of peace 🤗🤗🤗

Sorry, you're too weak apparently.

Hey there,

Thanks for reporting this to us. We wanted to let you know we’ve investigated your report and have taken action under our Content Policy.

Link to reported content: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/e8j4l3/potentially_toxic_content_the_automated_watch/facj7zu/

If this happens again, please let us know. You can send us a new report here.

-Your Reddit Anti-Evil Operations Team

This is an automated message; responses will not be received by Reddit admins.

Is this real ?

Wtf I saw all of this!

u forgot racial slurs, bigot

I'm allowed to say faggot because I suck cock


The word of the day is "Safety".

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. "Potentially toxic content". The au... - archive.org, archive.today

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I haven't notice anything, are the mobile masterrace unaffected?

Using Reddit is Fun nothing is hidden.

I checked my comment on desktop and didn't see anything unusual. I'm not testing nureddit

I'm not on nureddit either, I'm using RES. Comments are still getting collapsed and y'alled in redtaboo's answer thread.

Huh wonder why it's not working here

I'm on normal desktop reddit (as in not the shitty redesign) and I saw it on a dude's profile.

I can't see it either, but I've got some scripts off

Desktopcide when?

Just last week the admins were like:

Unfortunately, we do not have plans to build new work on old Reddit.

Yet this feature made the cut.

admanlets lied


Just in time for that pesky election year lol

I don't even know why the admins pretend to give a fuck. The entire success of this shit site is based entirely on the convenience of subreddits replacing the need to register for individual forums, and a lack of decent alternatives.

They'll do whatever the fuck they want until some real competition shows up and enough people start using it.

Something like steemit will replace reddit eventually.

Someone report this to the über jannies please:

Fuck off and worry about all the foreign actors pozzing you instead of people saying dude nigger lmao

Is this like when I sperg on twitter too hard and they take away my posting rights for 24 hours seemingly based purely on automated judgment of my tone. Except the jannies get bothered instead of it happening automatically.

Subreddits already tend to be really sensitive about simply being mean than they used to be. Like you don’t have to say any racist shit or death threats, the mods just give you a permaban immediately because they don’t particularly like your tone.

Lmao I got my Twitter banned for criticising a Non-binary person (who was told me to keep myself safe after she started losing the arguement).

take that truscum!

It doesn't ever produce a genuine community that isn't toxic. It trains people to toe the line and try and try to egg their opponents over it. Look at worldnews, they ban as the drop of a hat. And could the community be any more toxic? Probably not, it's a giant garbage dump. Let's I think I'm the future they're going to have finally banned every human they're, it's just going to be a bunch of influence bots from America, Russia, China, Israel, India, Turkey and such in a constant endless propaganda spamming contest.

Keep your authoritarian leftest views to your self and you should be fine, bigot

Pee pee poo poo

Now i'm hungry and thirsty!

Uh oh! Somebody did a oopsie woopsie 🤪

Reddit should have an "I am not a pussy" option which will just unlock everything on this site like quarantined subs, read deleted comments etc.

Update: Sorry everyone, the revert is taking longer than we planned, the engineer is waiting in line to deploy behind a couple others - so it may be a bit, but we're on it.

Lol what? Oh, I guess I forgot that reddit is a small indie company 🤣🤣🤣🤣

modsupport drama post without bardfinn acting like he runs reddit?


So this is how they're going to finally kill the site. Big play.

We can go private again and it apparently won't effect us

Absolutely stunning incompetence. I've worked at some jenky fucking operations but I've never worked at one where you could accidentally push a broken feature to prod like this, especially without a quick easy way to revert it. And that was for dinky little sites, not enormous parts of the internet like reddit dot com.

Wew. Just, wew.

Nobody asked to have Big Brother Reddit decide what content we do or do not want to see.

the downvote system that hides "controversial" comments automatically, quarantined subreddits, constant begging by redditors to ban X or Y subreddit because it disagrees with their politics, the banning of fatpeoplehate, etc. etc.

redditors literally asked for this.

I for one am glad incels will get their hateful comments yiked by the chadmins

No tolerance for hate 👊👊

beaner, gook, nigger, zip, zipperhead, nigga, negro, gringo, cracker, cracka, Abo, coon, africoon, africant, dindu, ahab, bean bandit, camel jacker, cheech, chigger, chink, cracker jack, wetback, FOB, dunecoon, toby, Gink, Goober, Jap, Nigress, roid, Pepsi, porch monkey, priggor, RagHead, school shooter, shitskin, Slot machine, WakiPaki, wigger, white trash, Yellow devil.





shut up brony