LOL look at this shit

3  2019-12-10 by Ted_UtteredBoast


Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. LOL look at this shit -,

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Much better. Not the show though, that still sucks

What is this straight to dvd version of Dr Manhattan?

100mil budget

Where did the other 99.9 million go?

It looks like a copy of the watchmen you'd be able to pick up out of some dirty dudes old Buick trunk of bootleg movies for a dollar or two.

It's like a Big Blue Cock porno parody of the Watchmen.

it's like a fucking CW show budget

compare it to the movie and it is flat out embarrassing

also Dr Detroit here still apparently gets sucked up/killed(?) into the white supremacists macguffin. When Veidt tried to macguffin Dr M in the comics, he came back in like 5 seconds and shrugged it off.

HBO turned a god black, and in one episode he's been shown to be an incompetent idiot who got dabbed on by the rorschach fanboys. HBO so racist, smdh

Creating a new account after deleting my old one was the first trick I learned, Adrian. It didn't kill user/dootwiththesickness. Did you really think it would kill me?

Haven't watch it yet.. Why is he black now?

Well he takes on a black human body disguise and gives himself amnesia to live secretly as the main characters Husband, but for some reason he keeps his black shape and voice when he goes out of hiding. Main character even quips about this iirc.

That’s slavery

Is.. Is he black?

He's blue, bigot.

A 10 year old film with roughly the same budget, and directed by an incompetent boob on top of that. And they still managed to look shitty by comparison.

To be fair to the shitty show if its the same budget then its split between 9 hours or so of runtime vs the 3.5 of the movie.

Zack Snyder is an incredible visual director, all his movies are stunning. He just needs a good story to work with.

>implying the director is also responsible for CGI modeling.

is that not from the whedon reshoots?

thats the whole reason his lip looked weird, he had his Mission Impossible mustache by that point and they had to remove it.


you are fortunate you are saying this to someone else autistic enough to know the difference

Dr. Brooklyn

This is more like Dr. Staten Island.

Dr Harlem

Staten Island is cheap, irrelevant, and depressing.

Capeshitters did this.

Dr. Detroit

You did a racism, you incel!

Lmao I made almost the same comment on /cumtown a few hours ago. The people hero worshipping this shit missed the entire moral story of the OC.

Enlighten me.

There weren't any "good guys" in the original Watchmen, just a bunch of broken people attempting to do the right thing, or what they considered the right thing, and ultimately failing. Comedian commited war crimes and watched Manhattan obliterate VC without batting an eye, yet Veidts plan was a bridge too far. One good choice doesnt make him a good man. Theres none of the moral ambiguity in the show from the comics. It's just devolved into good vs bad. The fact the sub is cheering for anybody is the truest sign. The only twist I can reasonably think of that would throw the entire show on its head is making Angela Rorshach in the show. Trieu and Reeves do something with Manhattan or his powers, possibly brainwashing people into forgetting the past so they all get along, Angela says it's wrong to do this even if it's for "the greater good" like Veidt thought, and Dr M has to explode her to stop her. Their marriage was a way for him to stay close to the person he considered a threat to the future.

Fuck white people and FUCK the Drumpf administration.

This but unironically

This shit works nigger

Dr. Harlem Manhattan can say the n-word?

he can say bligger too

What episode of Stargate SG1 is this?


I didn’t know he was black, because he was blue.

Really says a lot about race relations in our country.

Blue Fags can fuck off back to their retarded James Cameron world.

Blue lives matter.



Whens the fucking start?

I never understood the henchmen logic. After the first 3 dudes get popcorned why continue fighting? At the very least change your tactics.

pretty sure they all know he's a god and they're just stalling for the mcguffin guy to shoot his mcguffin

Well that changes my overall view of things. Those henchmen are phenomenal! They believe in their cause so strongly that they accept being a cog in the greater machine.

you'd probably like the Venture Bros. then

Expecting good writing from capeshit.

Is this show actually popular? I know it looks shit but consoomers love capeshit.

Reddit is loving it, /r/television keep praising that scene.

it agrees with my politics so I have to pretend it's good

/r/television keep praising that scene.

this is bait

This is Colbert Late Show opening monologue levels of braveness.

Jesus this is the blue Man group I've never seen it

What is this


i mean, Wokeman

I mean, Wokeshit

Sounds like capeshit

No but he 'sploded the white supremacists!! This is stunning and brave and not a complete destruction of Rorshach's beliefs and character, as someone who actually had morals but believed the world was black and white with no grey i.e. no middle ground or nuance just good and bad! This is in no way hypocritical or shortsighted!

t. Bugman

Lol you thought Rorshach was someone to be admired, I knew it.


Where did I say that?

Alternate universe Tariq when he got his blue checkmark

ayy blue nigga lmao

Its Dr. 13/50, fullfilling his part of the quota


Oh my god I thought this was from a youtube channel or something, you're telling me this is from the 'critically acclaimed' HBO series? I mean, I know Damon Lindelof has made literally nothing but pure shit his entire career, but at least the special effects were usually on point. This looks aweful

This is our reality now. And people keep praising it. Calling it "masterpiece".

Imagine being so bussy blasted and jealous at the brief sight of that massive black dong that you side with the white supremacists.

All because you fragile mayos saw half of his rod was already twice as long as yours. Guess it’s over for micropeen mayos.

>deriving a shitty CGI cringe scene down to a penis contest

I guarantee you watch BBC sissy hypo porn

Why would he make himself look black

Because his new gf asked him too... and then he gave himself be with her, to re-understand human emotions(or some shit on this level)...

Now try to keep your sanity intact.

Nigga lookin like megamind

Babylon 5 had better CGI :v

Why the heck is he wearing clothing? 0/10


Rightoids keep getting triggered by this show and it's hilarious

Lol you just had to come defend it for that reason right?

The CGI is definitely shitty but I think it's a pretty good show.

The fact that the Rightoids are seething is a bonus, because y'all are pussies

I'm not a rightoid by any stretch of the imagination and I fucking hate capeshit

That clip looks so infantile

Man I'm so glad I wasn't a superfan of Watchmen. I'd be seething over this shitty show if I was

linking to imgur albums

can we make this a bannable offense like screenposting

First Jamie Fox, then will Smith, now this?

HOLY SHIT it's a CIA n-

You're the one that's unironically mad tho