1  2019-12-10 by -holier-than-mao-


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. SURF MOMMY NO!! -,

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Holy fuck Twitter is so retarded I can't stand it

It’s truly insufferable

They all made the same joke over and over. Bunch of self-satisfied shit stains high on their own fumes

Soooooo Reddit?


EDIT: Thanks for the silver kind stranger! This is my first award.

EDIT2: Wow a gold! I don't know how to repay your infinite kindness!

Um, /r/iamatotalpieceofshit much?

Maybe, just maybe, it's almost as if black gays exist?

Who hurt you?

lol libtard cuck

don't you have to go and lick the cum off the bull's cock?

degenerates! coomers! freeeeedom of speech doesn't care about your feelings FAG

Lmao, joke ruined with the awards.

Based cope seethe bussy lmao

B-b-but that's different.

Cope seethe dilate 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Based bussy lmao

A group of white guys is called a podcast! 🤪



Aw, I feel bad for them. The cognitive dissonance must be rough.

I’m sorry but there’s like 40% of Twitter is african american only like 2% of the us population of black people even have a phone with internet. Something is not adding up

White people and online blackface

Name a more iconic duo

Comon, 13 % of people are black, this is some basic shit

Lmao so many of them fucking hate this woman

I bet 90% of them are like that chick from Rohan’s podcast that called her a Russian toadie then had to google what that even meant

So Tulsi has eugene gu type stalkers on Twitter as well?

You cant fire me, I quit!

This is a good move, Trump did the same thing. Without her to dogpile, the dems will hit each other.

Or they'll spend the entire event saying Trump should be murdered.


But ah can't quit u! 😭

In the next Presidential election we should just hire a literal baby.

Sorry, the constitution says that regardless of if you're a felon, pedophile, retard, or whte womn, your not allowed to run if youre under 35

I can't be the only one who wants to be waterboarded by surf mommy.

Also she's being based af here. These debates are such a pathetic sham. I'd much rather watch one hour JRE episodes of the candidates at least attempting to be candid in explaining their policies like Rogan did with Sanders and Yang than ever tune into a Dem political minstrel show.

debates are also boring as fuck

like the only fun part of the last debate that I watched was Gabbard and Harris catfighting and Biden making his classic gaffes

Also she's being based af here.

She wasn't going to qualify and that's literally the only reason she's saying this. It's not based at all, it's sour grapes shit

Oh lol rip

Yeah this is a weak-ass move from Samoan Queen. wish she didn't fuck it up lol


If Trump doesn't win i'm moving to Jupiter.

My favorite is that she is completely left wing in all of her positions, minus being pro first amendment and being against regime change wars. Yet mayos screech about her being right wing. She may become the rad centrist candidate, only time will tell. But killary/Biden has my vote in the primary atm

It's because everyone is too busy sucking corporate Dem dick to realise what being left wing means. being for the people is ORANGE MAN BAD for like 90% of the electorate it seems

I think she could have caused more damage btfoing the shit dems on the debate stage like what she did to harris.

If she drunk live-tweeted that'd be glorious

Yang’s gonna eat up a good chunk of her voter base and the seethe when he’s the only non white left on stage is gonna be glorious

tbh I'm not sure there's a lot of overlap