Gay men in denial cope over women getting in power πŸ’…

1  2019-12-10 by SpacePanther17


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. Gay men in denial cope over women g... -,

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Snowflake sub

Why are they complaining? If matriarchy rules Finland, men can finally get woke points for being oppressed like they’ve always wanted πŸ’„

Can you imagine being dominated by the most powerful Fin? Holy fuck Id pay her to ride my cock on top for hours. DM me please wymin

Sounds good, but I just can't imagine a fin having power in the first place.

How will the MGTOWcels cope over this? Tune in next week!

They all sound like they need to HAVE SEX asap

I can't believe I used to think MGTOWs were cool when I was 17

Lol, meme country led by 35 year old foid. Could there be any worse fate than to be born a fin?

deathtocontrollers 5 points 9 hours ago* They just visit Sweden for that experience though. I've seen this with my own eyes. You can take a really cheap cruise ship from Finland to Sweden. A lot of Finnish women visit Sweden. So then they can enjoy the Chadhammad Caliphate that rules over certain cities in Sweden for some days and then go back to Finland where they can be feminist cunts again(which is not allowed in the Chadhammad Caliphate because say what you will about the character of these men, they definitely do not have patience for feminist cunts). So unlike Swedish women, Finnish women can live two kinds of lives.

Yeah, more evidence mgtow totally isn't made up of weird ass incels.