A TRANSPHOBIC server REFUSES to serve alcohol to a TRANS couple without checking there ID first. Do you have any idea how transphobic that is sweetie

1  2019-12-10 by Swap_The_Gender


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. A TRANSPHOBIC server REFUSES to ser... - archive.org, archive.today

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Those customers sound very entitled and insufferable.

college kids, likely


I feel like that accurately describes most trans folk.

College kids and old men that look like linebackers in a dress account for 99.9953756% of trans people


No, you only hear about the ones that created some drama, because they are insane, but the majority live their life normally without doing something that would get them linked on r/drama.

/> trans

/>living lives normally


It's okay to be trans.

But trans people are mentally ill crazies, which is not okay? šŸ¤”

Just because someone has a mental illness that doesn't mean that they are crazy. They can be a productive member of society, and we should help people with illnesses because it's not their fault, that's how they were born. The real crazies are the people who have no mental illness, but choose to be an asshole and treat other people horribly.

Name a single tranny that isnt crazy and surrounded by drama. I will wait in this thread for eternity to be proven wrong.

Blaire White, she is one of the best people I know of.

Your choice isn a larping rightoid grifter who goes out of their way to create as much drama for attention as possible?

She isn't a grifter, and she calls out the bad things the left and the trans community does, and tries to fix the bad reputation that trans folks have.


It's the least crazy one :|

Fair enough there. Attention seeking is normal woman behavior after all.

Trappy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­āš°ļø

Trappy 41ā€™d himself and modded a sub that revolves around drama

So controversial yet so brave

Janet Mock is alright

You obviously don't know them because they don't get surrounded by internet drama, lol. I knew a tranny who was a pretty normal person aside from beings trans, they're out there, just not a lot of them lol.

Prove it.

Alright I'mma go kidnap some random trans person tomorrow and I'll mail them to you so you can see for yourself.


For what? Asking their server not to harass and judge them?

Very low effort.

Should have told them 40% was the recommended tip

That would have been brutal... I love it!

I would serve someone if they said they were actually over 21 but were transitioning into a 19 year old.

Underage zoomers, looks like you got a way to get served from woke millenials.

Don't be afraid to cancel the cancel the transaphobes.

Imagine being so scared to show your ID and being too dumb to just update that shit

Not scared, possibly triggered into PTSD

And wanting a beer and not just giving the server your ID to get what you want.

The tranny was probably underage.

Everyone is rightly agreeing with OP, so where's the drama?

troon bad

unironically tho

a fake story about troons doing a thing is not drama

No but i hate trannies

this but unironically

We know

Yup. The absolute state of this sub.

But when we advocate for a wall, oh the whining!

Allfugee cries in pain as he downvotes you.

story is fake. trans dont drink

Dude trannies lmao

teehee I'm trans so just treat me like one of the girls. this is feminine stubble on my face

NO WAIT I wasn't wearing my DRAG WIG for my license picture and it says GENDER:MALE you can't see it reeee!

So I've been a server all of my adult life, around 18 years of total experience

imagine working 18 years a job made for 15 year olds with no work experience

Servers at expensive restaurants make bank

And really drive the business. Itā€™s the entitled cooks who are a drag

Oh look 60k a year is making bank to some people.

It's not even legal to serve alcohol when you're under 18.

Yeah but you donā€™t need to be serving alcohol to be a ā€œserverā€. Could have been working at a local diner or held captive as a child sex slave to ā€œserveā€ their captor.

You can't be a child sex slave for 18 years

Technically you can but itā€™s not plausible.

Only for 17 years 364 days.

At the 18 years point you are no longer a child

Correct. Whereā€™s the argument tho?

It says "serve alcohol" in the title. Stop reliving your upbringing on reddit. It's disgusting, you deserved everything that happened to you.

Lmao Iā€™m not talking about this incident retard. Iā€™m saying you donā€™t have to be able to serve alcohol to be considered a server. OP of comment said ā€œyou have to be 18 to serve alcohol and this dude said he was 15 when he started servingā€

None of this matter anyway. ā€œā€ā€serversā€ā€ā€ over the age of 25 arenā€™t people jfc imagine setting plates on a table as your job as a grown adult.


They must be proud

Ok transphobic czechcel


I refuse to believe that someone could be trans short enough that their ID is still old but they pass so well that they both looked like a woman and someone under 30.

Bunch of ageist, transphobic, mayo scum. Based as fuck. Oh my god!

This is what trannydom does to the modern woman. She had to say ā€œladiesā€ 100x in the first paragraph to ensure everyone she is not transphobic