r/Insanepeoplefacebook poster finds a post on Facebook making fun of their gender studies degree, and in a act of totally not mad, proceeds to post it on the internet, and make it about how poor people are being abused, when poor people are not mentioned in the Facebook post. r/IPFB proceeds to CJ..

0  2019-12-10 by wazzupnerds


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  1. r/Insanepeoplefacebook poster finds... - archive.org, archive.today

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This post is trash.

Wazzzzup OP, how you doing?

youre degree is trash, no go make my latte

Wtf are you on about you ankle (three foot lower than a cunt).

the best insult is the one you have to explain



Idk I thought it sparked good discussion over there. Could have used more context I guess, but it seems to fit the nature of that sub.

I completely agree since I posted it over there. However this one in r/drama trying to say I'm mad about my gender studies degree, which I have no idea where that got that from since I definitely didn't go to school for that, is trash.

at least tag me smh

You are trash, wazzupnerds. And you know we can’t do that. 😭

B-but I love Tay, as I cry into my three Taylor Swift body pillows


I didn’t go into CompSci so I only have one.

Learn to code

Show bussy

True, but it got a correct title. Poor do deserve death.

Mad cuz poor.

The fact that socialized college would be that the humanities would also be subsidized is genuinely the biggest drawback for that idea. Why should people foot the bill if you want to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on (((Media and communications))).

True. If you're too poor to pay for it with your Jew gold, you shouldn't be allowed to influence the media anyway.

I heard a proposal that businesses should fund much more scholarships, but get to decide what major the student earns. That way, the skills in the demand would get cheaper degrees

poor people deserve to die.

Idk about die but they need to be sent to the work camps and poor houses.

Communism can give you this. Can’t be that much worse than death by exposure, fentanyl, McMergency Room bouncing, and fentanyl’d up police.

It hasn’t worked because America hasn’t given it a shot yet.

based and county farm pilled

Mandatory work for the unemployed is a great policy cmv

insane people facebook has turned into "lets all bitch about my slightly conservative family members on facebook".

Its done the Forwards from Grandma cycle, used to have funny stuff, now its all politics, because Grandma shared a pro trump facebook post

I think I finally left that subreddit when "Liberal Grandma" was met with praise and "Haha I love Liberal Grandma".

Dude poors lmao

That's a decent idea for a meme with poor execution. My favorite