Dragon furry (Twitter bio: "Merp") explains electrical infrastructure in North Korea

2  2019-12-10 by TheLordHighExecu


Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. Dragon furry (Twitter bio: "Merp") ... - archive.org, archive.today

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This is very confusing. How did you find this?

shitty /r/neoliberal screenpost -> found the source for good meme

So you're subscribed to /r/neoliberal, is what you're saying?

🤢 🤮

Please move all furries to NK.

replace the immigrant children in cages with all furries on twitter/discord/tumblr

That would be cruel and inhuman, think of the north koreans!

NK becomes superpower by yiff export alone.

Sucks that the only way a business can stay open 24hrs is overtime or 24 hr shifts. If only there was a way to divide the day into non-overtime requiring shifts, but we just don't have that technology yet...

That's a sergal, not a dragon

They go "merp"

Don't @ me

Smh r/drama not knowing their furry species

Like all furries they're are trash, yet somehow they are worse

Do you want me to buy the rope?




Sergals are based but have to exist with furries SMH

This specific type of person gets me so fucking angry

I’m exposing the lies of capitalism and imperialism while encouraging people to fight for a socialist revolution. Go to my Patreon here:https://patreon.com

Fuck I really gotta start a commie Twitter account to shitpost about the 1%, trannies and cops. It's easy money