3  2019-12-10 by WorldStarCroCop


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whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. "WHAT THE FUCK IS A DUMPLING?"-r/fo... - archive.org, archive.today

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Arr rook same


pretty much every culture has dumplings

chinese people are the worst to eat with.

burgers? oh that's just rou jia mo, we have that in china, it's way better.

italian? what, isn't that just noodles and stuff on bread? we have that in china, it's better.

there's a sushi place down the street. did you know that japanese copied everything from china?

all of this coming from a country whose number culinary export is bad cuts of meat boiled in front of you.

Mmm dumplings.

Dude went full Unidan.

/r/food users are the capeshitters of cuisine

Wouldn't it be McDonald regulars?

1 year ago

South American culture? Can’t think of a dumpling. Mexican culture? Can’t think of a dumpling. WASP culture? Can’t think of a dumpling. Innuit culture? Can’t think of a dumpling. Eskimo culture? Can’t think of a dumpling. Native American culture? Can’t think of a dumpling. Irish culture? Can’t think of a dumpling. I can keep going but I think you get the point.

Lmao, imagine getting this assblasted over dumplings. Also, are dumplings in chicken in dumplings actually dumplings? They’re just pieces of dough in soup


Chicken and dumplings is a dish that consists of a chicken cooked in water, with the resulting chicken broth being used to cook the dumplings by boiling. A dumpling—in this context—is a biscuit dough, which is a mixture of flour, shortening, and liquid (water, milk, buttermilk, or chicken stock). The dumplings are either rolled out flat, dropped or formed into a ball.


Dumpling is a broad classification for a dish that consists of pieces of dough (made from a variety of starch sources) wrapped around a filling or of dough with no filling.

Huh, how about that. Are noodles dumplings 🤔

Ah, one of the few deep philosophical questions worth thinking about.

First let us consider the nature of noodles. As far as I am concerned, noodles are a type of pasta, significantly longer than they are wide. Pasta of course is dough made of flour, and some liquid usually water and/or beaten egg.

Let us now turn our attention to the nature of dumplings. There are two fundamental classes of dumplings:

Stuffed, using pasta as a wrapper Unstuffed, just pasta which typically simmered in a soup or stew. Stuffed dumplings, like kneidlach, ravioli, all the kinds served as dim sum, etc etc to my mind are clearly not noodles. One might refer to the wrappers as noodles, but once they are wrapped around something else, they lose their noodle-nature.

Big lumps of dough/pasta formed into spheres and dumped into soup/stew fail the aspect ratio criterion. >Solid round balls are not noodles. Pasta, yes, noodles, no.

But things like spaetzle, or other pastas that are a bit longer than are wide? Well, there are non-binary people so why not non-binary pasta - in the spirit of inclusion, if they self-identify as both dumplings and noodles, why not?


Dude dumplings lmao

Glosses over flat dumplings, fake news. Noodles are dumplings.

All noodles are dumplings, but not all dumplings are noodles.

this drama is good but there's mold all over it, OP.

The only good dumpling are Czech dumplings, change my view.

All Eastern European dumplings are pelmenis and kreplach with other stupid names.