spaceshitters mad [x 24]

1  2019-12-10 by BAZAKBAL_


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The meltdown will be legendary. These past four years have been building to this.

I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. spaceshitters mad [x 24] -,

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Jfc, what a shitshow this movie will be.

They should have just made this whole trilogy Luke being a drunk womanizing nihilist who roams the universe killing people

I'm so excited for the never-ending REEEEEE

It’s everything I wished for. I hope the red letter media boys are ready.

I can’t wait for all the retards to vehemently defend this movie just cause rightoids don’t like it

I don’t understand any of this shit but can’t wait to ruin some lives.

Imagine ever caring about spaceshit.

potential Samuel L Jackson content

First positive thing I've heard about spaceshit all week

How many spaceshit movies are there now in total?


Still way less than capeshit

I wish the internet was mainstream back when the prequels came outa

The prequels tell a coherent story, this is just a pathetic dumpster fire

Wow you're a dumbass. Or at least half a dumbass

No Anakin or Obi Wan, no me.

Well not true because the tickets are free and my s/o wants to go with me, but if I had to pay it would be no me

Good god, it's dumber than I had thought!