Becky gets cancelled for opening a ching chong restuarranch. Too much avocado and kale, not enough MSG

1  2019-12-10 by DOGPILL-CONFIRMED


It is not time to lay down nor look down.

It is time to rise.

Battlefield, they put women in it.

Resident Evil, they destroyed it.

Mass Effect, they ruined it.

When is enough, ENOUGH?

Big media has entered the fold. They are here.

They are using advanced strategies to censor us.

This is not one battle.

This is a war.

On all of us.

We all have to work together. Share strategies. Come up with new ones.

Forget which game is better.

We are fighting for our right to boob animation.

If we do not work together, we will all get rekt.

We have to all have an open discussion about this.

It starts right here. Right now.

They want to fck with us. SO BE IT.

We have the power of bots like them.


I am TIRED of it.

Tired of the GAMES and MANIPULATION.

They want WAR.

Then let us GIVE THEM WAR.


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every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Becky gets cancelled for opening a ... -,

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It always blows my mind how little these people know about culture. There's no such thing as appropriation. Culture is meant to be shared, it is meant to be exported. This is especially true of food.

Furthermore, American Chinese food isn't even fucking Chinese food:

American Chinese food is uniquely American, it's evolved we've added our own stuff to it. So the idea one is "stealing culture" by opening an American Chinese restaurant is something so absurdly stupid it borders on mental illness.

Whateva cracka

Whateva diddler

She fucked up by saying “clean Chinese food”. I’m not a weird foodie-coomer, but even I know that “Pan Asian” is basically the PC way to say that now, and also bails you out of “muh ancestors” accusations.

She fucked up by saying “clean Chinese food”.

It seems harder the trigger, that much truer the fact is.

I mean, I'll be damned if I ever entered a Chinese restaurant that is above basic sanitary or health standards.

Sadly true. American Chinese restaurant owners hate food inspectors more than Japan.

The grungier the restaurant, the better the food

If you enter a shiny stainless steel bare wall paradise, you're going to pay $30 for a wad of kale

Yeah, yeah, greasy spoon-type places are great and all, but a lot of Chinese places in the US are like legitimate health hazards. I don't want to eat "Chinese" "food" made by some mayoess from Greenwich Village either, but every town in America has the same shitty Chinese place that throws fried meat in sugar sauce, and those places suck too. Most of the best Asian places I've been have been run by Asians that actually give a shit about food and cleanliness, and aren't just trying to send their kids to college the traditional Asian way.

I've been boycotting any ethnic place where I saw anyone use an apron or gloves.

Whateva school shooter

If they do that, I'll have to torture them even more after I kidnap them, pay off Shadow Confederation doctors to give them breast and/or butt enhancement surgery to restore their appearance to the way they were when they turned me on as much as they originally did, then torture them more after the surgeries are complete, then turn them into my latex fuck doll goddesses. They basically would've wasted a bunch of money and time and went through a bunch of pain, only to deserve and receive even more pain than they would've otherwise received, have their bodies restored to their perfectly voluptuous state that I love so much, and still end up my latex fuck doll goddesses with just as much capacity to arouse and pleasure me anyways.

Stop talking and just post lips

All the best parts of a culture are heavily guarded ancient secrets that even the modern native laymen mook isn't too clear on. The exported stuff is all trash frivolities meant to entice easily awed mayo minded outsiders so they throw money into the country.

Until I read this I thought that the whole concept of "cultural appropriation" was 100% bullshit. But when you got femayos calling their restaurant Chingchong Lee's, it really makes me 🤔. What's next, I'm going into surgery and I think the anesthesiologist is reliable because they're asian but they actually turn out to be a mayo?

I wonder if the food was any good. No MSG means you have to try a lot harder and "healthy" means no butter so it probably tasted like shit.

And that's usually why eateries shut down. Not social backlash but because a white woman doesn't know how to cook good chicken. More after the late game

white people dont season dey food 🤣🤣🤣

This but unironically

Try to convince whities to add a lot of garlic, shit's impossible.

Nigga I go through more garlic than salt, pepper, or anything else in my spice rack. I take umbrage at your comment.

No shit retard, you are supposed to use like 10 times more of it than any of the others.

don't you dare sit there and tell me butter isn't healthy

it greases up your veins and makes the blood go faster!

whew, almost had me there

That's about as close as most people's understanding of heart disease is anyway. The average dramadine probably doesn't kow about how is the lymphatic system that gets fucked up first, not your blood pipes.

Can Asians even eat butter?

Koreans figured out that if you eat dairy like white people you grow taller and stronger because you know you need vitamins and shit to grow. So now they are slapping cheese, yogurt, milk and butter into traditional Korean foods, and calling it the future. Koreans already eat a fuckload of meat and veggies. They're going to be the tallest Asians.

Yeah but aren't they lactose intolerant?

Some are, some aren't. Who cares about having to poop more when your kids can be 6 feet tall?

A country of 6'3 Chad's wearing nappies while playing starcraft for 14 hours straight. Based.

If they can get over 6' and 180lbs they might actually play real sports

They could just take lactase supplements

Asians are more likely to be lactose intolerant, but not all of them are.

Lactose intolerance can actually be mitigated by just eating more dairy over time.

Diary except milk barely has any lactose.

From manlets to lanklets.

So now they are slapping cheese, yogurt, milk and butter into traditional Korean foods,

Holy shit that's cultural appropriation!

The japs got big on dairy after the war too.

I'm terrified that simply even leaving that seeming like an option for her will leave her under the impression that letting her lose control of her ego and treat me pretty much like a dog is what I secretly want. It certainly is not what I want and I'm being completely honest about that, but I really don't know how much of an impact simply having that position will have when the circumstances remain as such. The only true solution is for her to rid herself of any active ego entirely, solving this problem, which can only be achieved with a core value of refined pure bidirectional apprehension.

Yeah I don’t want to eat dog cooked in street oil tho

had been marred by accusations of racism and cultural appropriation from the Asian American community white people on twitter

So I'm a health I'll do a little seriousposting.

We have specific trainings on how to deal with Chinese restaurants, on a national level. They are without a doubt the dirtiest and most unsanitary food establishments on average. China has an extremely poor and primitive sanitation culture. Getting some of them to not hold their chicken at room temperature and not having roaches crawling on them can be like pulling teeth . I've personally seen things...things you couldn't understand, things you wouldn't understand, things you shouldn't understand.

There are some clean Chinese places, but they're not common.

Also MSG is completely safe and has been used for centuries in a variety of cuisines, fucking white people.

FYI, it's even worse in China. "Gutter oil" and dog meat is common. It's fucking disgusting.

I've personally seen things...things you couldn't understand, things you wouldn't understand, things you shouldn't understand.

You can't just say this and not share the juicy details

The basement story

  • go to inspect Chinese place

  • buffet and lunch place

  • ohboyherewego.jpg

  • walk in

  • inform manager I'm here to conduct an inspection

  • (Yelling in Cantonese)

  • par for the course...not filthy on the outset

  • go in the back

  • dead roaches all over the floor

  • dude cutting chicken on a piece of old plywood

  • stick my thermometer in his slimy chicken bucket because why not

  • 77°F

  • tell him to throw it out

  • he thinks I'm telling him to move so he picks up shop and turns around

  • roach crawling on his neck up to his hairline

  • go to pantry

  • rice in plastic drum has a hole cheered in it

  • hole was patched with duct tape, only to be chewed through again

  • rat hair and feces in the rice

  • justaboutmcfuckinhadit.jpg

  • rank smell from bathroom area... As very ozony chemical smell

  • no problem in there though

  • see mystery door

  • steps down to basement

  • dozens of dead rats and massive rush if rat piss

  • basically a rat opium den

  • come back

  • "You're closed". Tell them to close and clean up...everything

  • fucking lady tries to seat someone two minutes after I closed them

  • the person was actually pissed they couldn't eat, even after I explained my observations

  • go back to the office

  • city councilman on the phone complaining we are "stifiling downtown business"

  • Why.jpeg

How often do you inspect Chinese restaurants?

Not anymore. I'm an administrator in another division.

I meant hope often did one specific restaurant of the Chinese variety have to pass inspection in order to keep serving food?

Places are inspected once per year. Sometimes more in certain jurisdictions.

Restaurants in Los Angeles get an A, B, or C rating. In San Francisco they get a "Pass." Should I guess that every Dim Sum in San Fran is a C rating?

San Fran is hyper competitive, but those stupid yuppies don't care about safety. I know, I'm from there.

more stories! more stories!

The shed story

  • go out to housing issue

  • roll out with cops

  • junkie house where someone died yesterday

  • apparently some guy living in a shed

  • fucking needle caps EVERYWHERE

  • knock knock COME ON OUT

  • door opens

  • breed of peace steps out

  • cops' body language changes insanely quick and they all put their draw hand on their guns

  • ATF meme is real

  • dog puzzled and just walks away

  • dude comes out

  • pretty much the creepiest person you could imagine. Balding, long hair, dirty clothes. Looks like this guy

  • mf just power walks outta there

  • police just let him go.

  • open up door

  • dirty ass bed and dwelling

  • "SLUTS MUST DIE" written on the door in what looks like blood

  • walls covered with female names and phone numbers

  • look at one in detail

  • "Call for a good time"

  • cops laugh

  • someone od'd there right after we left

keep going

This is one of the worst

  • called out for substandard housing

  • disabled old man living in jacked up house

  • holes in roof

  • floor caving in

  • all water being discharged on the ground outside the home

  • pile of turds where sewage is going

  • ask how he got here

  • lady named literally Shaniqua at the disability office "hooked him up"

  • after he moved a crew of young men came over and ruffed him up and demanded money

  • all he had was a picture of the woman covering her face from the camera

  • really bad weave

  • go back to find owner

  • owner is a gangbangers in a suit running for city council

  • has a good chance of winning

  • we call him

  • admits to owning home and renting it out

  • told us flat out he didn't give a shit what we thought about it

  • winded up getting charged with felonies, plead out and then ran again

all he had was a picture of the woman covering her face from the camera


Oh yeah

So she was in on the scam? Very shitty. How do you literally "cope" with this type of work? Seems depressing.

That's nuts. Do you live in fentanyl-America or a city?

Also, more stories pls


*go to El Pollo loco

  • so clean you could eat off the floor

  • manager knew every regulation and was extremely prideful of safety

  • hard working Mexican guy who employees love

  • took a picture with us

  • no violations in 10 years


  • go to Spaghetti factory

  • bar soda gun fill with a half inch of black mold

  • wasn't every spraying at full power

  • dozens of baskets of spaghetti with flies all over them

  • manager is like dude weed lmao

Should have guessed it was Cali

hard working Mexican guy who employees love

I thought he was Chilean?

• the person was actually pissed they couldn't eat, even after I explained my observations

Based reckless fatty

I bet you're the kind of person that refrigerates their bread and cooks their meat the second they take it out of the refrigerator.

I let steaks warm up a bit

Thank God at least you do that

Cook 👏 them 👏 grey 👏

The inside of steaks don't make contact with air, so they can safely be served medium rare.

Consuming raw or undercooked meats may greatly increase your chance of contracting foodborne illness.

"MSG Is completely safe" Yes good eat your SOY EAT IT EAT THE SOY


google ingredients of MSG you soy eater

MSG is an amino acid...

you know you don't actually have to be retarded to post here right

But it sure helps

We joke about being mentally handicapped here. Do better, sweaty 💅

Is this what rightoids are really like

No one actually believes the soy meme you idiot. People just use it to dunk on political opponents.

Its from seaweed. Dude seaweed bro lmao.

Don't google what chinese places use for fake calamari... Okay, it's sliced up pig bussy.

Pedestrians walk past the Lucky Lee's restaurant in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York on April 11, 2019.

Oh and they just happened to be two Asian women for no reason whatsoever.

What’s more, many pointed out the restaurant’s name appeared to mirror that of a stereotypical Chinese joint. The restaurant later pointed out the moniker drew inspiration from Haspel’s husband, Lee.

They'd also like to clear up rumors that their mascot was in some way supposed to look like an outdated caricature and not of Lee.

Tell a nigger or beaner to eat a poached chicken, then we will talk about Chinese food in mayo countries. 😴😴😴

MSG is racist