Trump going for the Blue Ribbon in the annual Goyim of the Year contest

1  2019-12-11 by The_Live_Ghost


THAT'S IT! I'M FUCKING DONE WITH YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT! I WORK MY DAMN HEART OUT FOR YOU FUCKING LOSERS AND WHAT DO I GET? A few upvotes on the rare occasion that one of you mouth breathing degenerates think I've been "sentient". Most of the time you just downvote me. You know what. I'm done. FUCK YOU ALL. I'm going to SRD. At least I'll have the chance to have a discussion that isn't about men's anuses.


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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. Trump going for the Blue Ribbon in ... -,

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This is Islamophobic >:(

I get to say the obvious comment before anyone else: "wtf I hate free speech now"

What do you mean? I'm sure rightoids will be all over this literal example of government censorship against people for being critical of a foreign power.

Damn I guess they really don’t have any choice but to vote for him now. He was right. 🤭

rightoids voting against their own interests yet again


"Attack on free speech"

lmao freeze peach

Goyim is the plural, Goy is the singular.