Infighting in r/Catholicism.

1  2019-12-11 by ImJustaBagofHammers


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Infighting in r/Catholicism. -,

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Apparently being told that your broken, lonely, sex-integrated society is the insane one, not literally every other society that has ever existed, is more controversial than accusations of misogyny.

Oy vey another schism

It's why I comment r/Christianity. The infighting is too delicious. There's no consensus

What's a fucking Susan?

An alarming number of priests are gay and love the whole pageantry of dressing up.


catholicels are garbage