Virgins from KIA chime in on the porn debate.

1  2019-12-11 by Stenwalden


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Virgins from KIA chime in on the po... -,

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The CIA psyop continues

Got proof?

Sorry, I don't do social media so I don't know but why everyone is talking about porn all of a sudden?

I have no fucking clue

CIA psyop. People laugh but it’s a pretty big coincidence how much this has popped up.

Nah, it probably has to do with how social media works. Probably some retarded group or celebrity gave their two cents about porn and a social media war between rival tribes has begun.

Who do you think is sowing this discontent and propping those celebrities up? It’s certainly not organic. Obvious CIA psyop.

How does cooming help the CIA? Are GenZ rightoids the new Elliot Rodger?

Gab banned cooming

No Nut November was last month and caused a spike anti-coomer activity.

I really don't get why not masturbating attracts so many retards

Because it's an effortless task one can give up that makes you appear full of virtue (and sperm) and you can stick it to the (((globalists))).

It's Lent for tradLARPers and retards.

I kinda feel bad for people that think if they finally stop masturbating it will solve their life problems if you weren't doing anything before how does not masturbating going to fix that and the fact that they don't think hentai counts when cooming is hilarious

It's the same as "a divorce/having kids/moving to a different place/etc will better my life". It's trying to fix yourself with things that make you avoid the real issues. And thats why you get balding douches at clubs, women who turn into sluts at 40, people who beat or leave their kids, etc.

My theory is no nut November bringing out the nofap retards to strike at the coomers

People saw others (read: psychotic catholics) posting silly image board wojaks mocking people who masturbating and then spread it around the internet like a virus.

]TheImpossible1 36 points 6 hours ago What do women offer men that they can't get from porn

A false rape accusation?

Wow, how weird that all of these extremist subs have so much overlap with the incel community.

That right there is a neet whose only contact with the opposite gender comes from anime and incel circlejerks.

That's rich coming from you.

pizza is an expert in the field of incelology, dont you fucking dare question his credentials 😠

God you people are such fish.

But you keep posting here, lol

Yeah once you get pulled in you're basically trapped in a black hole of autism.

Wow, how weird that all these pizzashill posts have so much overlap with the diddler community.

Tons of subs have incel overlap. Have you seen the dating subs like /r/Tinder?

Life has an incel bias.

What do women offer men that they cannot get from porn?

What is the difference between drinking beer while watching videos of people partying and partying with actual human beings? These dudes are autistic.

If there were a plethora of women looking to have meaningful and dedicated relationships with men, you'd think there would be at least a subreddit for it.

This is peak fucking reddit.

hahaha who needs women anyway amirite boys?

hahaha all they do is nag you and accuse you of rape and get in the way of your vidya

hahaha good thing we have each other fellow gamer gaters