Is it ok to bully a kid so hard he deletes his Youtube channel because he asked for a free logo? /r/ChoosingBeggars discuss

1  2019-12-11 by queerjihad


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homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. Is it ok to bully a kid so hard he ... -,

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This is correct

Such losers.

He didn’t “make a mistake,” he behaved like a spoiled, entitled, disrespectful complete assclown. Being called out or held responsible for shitty behavior isn’t bullying. Actions have consequences. Grow up.

That army of mid-20's manchildren sure showed that little kid who's boss!

Actions have consequences is the reddits most hypocritical take ever.

Of course actions have consequences.

Just not mine lol.


NTA. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

this but unironically

wtf why was i fired for posting that communism would give us all underage gfs so we need to kill all landlords on facebook?

Whoever you are reading this, fuck you, fuck everyone you know, and fuck everyone else on the planet. It's become overwhelmingly clear to me that human interaction and relationships are extremely overrated and not at all even remotely suitable for the greatest of great individuals.

Grow up.

I love how this phrase is practically going nuclear for them.

They use it so frequently because they're all children pretending be grown up themselves, and being called childish is their greatest fear



I've noticed that condescendingly calling others "children" is a real slam-dunk insult for them.

You want to drop a nuke on them call them a manchild and say, “adulting isn’t hard your just immature and lazy,” or, “it’s good you don’t want to have kids, you’d be a terrible parent.”

I swear to god it invokes paragraph seethe posting like nothing else imaginable.


Anyone who unironically uses this term should be forcibly shipped to a central location for processing.

I support camps for them tbh

This but unironically

So you're saying if you use that then you don't get to have any more sexy times with the wifey?

sexy times

These people get the priority line

ooof. those poor sweet summer children

Id like to see you try, my pupperino cuterino, my doggo, my fluffer woofer, my danger noodle, my long boi will stop you

Grow up.

I love how this phrase is practically going nuclear for them.

Especially weird given he is literally a child.

And they're supposedly the adults

Infantilism vote it up

I've noticed that condescendingly calling you "a child" is a real slam-dunk insult for them.

If they are they, then who are we?

The response to the comment makes it even better.

He’s 9. You harassed a 9 year old.

The real man children show themselves in that am I the asshole sub ... The advice and decisions are shocking

Sub should be I Am The Asshole

r/childfree and r/gendercritical poster

Imagine my shock

Fuck that guy and his youtube channel. If you want to be a bitch about work regarding a public company/event/entity then its OK for that entity to be publicly shamed.

They're talking about a 10 year old. These people are fucking out of their mind.

They're this close to demanding his tax returns.

This is like the digital equivalent of egging the lemonade stand the kid down the road set up.

Should have gotten his permits sorted. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Have fun in the pen.

NTA. He's gaslighting you. Run. Now. Your house, your rules.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

It's funny too because reddit has a sub where you can request free logos. I actually got one there for my DJing service, and it's good too.

Unashamedly admitting this is incredible.

Where was your last gig Mr Aoki?

Lol I just do birthdays and weddings and shit like that. It's easy money. $500 for a couple hours of standing around mixing music? Sign me the fuck up. I plan on building my own venue for actual parties out in the desert, eventually, though.

Good luck dude

Let me know when the EP drops please

Will do

Do you mix weddings like a club dj, or just queue a playlist for the 80s boomers?

Depends on what they ask for. 80s boomers want their 80s boomers music, young people like to get lit. So for the old farts I play old fart music and half-ass mix it, for young people I mix like a professional and get the place jumping.

what kinda equipment you got? you provide the PAs/speakers?

Yeah, 2 massive PAs, 2 subs, mixing board, laptop, lights if people want them.

I thought DJs at birthdays just threw on a playlist and pretended to do stuff

Depends on the birthday. Sometimes that is what I do and the people basically just pay for me to set up and use my equipment since my skills aren't utilized. Sometimes people actually want more than just background music, and at those parties I actually mix like a professional.

I don't think a 10 year old would even know what "Reddit" means, let alone use it.

I guarantee there are lots of 10-year-olds on Reddit.

My coworker's 9 year old constantly talks about youtube and tiktok. 10 year olds definitely use reddit.


This subs running mod list has been like a passing of the torch of the biggest weirdos on this shitty site.

He didn’t “make a mistake,” he behaved like a spoiled, entitled, disrespectful complete assclown. Being called out or held responsible for shitty behavior isn’t bullying. Actions have consequences. Grow up.

This is one of those, 'it takes one to know one' type situations.

using the word "assclown" unironically

telling others to grow up

that's gonna be a big time oof and a yikes from me, sweaty.

How many said "freedom of speech not consequences" when talking about a literal 10 year old?

Tough the fuck up you pussy it's real out here on the internet you gotta hold your mud you wanna make it out here.

Reminder that this website wanted to murder a child for smiling.


Think he’s talking about that high school kid and the drunk Indian fella

If I say yes then I'm siding with redditors, if I say no then another kid plagues the internet.

What's the centrist option here?

Kill everyone


So when do we pitch in to write the arr drama guide to philosophy and life?


the could should be bullied and harassed for that but only by people from his school

grill the kid alive

The story is fake and OP is a faggot, how's that for centrism?

He deserved it but everyone going out of their way to find his channel and attack him has too much free time.

Redditors are the bullied kids in school who rose up on internet forums, for revenge.

And the real ones who wanna turn the table become jannies.

Does this mean cops in the future will be good seeing as all the bullies become internet janitors instead?

Probably not.

What's with reddit's undying hate for kids? Yeah the little shits are annoying but to make subreddits dedicated to it (r/childfree)

Redditors have a complete aversion to any kind of responsibility, and children are the ultimate responsibility. They can't remain eternal manchildren if they have to take on a task that could improve them as a person.

Even worse, they turn to capeshit and video games instead of jihad

Brozzer, once Elon Mosque claims Mars for the Inter-Stellar Islam State(ISIS) In'Shallah there will be a tide of new believers. The true path to enlightenment is a combination of unethical science and religious extremism.

I disagree, the only way to truly spread the good word of Muhammad is through anarcho-primitivism. Technology must be destroyed to bring us closer to Allah.

Kaffir! You're Shia beliefs will not be entertained here. Look at what technology has brought us. Technological prowess, and enlightenment has always been a part of true believers of the faith. First we fought with sticks and stones, then with bows and arrows, as the infidel advances so to advances ways to smite the unbeliever. Where would we be as a religion without the help of the Toyota Hilux and it's indomitable spirit? You will see soon Brozzer, the future is coming, DshKa mounted Tesla Trucks will finally allow us to conquer the earth and eventually the beyond. The technology is needed brozzer to spread the word of the Prophet and the Hadiths beyond our solar system and make Islam the religious authority of the Galaxy.

Technology brought us SRDines, mom groups and coomers

Yes Habibi, but do not forget, it also brought us high definition ISIS execution videos.

The execution vids aren't as good as the combat footage ones tho

Pour one out for Abu Hajaar, may he roll into Jannah

Based anti shia jihadist


What's with reddit's undying hate for kids?

The dedication to improve our species by keeping their genes out of the gene pool.

They grow up to be redditors.

They're simply beating out the competition.

I think that sub is more about people who keep being pressured by family/relatives into having kids despite them not wanting to. I don't think it's because they hate the existence of children.

I don't think it's because they hate the existence of children.


on the surface it might look like that but they're literal psychopaths who hate children.

Personally I hate how the Internet has to change so Karen's 4 year old can browse Twitter safely rather than keeping Internet sites only for older audiences.

I dunno, I feel like reddit is extremely obsessed with kids actually. They somehow mention kids anytime they can. It's actually very creepy

Remember: being an edgy kid is the greatest crime possible and deserves death - Reddit

That's the fakest fucking screenshots I've seen in ChoosingBeggars and that's saying something


That's so fucking fake, OP completely overdid it

"Can you make me a logo????? FOR FREE???"

So blindingly obvious. Somehow this is even more pathetic than sharing an actual retarded interaction with a kid with 1.6 million of your closest shut-in friends.

Absolutely. Dude literally faked an argument with a 9 year old to look cool lol

I'm going to tell my mom and you're going to jail forever

Has this retard ever interacted with kids?

The Youtube channel was real though.

Maybe the texts are fake but then OP chose the name of some random kid's channel for his texts, and the kid got bullied without knowing why.

Incredibly fake but OP sicced these nutjobs on a random 9-year-old.


As far as we know. Could have a nephew he hates or something.

/r/ChoosingBeggars has some good ones every once in a while but the majority is just bad fake texts made by very lonely people

Not only is it okay, it should be encouraged.


The CB manchildren did it for haram purposes tho

Allah works through the tools he has at hand. Even those who would work against him serve his will in the end.

Yes it is.

tbf the little shit needs to learn somehow not to be a complete sperg

how will we get lolcows then?

Surely the redditors of reddit can best prevent this.

After all, they sure know how to have le sexy sextastic SEX with their husbands

hubbies and le wifeys

Can 9 year olds make Facebook and YouTube accounts, and isn’t Fortnite rated Teen.

No, they can't. Both of those platforms require users to input an email address, thus proving that they are over 18.

Lmao are you faggots seriously siding with the kid because of a redditor? That little retard deserves to be taught a lesson.

If he can dish it out, he needs to learn how to take it.

Yeah, you got to get on top of this behavior. Next thing you know the kid is barred admission to Harvard after dropping N bombs on CSGO.

he deserves to be taught a lesson, but not by smelly nerds on the internet. Let him get bullied the old fasioned way.

You have to remember that these are the same retards who thought it was appropriate to hunt down and doxx a similarly aged child because he didn’t know who Keanu Reeves was.


I think the kid was from Kids React on Fine Bros channel and he reacted to something with Keanu in it and he immediately yelled Fortnite when Keanu was on screen so reddit taught him who the real big chungus around here is.

He's 10. Very good chance that kid has a bad family situation.

Asked? He tried to extort it.

What is the appropriate way of teaching him a lesson? He sure didn't learn anything so far.

It's a bully getting bullied.

It's a 10 year old bully getting bullied by a 30 year old.

I'm not seeing a problem here.

Chose your battles - the kid should actually pay for that lesson, it's more valuable than the logo.

He's a twat. He's old enough to know that he's being an asshole.

/r/PoliticalHumor user

He didn’t “make a mistake,” he behaved like a spoiled, entitled, disrespectful complete assclown. Being called out or held responsible for shitty behavior isn’t bullying. Actions have consequences. Grow up.

/r/GenderCritical harpy

Fuck that kid. And fuck his parents for creating such an entitled worthless prick

Suicidal drug abuser.

he needs to be taught a lesson

Another drugged out loser

Fuck that guy and his youtube channel. If you want to be a bitch about work regarding a public company/event/entity then its OK for that entity to be publicly shamed.

If Random McShitbag wants me to create something for him personally, then its unethical to release details. If Ronald McDonald is being a bitch, but wants me to make a logo of a Big Mac, then its not unethical to let people know he's an asshole.

/r/politics user

I guess I could go on, but the majority of the people shitting on this ostensibly 10 year old kid are straight up projecting their own self loathing onto someone else. When you scroll past all the hate, remember that they hate themselves.

/r/politics user


top r/politicalhumor post this month

This is the economic equivalent of “its cold outside, so much for global warming.”

Look, every one of those people are on the Right Side of History. Pay no attention to the fact that their political takes are nearly indistinguishable from rightoid boomers on Facebook.


Even though adult men bullying a child is super pathetic bullying is the way we grow as humans so bullying is universally good. People don't get bullied enough nowadays

Reddit raids are just so mean spirited it's hilarious, 4chan may have been cruel too but at least they had fun with it.

At least they did actual funny shit like that mt dew thing and not destroying some kids sense of self

that mt dew thing

Gushing grannies, never forget.

r/ChoosingBeggars, r/insanepeoplefacebook and those subs are literally retarded twenty-somethings falling for shitty photoshops that most 13 year olds don’t even fall for

That kid was a shit and deserved to be treated like a shit. Just cause you feel bad cause you were a shit kid who should have been bullied more doesn't mean I should feel bad that this shitter got his.

So, apparently nothing gets reddit's dick harder than bullying a 9 year old off of the internet.

CMV: I think kids shouldnt make YouTube channels because they are to socially inept to notice only pedos watch their content.

Is there some concrete evidence that it's not the case that everyone getting involved in this isn't just feeding some karma-farming galaxybrain who set up the channel, faked the convo and then deleted it himself?

Is it ok to bully a kid


Gender Critical Fortnite Gayming.

Little cunt deserved it.