Australians advocate restricting voting by poll testing and weeding out people who engage in Climate WrongThink (tm). We are just a few years away to taking WrongThinkers (tm) to re-education camps by cattle car

1  2019-12-11 by jason_frg


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No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. Australians advocate restricting vo... -,

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The funny thing is Australia has compulsory voting. I sometimes hear Bern victims wish that the US had compulsory voting because it would make a Free Shit presidential candidate like Bernie or Yang easier to elect. I guess compulsory voting isn’t so great after all LOL

Bern victims

ESS has less embarrassing names for Bernie bros. Are u fuckin kidding me?

Shoot me one


Bernouts is at least a little more catchy

Give away free shit

You mean like your ancestors got in the homestead act

Do you have something against immigrants getting land of slaveowners?

Friendly reminder that the discovery and colonization of the New World was the greatest redistribution of land from a small aristocracy to the common man ever performed

What happens when you don't vote?

$100 fine

lol cucks

Drawing a dick on a ballot counts as voting fyi

if you dont want to vote here you can just say you were sick or unable to get there on the day due to an emergency

if you dont have an excuse you get a 20 dollar fine and thats it

You have got to be fucking stupid, I'm also from Australia and im telling you right now the majority of our population is climate change denying liberal supporters who wont budge. You arent just talking about a difference in trivial opinion, you are talking about a catastrophic event that could collapse most of our civilization, and here you are saying that letting morons vote in this event is the correct answer, fuck that and fuck you

Epic seething

I keep forgetting this site is mostly teenagers.

the mentally disabled also make up a good chunk of it

Maybe they are onto something with restricting the right to vote.

Bring back the property requirement

I'm pretty progressive tho

Widows should retain their husband's vote if they have a son until he reaches majority

That is pretty progressive.

Im not sure about that.

Maybe 3/5th of a vote

70% of a vote

No difference

ya know, undeniable scientific fact

People who say shit like this have absolutely no idea the complexity or nuance behind what they're calling a fact. Which is kind of hilarious because you'll find redditors vying for extreme methods, like reducing the voting population, for an idea they've just been told is correct without really understanding it. Kind of makes you think 🤔🤔🤔.

I'm not even a rightoid, I just hate the hypocrisy of retards who laugh at retarded flat-earther's without understanding any of the evidence showing the world as a sphere. You're not smart for just going along with whatever group you think has authority on a subject.

is there more evidence needed than we went into space and saw that it wasn't flat?

Yeah, you can prove with math on the ground without requiring going to space.

or just fly a plane in a straight line for 24 hrs?

you have done those things?

no, but i just got done watching a video of a hot air balloon going 1.7 miles up. Earth is undeniably curved from that elevation, no math necessary.

so your trusting a video that could be totally made up.

as an amateur pilot i have certainly seen the curve of the earth with my own two eyes. I am just wondering how a poor who can't afford a pilots license does it.

a video that could be totally made up


so the video of drunk Nancy Pelosi is deepfaked, but a picture of literally a curve is $200% legit

galaxy level take

dude i wanna see a deepfaked vid of shitfaced nancy, link it

I mean yeah technically, but if you can prove it without doing that, it destroys flat earthers arguments even more

i bet they hate religion for being dogmatic too

I couldn't agree more. All of fucking reddit.

The circlejerk about Trumptards...

"Whoa galaxy brain... Oof. Have fun bootlicking Nazi Germany" [+ infinity]

Like shut the fuck up, you don't know why Trump is bad, you just see other le redditors doing it and want in on the fun. None of these fuckers really care what goes on in Washington.

We are just a few years away to taking WrongThinkers (tm) to re-education camps by cattle car

thank you for the good news!

Literacy tests and poll taxes are good and woke. Bring them back!

Unironically I wish the USA's polls required a literacy test and some form of ID. Like why the fuck should someone be allowed to vote if they can't even read? How are they going to make a good choice?

The point is enfranchisement, not deciding on an optimal choice.

And require land ownership as the founding fathers intended.

wow thats racist

This is the same guy:

As a male virgin, I am constantly fucking baffled by stories about guys refusing to return the favour. I fucking dream about eating pussy every night, I really don't understand how there are guys out there who won't even try to pleasure their girl. If a girl ever actually wanted to have sex with me (Never going to fucking happen but hypothetically) I would do every single thing in my power to make sure they had the best time possible. Why are all these selfish douches out there getting laid while I'm borderline suicidal because I can't find just one single fucking girl on the planet who wants me?


Holy shit that's pathetic. I hope is Climate Change opinions get him laid. 😹

I heard Greta is available

What an awful thing to say happy cake day though

Hahaha holy fucking shit

Virgincels rise up! Ecofascist dictatorships ran by virgincels when?

Sounds about right. "I am so vile and repulsive that no girl will touch me, but I'm so smart and correct that I want to take people's voting rights away for wrongthink."

What a fucking loser.


This is one of the most obvious Chinese shills I've ever seen on Reddit


If climate scientists seize dictatorial power and in doing so avert the extinction of humanity, it will be well justified. People who deny climate change are the enemies of humanity who want to murder your children, why should those who want to destroy the right of everyone be given rights themselves?

We’d probably be better off if climate change just wiped us all out tbh

Imagine not wanting humanity to be wiped out

Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

Suppose you read about a new piece of research which suggests that climate change isn’t that bad at all. It might even be good! These researchers have the best possible credentials: Harvard all the way, yadda yadda. The good news was about to make your whole day.

Then you looked more closely. These “scientists” were actually funded by Exxon. Oops, sorry for forwarding that. Clearly, as they say in Italian football, è pagato. Well—anyone can turn to the dark side.

Actually you are wrong about this—but also still right. Exxon has class. No one with class would ever just pay a scientist for useful results. No scientist with class would ever sell them. Yet your basic perception remains basically correct.

Loyalty is an emotion, not a reason. “I pay my taxes because the police will come to my house” is not a political formula, because it is not an aesthetic or emotional bond. “I pay my taxes because the money supports good works” is a political formula. (Which does not prove it false.)

The scientists funded by Exxon are loyal to Exxon. This is not a business transaction; it is an emotional attachment. Largesse is not a loan. Loyalty is not a debt.

Even if these scientists are as capable and honest as any saint, their aesthetic judgment is tilted. It is inevitable that they will perceive data which supports their patrons’ interests as clear and representative, and data which opposes these interests as noisy and misleading.

They may only pursue hypotheses favorable to their patron. They may only report data which supports their hypotheses. In these or a thousand other unconscious ways, these scientists will tend to generate only papers which are corporate formulas for Exxon.

The sensible response is not to debug their work, just ignore it. Science should not have a conflict of interest. (Exxon, in real life, has long since recognized the futility of this effort.) We can just say: never trust content from ExxonMobil.

Other scientists of the same caliber are actually working on the same problem. Their funding comes not from Exxon, but NOAA. It is not corporate, but sovereign.

Well, that’s all right! But—wait: Where the interests of NOAA are concerned, the relevance of climate change is, if anything, more apparent. NOAA has a budget process. This research is at least as relevant to NOAA’s cashflow as to Exxon’s.

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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Found my new political alignment


Has a nice ring to it

I'd link to more info about it but that's badthought

Sounds very cyberpunk

if theres one thing ecofascists love its technology

Approved by nazbol

Are you just hearing about ecofascism?


Didn't realize the cool kids had already done it.

The guy saying that virgins should have their voting rights taken away is epic and based

Interesting that the New Zealand government has allowed Tarrant an internet connection.
