Stefan Mixuleplshshazyx still getting more mileage out of TayTay's eggs than she is.

1  2019-12-11 by ArlenBilldozer


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. Stefan Mixuleplshshazyx still getti... -,

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Fantastic title OP.

He brings shame to the Steven name

He's going full Trumpian.

So he's becoming an extremely intelligent winner?

The highest of IQs. 🤓

Literal braniacs

I think it’s possible he has always been the retarded head case. I know it’s a low bar but...

hes going full retard

If you didn’t always think he was retarded you’ve only just started paying attention



well something. we are reaching levels of autism i didnt even know was possible

He's always been retarded, which pretty much anyone can parse from his videos. It's just that now the part of his brain that was telling him to act like a normal human human has completely withered away and has given in to unchecked autism.

I always thought that was his schtick?

Its been interesting watching him turn from borderline ancap to a fascist reciting crime statistics

Wtf i hate tays eggs now

Does Trappy have a shitton of plastic surgery or was she some mystery meat ethnicity?

Molymoo is quite possibly the most cringe rightoid I've ever seen

Not an argument sweaty!!!

It's a competition with JF 'the potato fucker' Gariepy.

they both probably have dead women's bodies in their basement.

Stefan Molyneux is the spiritual successor to Darqwolff

Change my Mind

That dude talks like a fag.

he's using twitter to talk shit just like everyone else

what dramanout wouldn't eat taytay's eggs

Broke: Actual argument

Woke: No that’s not it.