Gïrl gamer got online rapēd

1  2019-12-11 by HardIsLife


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  1. Gïrl gamer got online rapēd - archive.org, archive.today

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We didn't have online communities like that when I was a kid

lmao that's nostalgia or a damn lie, online gaming has been full of perverts from the very start.

i also enjoy that r/girlgamers is nearly 100% ugly trannies posting pics of their messy wankstations looking for that uwu female validation now. not that it was ever really any better when it was nothing but pictures of pink keyboards.


She's over 50, they didn't have online communities at all when she was a kid lel




Mmm, indeed.

You are the left pong paddle and my dick is the square 'ball' thing

Better hope I don't miss

Gen x furries? Now, I’ve seen everything.

Gen X started that shit, muh friend

All the pictures are just of their manicured thumbs holding things so you can’t see the folds starting at their wrists

The retarded game 'she' named is from 1996 and seems to be just a chat room with furry art.

It always amuses me to hear stories about the occasional real chicks that go there looking for friends to play with, then when they log into a game all the voices in chat are male.

One of the core tenants of the old internet was that everyone else is a dude until evidence is presented to the contrary. I still use that mantra to this day especially with all these mentally ill troids taking over what looks like should be female spaces.

Men are men, women are men, and children are fbi agents

I played online chess in middle school a lot. This would have been 20 years or so ago. French dude I was playing with straight up asked me if I wanted to see his pedo collection.

Mr. Bangles the clown rapist for fucks sake, it was there from the very beginning

What did you expect from furries

Much worse than this.


the "place" she got "raped" was an explicitly sexual furry roleplaying community, not a fucking puzzle game or some shit lmao

yes I know I look like a degenerate now

Wow, I did not even know this. How do you know this? 🤔🤔

im a literary lech and have textfucked in every scummy pond of prosaic filth that has ever existed, AMA

What's your fursona?

im a boring git and write smelly humans. bunny bitches from people that just watched Disney movies a little too much are the least insufferable of the bunch tho

are you aware of hellmoo

Tits or ass

legs my man

Chet Faker is amazing

Why does every time I come across furry stuff, it has rape?

because 99.999% of moids into furry shit are just into it as part of their fetish escalation, and rape is really just sex + powerplay fetish when you minus out the real life consequences

Your rite but also seriousposting




xquze me this is an ama please don't interfere

In the wild, sex is often rape.

Thoughts on the Mueller Report?

Furries deserve far worse than what she got

I hate how when playing jenga with my online friends the blocks starts disappearing in my bussy.

Same but with model trains. Choo choo

Isnt this a kotaku article about roblocks?

I stumbled upon a game called Furcadia

Degeneracy seeking has consequences. Let's read on

I later developed a rape fetish from that encounter

Sure you did.

Proof that the furry mod was right and she did in fact like the rape chat.

Based furry mod.

God I hate women. Mashallah

Such a gross post when you remember that the poster is likely some degenerate furfag LARPer sharing his fantasies

And a man.

Can you imagine being this much of a faggot as a man? This is why I'm glad my father gave me daily severe beatings as a child. Builds character.

Please do not invalidate other people’s experiences. Thank you.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize this is a safe space for faggots. Please, carry on.

How did you not realize that

My dad gave me serious beatings as a child and now I shut down any attempts at making conversation LMAO GOTTEM

Paternal hatred is good character development and when I have a strong aryan boy I will also beat the shit out of him.

Nothing builds character like being scared shitless as a child if the footsteps in the stairs sound angry👌🥰

This is final and absolute proof that Islam is right about women. If anyone ever doubts, point here.

While not just under 18, but under 13, she joins a furry sex roleplay simulator/chat system, a pioneer of early microtransactions in fact, and encounters the delightful inhabitents therein.

Where was her father while she was getting yiffed on? Where were her male relatives? Who was supervising this child's use of the internet? Clearly nobody. No decent adult would let their daughter consort with furries. Foids need to be supervised until they are married, otherwise this is the result.

Foids need to be supervised until they are married

This is a man pretending to be a woman, and Islam is in favor of forcing honest, god-fearing homosexuals to become these abominations.

It's a tranny?

It's on /r/GirlGamers, of course it's a Troid

Probably. Everybody else on r/gamergirl is

Female spaces on reddit are prime territory to be colonized by men.

Except now not only have we convinced the fools to accept it with open arms, we have tricked them into hating anyone who dare speak out against it.

This is less of 'le men' and more of an 8yo wandering where she shouldn't.

it's 'le furries'

lending yet more evidence to the conclusion that furries should be gassed, as if we needed any more

most women have rape fetishes and if you're on an erp server then it's a pretty safe assumption you're okay with getting 'online raped' lol

Thank you for being brave and sharing. MASSIVE SQUEEZY HUGS

Literal toxic rape culture tbqh.

Based DM in the comments.

This sounds like. Rehashed "story" I read a few years ago.

On the one hand, what those dudes did is sick and disturbing for sure. On the other.... Furcadia... come on. I get she is eight but for real she joined a game that, if not designed for, then heavily attracts, the furry disease. I am not gonna victim blame a kid but expecting furries not to furry is literally the same as locking an alcoholic in an all you can eat pizza room with a full, complimentary, bar for a week then acting shocked when he dies from alcohol poisoning.


Didn’t think about it at all until they both blocked my character in a corner. Proceed describe themselves raping my character

Just log off fatty

I remember this cute corsican girl i played q3 arena with, alas i never got to fuck, i hope u enjoyed this story
