Cringeworthy Comic Brings out the Top Minds of DankLeft

1  2019-12-12 by tallcelvolcel


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  1. Cringeworthy Comic Brings out the T... -,

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How many layers of irony are we on ?

At least 5. Probably 6 tho

In that subreddit? 0.

I lost count after 13.

Imagine how insufferable a person who uses the term ableist unironically must be

Nothing short of pushing over wheelchairs and laughing deserves to be called that

Gayer stonetoss.


i would have thought that's like saying "more dense black hole" but holy shit

Yeah, I got that part. The drool is what’s giving me pause.

Delet that, comrade. Plz.

Imagine trying to be "dank" while having a 200 page list of the "no no rules" and every -ism under the sun.

Unless you’re /r/stupidpol or /r/cumtown

or r/drama.

All political communities are retarded

Go on cumtown retard

All i know about cumtown is that they manage to still be unfunny despite being able to say nono words

I feel like you have a shit sense of humor then

How can people who spend so much time online not recognize the most common meme variants?

Yeah, i've contemplated about changing my name a few times tbh. I chose it because 'sperg' is an insult some people called me in the past.. and well I wanted to embrace it. I thought 'sperg' might've been too offensive for some, so I added the z and y at the end after checking google if there was a name like that. It was zero results, and I came to treat it like a new word, with some connection to my original intentions for the name. I don't know if this was the greatest way to go about things though.

Lmao 🤣🤦🏿‍♂️

Confirmed sperg

Holy shit lol

Living stereotypes, anazing

The comic is ugly, stupid, and has no punchline. Comedy is about the unexpected, and this comic contains no surprises.

Uhhh making people laugh is punching down

I guess it's funny if you're retarded enough to think opposition party has differing belief about current topic

It serves to generate claughter

If even a retarded meme like this is too hot for their ism-phobia, why even make memes?

those alt-righters sure are fascist losers, huh?

yeah, they're so dumb

whoa there, watch the ableism

Exactly how comically evil do they need someone to be in order to make fun of them? Can't imagine what these people are capable of laughing at

Comically evil people don’t need to be made fun of, they’re so evil it’s comical. Maybe examine your need to make others the butt of jokes.

Too bad your dad didn't teach you the importance of being able to take a joke before he left

Nice try buddy, my dad taught me to cook meth and kill niggers that think jokes are acceptable.

Uh, we don’t have to make fun of people with intellectual disabilities to make silly memes. And.... I am letting it slide. I didn’t call for it to be deleted or the OP to be banned I was just like sharing my thoughts.

Translation - im stupid no bully

Being this unfunny should be a crime.

Because fuck trying to be respectful towards neurodivergent people, right?

I give it 20 years before neurodivergent is the new retard. Then we'll have a second n-word and leftoids will have to awkwardly specify which one they mean

challenge accepted

Its fascinating to remember that the left used to be the edgy ones. And they were way better at it back in they day. Now the leftoids are offended by everything and the rightoids are edgy but basically just racist.

That comic makes the classic mistake of assuming that women are rational creatures.

“””The””” (((left))) can’t meme

Oh god they have their own version of that shitty rightoid comic maker. Thank god.

Jesus Christ that is a terrible sub reddit

source: i’m a leftist, and i’m autistic.

He didn't need to repeat himself.

Damn that sub is so #dank

Jesus, everything about that sub, post and comments is just sickening levels of cringe.