The right can't meme

1  2019-12-12 by ReddneckwithaD


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. The right can't meme -,

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Turns our boomer moments are not a rightoid monopoly afterall

How do you manage to fuck up just saying that they called themselves the villian? Why does this take an entire essay to describe?

"He got his ass whooped in the end"

Boom. Still not funny but way better.

Still too long you fucking unfunny leftoid.



Getting better.


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Lmao top text




"He admits he's evil".

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Lefty memes. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of history and political science most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also the meme's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into its characterisation- its philosophical underpinnings strongly relate to the fact that reality has a left wing bias, for instance. The leftists understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike lefty memes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in memes such as "The Trump campaign just tweeted out a video where Trump, as Thanos, snaps his fingers and the Democrats disappear. Do they know tat Thanos is and idealogically[sic] deranged super villain who tries to kill half the population of the universe right before he is served a crushing defeat by Captain America & his friends? Oh they do. Ok great." which itself is a cryptic reference to the Russo Brother's obscure classic "Avengers: Infinity War". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as these Lefty posters' genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. šŸ˜‚

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Chapo Traphouse tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid šŸ˜Ž

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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They'd rather hear themselves talk than deliver a message.

Not to mention gay ass Redditors were saying ā€œthanos did nothing wrongā€ for months and the sub by the same name has 680k subscribers.

Still correct to this day

Dude niggers lmao

Is N-count bot still around? If so, hold on I wanna raise my score.

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

The main reason to hate communism is that they wont allow you to say nigger

Iā€™m going for the high score nigger

How long has it been since you've posted without using that word?


In a row?

I think it bans you from the bot if you say nigger a bunch of times in one post

Oh fuck, I'm n-count bot proof!

Delivery > Content

They refuse to understand this.

If you don't have 3 pages of context for every meme how will you find it funny?

You can't make a Harry Potter joke without reading 7 books, after all. I sometimes like to use my time travel cloak so I can read them all simultaneously. That was a joke by the way, you'd know that if you had the proper Harry Potter context

No you retard it was a cloak of indivisibility so he could be as united as the Great American States

Every fucking time

Good old sink threads

This Template also seems to match r/murderedbywords. There will be a post someone made that is clearly tongue in cheek and the ā€œmurderā€œ will be a five page essay serious post response. Iā€™m not reading all that.

Bernie is captain America

I can't match this.

Is........ is this satire?

I like Bernie and this remains one of the gayest things I've seen in many years

That sounds like a challenge.

I regulary watch gay porn and it's still the gayest thing I've seen.

Looks at Bernie's polling matchup vs Trump



That's some ugly ass Kirby ripoffs. The reason they printed it in such bright colors was because comics were published on pulp-quality paper.

That fucking bird.

The dude literally had a heart attack lmao

That's just Western capitalist propaganda

I would have the literally never guessed r/therightcantmeme was based and capeshit pilled!

Captain America also has a history of punching Nazis.

This shit unironically kind of sets me off. "We're just like the soldiers at D-Day!". The average GI in WW2 was much more conservative than all of the bland conservatives that they call Nazis. If you want back in time and showed WW2 GIs pictures of drag queens reading books to kids at libraries, I unironically think a majority would have immediately defected to Germany.

Plus they actually got shit done instead of roleplaying about a war they'd never partake in

A majority of them would have accused you of being a German spy and knocked your teeth in.

The typical American male in 1940 was like 5' 7". Do you really think some greaseball WWII manlet would stand a chance against the ample bovine physique of your average r/drama NEET?

Antifa tank division outweighs them by like 4x

That doesn't mean they can out fight them.

Manlets vs. fatties. No matter who loses, America wins.

The typical American male in 1940 was like 5' 7

That's not even close to true. America before they let all the shitskins in had an average height of like 6'4" for men. now when every white is half midget like Eliot Rodger or Nick Fuentes white American men has an average height of like 5'2"

Immigration of asian and latin markets has been a Scientology psy-op the last 60 years so that Tom Cruise would eventually be considered tall

now when every white is half midget like Eliot Rodger or Nick Fuentes

Le 56% face

Is this cope meme text.

Who would win

Some 5'5 manlet who scared off a whole battalion by himself OR some drama retard

A question for the ages...

Letā€™s be even realer here. If you went back in time and showed them photos of homosexuals getting married, a majority of GIs would have defected. Even that was completely unthinkable to them. Let alone a drag queen book read

It's almost like you can be very socially conservative and also not approve of genocide or something. Weird.

Average GI didn't know about any genocides, all they knew was that Germany declared war on them, therefore they're in Normany fighting Osttruppen

If you oppose genocide aligning yourself with the Soviet Union is gonna get mixed results

They should have carpet nuked the soviets when they had the chance.

This, but unironically.

I'm pro-genocide of it's-almost-likeposters

But being socially conservative is genocide.

Dont you see the similarities between the holocaust and not publicly dating trans women (who ARE the ONLY real women) while not being a chaser?

etā€™s be even realer here. If you went back in time and showed them photos of homosexuals getting married, a majority of GIs would have defected

The books the nazos were burning were of homos fucking kids. Every American that signed up to fight the war did so, so their kids could become faggots

They would have asked how took all these pictures of the navy

Captain America has a longer history of punching communists. I dont know why leftists identify with what's the most blatant symbol of imperialist propaganda imaginable. Hes literally draped in the flag

You're wrong! There were in fact trannies reading books to kids in pre-nazi germany. Those books they were burning were filled with lefty memes like the ones OP linked. Every retard that joined the war were literally doing it so their grandkids could be whatever gender they felt like


Lotta words in that meme

Their social studies teacher doesnt accept memes that aren't in APA format.

Broke: Trump is Hitler

Woke: Trump is the bad guy from capeshit.

Finally a comparison they can understand.

*sounds of action figures clicking together with explosion sounds made from wet, drool-soaked lipsā€

Bespoke: The Trump campaign just tweeted out a video where Trump, as Thanos, snaps his fingers and makes Democrats disappear.

Do they know that Thanos is ideologically deranged supervillain who tries to kill half the population of the universe right before he is served a crushing defeat by Captain America & his friends? Oh they do. Ok great. Wow nice. That's pretty cool. Don't you think that's incredible? Haha fantastic. Do they know that Thanos was born onĀ Saturn's moonĀ TitanĀ as the son ofĀ EternalsĀ A'larsĀ andĀ Sui-San; his brother isĀ Eros of Titan. Thanos carries theĀ DeviantsĀ gene, and as such, shares the physical appearance of the Eternals' cousin race. Shocked by his appearance and the belief that he would destroy all life in the universe, Sui-San attempted to kill him, but she was stopped by A'lars. During his school years, Thanos was aĀ pacifist[11]Ā and would only play with his brotherĀ ErosĀ and pets. By adolescence, Thanos had become fascinated withĀ nihilismĀ and death, worshipping and eventually falling in love with the physical embodiment of death,Ā Mistress Death.[12]Ā As an adult, Thanos augmented his physical strength and powers through his superior scientific knowledge. He also attempted to create a new life for himself by siring many children as well as becoming a pirate. He finds no fulfillment in either until he is visited again by Mistress Death, for whom he murders his offspring and his pirate captain.

History will be written when Disneyā„¢s Marvelā„¢s The Avengersā„¢ gives more backstory to Thanosā„¢ where it's said that Thanos' last name is Trump

This is from the movies, not the comic. Completely different motivation in the comics.

Shut the fuck up nerd

Make me you whiny spiny light in the loafers milksop cheese-eating fork-using hermaphroditic middle of the road chinky chunky fraudulent chopstick-using cannibalistic Cosmo-Reading mother-whoring mango-munching incelstous warm-showering jeans-ironing soft-egged bad baseless ass-playing banana-bending pea-counting ant-tattooing scruffy sock in the sandal wearing evolutionary crippled nerf-herding wand-waxing cosplaying newt-fucking assheaded pants-pooping lying cheating thumb on the scale brain-denying rotgut-guzzling big-eared smelly booted snot-eating saliva-licking brownnosing tea-drinking shade parking blubbery cockalorum ninnyhammer varnish monkey!

Nice work Steve. Efficient and succinct bullying is the wave of the future.


Captain America punched Nazis

I wonder if these people realize that the average 1940's-era American Nazi-killer wouldn't be about current year leftism

They'd advocate electroshock therapy and lobotomies for the trannies.

They call you a nazi if you say that to them

They would make Mike "You love the cock you get the shock" Pence look progressive

Electric Pence

It's like they don't get that the stereotypical extremely elderly old white man they all view as "the enemy" is from that exact generation. Pretty simple math if they just stopped to think about it.

90% of american soldiers preferred losing ww2 than racial equality

Over 100,000 subscribers to a cope subreddit. The absolute state of radlibs lmao

Lol they can't even agree on their own gimmick.

Nobody said the left could meme. And the right used to be able to meme. Or at least, the aut-right.

Lately it's just boomer shit from all corners sigh.

The right memes are either very good or very bad, no in between

The best ones are 100% fent fueled madness

Hahahaha these arr slash selfawarewolves don't even realize they're calling themselves the bad guys. Guess what Nazis, that means Captain America and iron Man are on our side. Good luck in the endgame battle scene. Hint: you're gonna lose cause we unsnap all the people you snapped in the first movie. Harry Potter


I can't be the only one who sees that every second meme there is made by them.

I canā€™t read that much leftism I just fall asleep when white people talk that much

I donā€™t think they get the meme. Heā€™s portraying exactly what you already created him as in your head a giant evil villain. Your being trolled leftists

True, not everyone on the right is a Nazi, but every Nazi is on the right.


YIKES! Do they not, like, KNOW the plot to this capeshit children's movie!?!? Wow, just... wow, Sweaty!

Someone needs to introduce the left to the increasingly verbose meme format. It's the only chance they have of successfully disguising their essays as a meme. Of course they'll need to realize that their average meme is starting at level 2 or 3 verbosity.

Lmfao, this reads like a parody