India passes a citizenship bill allowing any religious minorities living in Muslim countries to apply for an Indian citizenship,mass butthurt ensures

1  2019-12-12 by Iwanttobefree27


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. India passes a citizenship bill all... -,

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They are talking like anyone wants to move to India. Like nobody wants to move there bros so don't worry nobody will try to trick India into getting a citizenship. That would be someone's last place to go if they can't get into a better place and that's only if the situation is dire.

But I wanna scam senile old Americans out of thousands of dollars over the phone.

I feel like the Indian IRS scam would be the most fun. You get to tell people you'll call the cops if they don't send you gift cards.

this is mainly for Hindus/Christians/shiks in Pakistan

Oh so they are just making a lateral move.


20 more days boys, start preparing to kneel before your curry overlords

What does this mean though? Why are they panicking?

from what i understand

  1. it doesnt include prosecuted muslims so muslims cant apply

  2. in overwhelmingly muslim provinces (as india has 250 million muslims out out of 1.5 billion people) people are doing mass protests as they believe india wants to breed them out/genocide them with these laws

  3. India shut down the internet in muslim states as they began mass chimpout they already asked all the 4 mobile service providers such as Vodafone and JIO to shut down internet access in those provinces to prevent another muslim Ferguston riot from happening

Oh, so that's why everyone hates Modi

yeah /r/india went from thinking he is a saint who will uplift and save India to calling him a hitler tier dictator who wants to gas the minorities in a few months/years

If only

it went all r/politics style, incessant overly leftist bullshit. Yeah modi is bad but holy shit the takes there are so retarded

How the tables have turned upon the Mohammadeans.

Based af

I mean it is wrong and all, but aren't the pakis doing the same shit (but worse) with their Hindus and other minorities.

They think citizenship is right granted to all. And any move that the ruling party makes is literally HiTlEr.

This is a refugee bill that does nothing except giving communities persecuted by muslims in unholy trinity of afghan, pak, and Bangladesh easy path to citizenship. Muslims being majority in those countries can apply regularly.

Here, I have a slogan for them to use, free of charge:

Come for the smell, stay for the street shit

Streetshitter cope lmao

lmao no

Take your r/peakwest bs somewhere else.

4% of 1.2 billion is still a lot of street shit.


Easier than getting used to living with half a brain, which is most of the west.

3.5%, and COPE.

I invite you to visit my great nation and see for yourself what it was BEFORE YOU MOTHERFUCKING BURGLARS LOOTED IT. You double crossing snakes left us in poverty. You think you magically became an advanced civilization brimming with technological marvels? I'm not asking you. There's no room for your worthless opinion. The answer is FUCK NO. Almost everything that separates you from a monkey originated in Maha Bharatha. Can you even begin to comprehend the depth of that sentence? I guess not, Average Joe. If I have to make it into a list, I'll have to publish a book. So yeah. Point at me in public. Tell the world I'm an Indian. There's nothing that makes me more proud. If you can't respect this great nation, it shows who you are. You can't bring India down. I'm the newest product from the world's oldest and most experienced company. I will crush you with my left foot so hard, even the vultures wont be able to scavenge your flesh.

Put the pipe down.

Imagine being butthurt when you see minorities been given a new lease on life.

Imagine wanting to live in India so you can shit on the street lmao

lmao r/peakwest IQ

implying there aren't other first world countries outside the west

Does it say peak "first world"? xD

Peak Comprehension skills.

He was homeschooled and abused by his teacher

I bet all he understands is "down" and "bend over"

Imagine a country so overpopulated that the streets are paved with feces.

Imagine thinking such a country needs to import more people.

Imagine being so naive this all you know about a foreign country is stereotypes . No wonder western people stink of idiocy and ineptitude. Keep shagging in your mom's basement dude xD

Imagine a country so overpopulated that the streets are paved with feces.

Ok, shitbird

I'm sorry that you weren't able to steal any credit card numbers today, my masala flavored friend.

It's a hard life, but it's the only way to repent for the sins of your past life.

I hope you find solace in the loose warmth of your sister's cunt. Hang in there friend; superpower by 2020.


Someone from a better country

Someone from a better country

Doubt it, since they produce gene-defected people like you, but you tell yourself what you want.

lel ISI has arrived XD

go suck on china's peepee baws

Are you proud of the rotting bodies in the ganga or something?

I wanna shit on the street become an Indian Citizen. Can I just put down citizenship as one of those made up bullshit ones on the census and then apply even if I'm in a first world country?

Leftist cope because they will lose their votebank

Implying that anyone would voluntarily move to India even if to escape oppression lmfao

Imagine not linking this